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VIP Member
Yes totally and utterly made up for the camera 😮 so fake - yeh babe, you can have one of those. Who films themselves like this when they’re getting ready to go out with their child?
Who tries to stab their child’s father while they’re in the next room?
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Its like someone else said - shes fucked off at halloween and bonfire when most parents are taking kids trick or treat and a few sparklers on garden n toffee apples for bonfire night.
This fucker is 'living her best life' in another country doing fuck knows what!.

And as For Lisa the enabler😡.
My mother would knock me into the middle of next week if i even suggested doing what she does👊🏻.

Im gonna unfollow cos she makes me angry .
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It’s the fact that she genuinely believes that she’s a boss bitch business woman for getting shit on by men that blows my mind. Can she not see there is nothing to be proud of in that?
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Her life had zero substance. She lives for the few days holidays to get shat on for a few hundred quid. What existence is that.😅

Yeh we all like out holidays, but I cherish my time with family and real friends more than some fake as fuck holiday abroad.

She could drop dead tomorrow and not one person would give a shit. That's the reality of her life and she knows it. Pure, utter selfishness.

You can just imagine her now. Sat in her rental, just firing off a load of random IG messages to any fucker, just to escape her vapid lifestyle.
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Cilla Slack

VIP Member
She is out drinking. How is she going to drive and do the school run?!
She's always drinking and driving. I'm no saint but I will not touch my car keys even if I've had a sniff of booze, never mind plan to go out and have a drink with lunch or whatever. I'm no potential road killer.
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Interesting Fact; they often give girls they intend to bareback courses of IV antibiotics pre booking so they don’t catch anything from them. That’s why they get them there a few days before.
I was part of the Tag The Sponsor era on Instagram: I have a good knowledge of what the portapotties get up to in Dubai.
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Her vegan lifestyle is inspiring. 🤥🤥🤥 Does ADHD and all the other self diagnosed conditions mean you can eat chicken and salmon when you're a vegan? Or is that Valorie deficient thinking? 😁
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Chatty Member
Hmmm her new friend had the white rabbit agency in her bio and I had to have a gander considering Val was being the pimp for her black rabbit agency… too old for the clients and too tattooed so I really wonder if she ever is on a job or just scrounging off other girls when there isn’t enough to fill the gaps 😂
Ahhh sooyy the black rabbit agency makes sense now. That was Val attempting to go against the grain and potentially recruit 'older' models with plenty of tattoos 😄 ie Arl scrubbers like her. But sadly there's no demand for it is there Sal and is exactly why that project went right down the pan like all the other hair brained ideas she's had 💣
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Yep totally and there are many many layers to sex work and it's not as straightforward as "but she's choosing to do it". Tbh in Sal's case I'd say she has resorted to it because she wants a certain lifestyle she can't actually afford and she doesn't want a "normal" job because she thinks she's above it. I reckon she is ashamed of it because she's never been honest or upfront about it. What does that tell you?? Cos let's be real she certainly isn't making bank from pissing around with these sham "businesses" like she wants you to think.

At the end of the day she is selling herself. However you wanna look at it, men are buying access to a woman's body and as long as that is the case, it's the man who is in control. If sex work was genuinely as empowering as people claim it is, then men would be doing it too. There are literally websites dedicated to reviewing prostitutes. Is that what empowering looks like?

Doesn't matter if you think you're a high class prostitute or you're a woman who has been coerced into prostitution - blokes don't care because they see you as a commodity. And because they can buy access to a woman's body, they think we are disposable and just there to be used. Rinse and repeat. So yeh, it's the men who are still in control.
Totally agree! Call yourself empowering but it's men's hard, dirty cash that's paying for it all. Zero empowerment there.

They are literally a commodity. Imagine if you wanted a legitimate career but there's 100s of porn pics of you online.
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