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Well-known member
Regardless of whether she has anyone’s actual address, it seems like a such a stupid thing to publicise.

I don’t get the argument that influencers, who by default are people who have chosen to be in the public eye, have that it’s wrong for a Jo Bloggs to have negative opinions and dare criticise them whilst ‘hiding’ behind a made-up name. Privacy and anonymity is vastly undervalued and I have zero patience for a blue-tick somebody trying to whine about the fact that they have chosen to surrender their privacy for monetary gains, but cannot comprehend that some of the same people they are trying to sell stuff to may not always have positive opinions.

The power of someone like SH is her blue-tick-ness and the ability to shift product via the number of followers she has. My power as a private Jo Bloggs is to have a personal opinion on her publicised activities whilst enjoying the joy of my privacy. Im not approaching SH in any shape or form which is what trolls do, I’m simply enjoying the freedom that we have in this country of having the right of an opinion.
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It’s a shame nobody offers the so-called trolls a right of reply. On twitter you’d be massacred by the blue tick brigade, comments are of course not available on the Graun, and nobody is giving us £s per word to respond, not even if we could show we aren’t actually trolls, and trolling is not saying something about someone that they personally find unpalatable. Do influencers not realise the rest of us mere mortals who go out to work often endure people telling us what they think of us to our faces? And it’s often much less politely put!
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VIP Member
I dip in and out of this thread mainly because Sali was the one to inform me about Tattle. I was scrolling one day and came across her episode.
It’s funny because I have no interest in makeup cleansers etc.
I only see people calling her out for shilling products when she is supposed to be a journalist. She has been horrible to people in the past it’s all documented but she thinks she is whiter than white.
Hypocrite is the word that comes to mind when and if ever I think of Sali and that goes for her mate India too.
So many of you on this thread have been eloquent and very fair in your comments.
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The Dowager

Chatty Member
Message to influencers: some of you have never worked in an office and by god it shows.

If you think we’re mean about the work you publicise online, wait ‘til you hear what I heard Lisa* saying about Sue’s* new hair

[*Names have been changed to protect identities. I’ve also sealed up the cat flap so nerr!]
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Chatty Member
No mention of previous sustained Twitter bullying campaigns of Dawn O'Porter or Lauren Luke. Pile ons of Esther Walker and others. Incredible how the 6th form nasty girl can turn on the innocent victim stance like this. If I read this article blind I would also be outraged for her (and deeply curious to read the threads).
Nore any mention of joking with her friend about sending someone facing paedophilia charges (who we know is now convicted) round to our homes. Funny that.

I think she's doing herself more damage by saying misleading half truths. Tattle is such a problem for them because it's got a strict set of rules and isn't anything like the 4chan dark Web site they like to portray.

For anyone new check out the most liked comments across all of the Sali Hughes threads (might take a few seconds to load) to get a real idea of the site

And the wiki
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Chatty Member
What a ridiculous hill to die on. Becky, if you are here, I hope you are feeling better after you confessed your sins to Sali - and she absolved you with some Caudalie facial mist.
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Chatty Member
She signed off with calling us rats in the sewer.

After all of the company she keeps and her actions online I'm taking that as a compliment from pretty honest Sali Hughes.

Keeps urging people not to read here, I wonder why that is 😆
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The best autumn makeup, whatever the future holds.

Yes of course. It is VITAL that I have the best possible lipstick for an admission to ICU with Covid. Or the perfect base to log into my Universal Credit account wearing because I’ve been made redundant in a recession. Or the perfect waterproof mascara for when I call my mortgage company in tears hoping they’ll give me a payment holiday. I mean honestly. How narrow-sighted. (BTW, none of the above scenarios have applied to me, I’m being dramatic for effect. I don’t consider myself immune to any of it, though.)

It’s always going to be hard to shill unnecessary products when life is like this. But what about columns supporting small businesses that might be struggling for sales but make lovely products? (Preferably not a £40 soap but I do get that artisanal products aren’t cheap). Or relaxing products for people who are on the verge of a nervous breakdown (this one IS me) on a modest budget So that they might recreate a spa experience at home with the 10 spare minutes they might have in their day? (pweirdo candles need not apply) Or maybe be radical, break the usual mould and discourage people from meaningless spend but give them ideas on products they could buy for homeless shelters and women’s refuges that would genuinely help during a difficult time? I’d doff my imaginary cap to any of those.

I didn’t actually read the article before I came here to rant. So I had a quick peek before I hit ‘post reply’ in case I’d made an arse of myself. Nah. I stand by everything I said.

Honestly, such toss.
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Tesla's Ghost

VIP Member
Has anyone from Tattle been asked to take part in the documentary?
Will their voice be changed into a barely comprehensible deep version for anonymity?
In baritone: "I was going through a tough time, and was jealous I couldn't afford that silk scrunchie, but the heirloom lipstick took me over the edge..."

the #mytrollinghell canon
not containing a single citation of said trolling
It's not like she was reading a prepared text, oh, wait... And even what she read had some inconsistencies and holes in it, but that's just her writing style, I guess.
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I absolutely can't stand the jealous haters argument about people posting here. As has been pointed out time and time again, all of us are former readers who previously admired her. We supported her by buying her books, going to reader events, purchasing her product recommendations. Why weren't we #jealoushaterz then? Did we just become #jealoushaterz overnight?
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I'm not a huge Sali follower but have just read the BBC article and found it really interesting to see this site characterised as 'trolling'. I'm not familiar with the specifics of Sali's situation but I do struggle to know where the line is re participation in Tattle. I'm a lurker on a few threads and I feel that a majority of Tattle participants blindly defend it as vital criticism and holding influencers to account, and all the influencers just mark it as trolling. When actually I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Tattle is filled with valid criticism about people who have chosen to monetise their lives and there is some hugely interesting commentary on the phenomenon of influencers. Equally, on every single thread I follow, there is some content that for me crosses a line and makes me feel uncomfortable - some of it is obvious, like attacks on someone's appearance, but some of it is more subtle - I certainly recognised the part of Sali's article where she said it was impossible to win and that once someone has been discussed on this site every little aspect of their lives is up for criticism. I think it's a really interesting topic, and quite fundamental to the 'purpose' of the site - is there a thread anywhere that discusses this in more detail?
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Chatty Member
I do think these threads are very balanced - many others on Tattle aren't (Stacey Solomon, Mrs Hinch). Here Sali gets credit where it's due, people were very complimentary about her breast reduction video and how helpful it was, but there's a healthy dose of cynicism too. I hate the whole "this isn't a rave thread" mentality because I personally don't see the main threads as solely existing to slag people off.

Bullying, doxxing and proper trolling (note Sali - not someone disagreeing with you) are awful things, yes. But how on earth can she moralise when her friend's partner is a convicted paedophile? The damage he and his type have done to innocent children outweighs Sali being called Sally or being called out for not disclosing something.
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I haven’t been on here for ages cos I went back to work (I’ve missed you!) but I saw this coverage today and I hope Sali or one of her “friends who report back” (lol! Lauren; earn those shoes!) read this. Sali, the reason I don’t like you any more after being such a fan from 2011 is because you are hypocritical and mean. You were right in the centre of bullying Dawn O’Porter and Esther Coren. That was really nasty. And then you play the victim, when the stuff that you’ve written about (maintenance sex with your Tory voting husband) gets mentioned again. Hypocrite! I don’t feel sorry for you at all, in fact it makes me laugh when you rant and wail. Horrible, nasty, thin skinned and mean
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Chatty Member
I’m just confused. This thread, more than many on Tattle, is supportive and also an interesting commentary on influencer culture (which I find really interesting). Barely any criticism of Sali and where there is it often gets challenged. Is it just the fact she hates getting called on anything? Has that not happened to her before? God knows it has to me, and by people who don’t know me and are going off presumptions and here say. But we just get on with our lives don’t we??
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VIP Member
I’ve just heard a bit of this while I was washing my face. The old fraud! She’s utterly shameless. I enjoyed how she said “troe-ling”, though :D. Somebody has been practicing her BBC voice

Is she in some kind of bind, is that it? Is this some kind of distraction attempt or something?

We’re due a new thread. I take it “Pretty Narcissistic” would be frowned on as a title at the moment 💅?
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Chatty Member
That may be the case, but I'm fairly confident in saying none of that exists on her own threads or directed towards her. Again, it's all in the wording.
If indeed there are messages that are a hate crime they should report them and we'd delete them. It's very likely that with over 2 million posts here there are some that cross the line , just like how there is on every user generated site.

Re harassment and stalking it would be good to hear some examples from this expert rather than just they gave the answer the people commissioning them wanted. The whole premise of social media is "following" people which itself sounds sinister.

I'm baffled she thinks that gossip forums on public figures are a new thing, this whole site was born from another forum that's been around for over a decade.

The new laws touted are to protect individuals, when these people turn their life into a buisness do they still want to be seen as a private individual? Influencers always want to have their cake and eat it.
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Chatty Member
"I don't overshare online"

All those articles she wrote about her relationship on the now deleted the pool say otherwise.
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Jade Mitzi

VIP Member
Have said it before, there is the biggest difference between posting here and baiting her on her social media. When I started posting here, I never imagined for a second that she would her ‘friends & family’ would search it out to devour and tell her that people thought she was a fraud/crap/dodgy, whatever.

I lasted maybe a month on her beauty site after the original GTL folded and never bothered rejoining her new GTL. On social media her career regression from journalism to influencer was almost comedy gold to watch, everyone could see it but she was in some sort of weird denial about it, getting snippy and cranky with anyone who questioned anything she did or said. She was the one who put the nail in the coffin of her journalistic integrity. As soon as you are paid by a brand for ads or content or promotion OF COURSE your impartiality is compromised, there is no reverse gear for that.

This entire Me & my Trolls PR stunt seems a bit of a gasp at clinging on to a journalistic career. I really hope that there is at some point a piece done on the insidious techniques of influencers and how they pray on peoples insecurities, slurring their mental health and emotional wellbeing.
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Chatty Member
Certainly hate the game. If I wanted to be known as a journalist though, I'd be doing more questioning of the game rather than fully shilling for it.
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I find it interesting that she dislikes sites like this, where the content stays here, and yet doesn’t mention twitter where content is directed at the individual directly.
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