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Chatty Member
It's so irritating how having an opinion and trolling have become conflated. Trolling is tweeting Tom Daley that his dead father would be disappointed with his performance at the Olympics or threatening to rape a female Labour MP. Asking Sali to please disclose any work she has had done and how this affects (effects?) the result the products she recommends give is not.
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Tattle is like gogglebox, not an insane asylum like Sali would like everyone to believe. I'm a bit surprised the BBC is getting involved with what is basically an attack on free speech. There are already laws for stalking, doxxing etc, the idea that any site saying stuff you don't like gets shut down is very dangerous. She's The Guardian version of Katie Price and Harvey's law.
That's before you consider has the bbc been made aware of her twitter antics, bullying, starting pile ons, saying she's doxxed members of tattle.
All this cos some don't like her lipstick recommendations. Sali dear, nobody gets to write their own school report.
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Because I can, I feel the need to debunk some of Sali's downright lies.

Positive comments are not deleted, people that come here to troll and disrupt are.

There are 21 threads so about 21'000 posts on Sali Hughes threads and a total of 37 comments have been deleted by mods by members that are banned.

I've gone through and read all 37 just now and none are really positive comments about Sali, they are attempts to disrupt here and clearly against the guidelines so were deleted.

Attached a few of them so you can see the types of posts that are deleted, several of the deleted posts came from the same person with different accounts.

Sali really is her own worst enemy, for her own sake she should stop being pretty dishonest and making up things as in the end it negatively affects herself. IMO the blue tickers and media connections are enablers to encourage her to spin a false narrative and feed her delusions, this is harmful for her. She might think she's ahead when she hits the engagement goldmine with a "troll" post or gets something commissioned, but ultimately she won't make herself happy while she's being dishonest.


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I feel quite sorry for her at this point. She has convinced herself what she's saying is true. The beauty column is so tired that it's just rehashing the things done to death. The only comments with many likes on the guardian facebook when they share her articles are usually calling out the beauty industry for pedalling wasteful unnecessary crap, are these people trolls? She doesn't have that many career options and she's still struggling with herself after going down the Instagram influencer route which undermines what's supposed to be her career. (sorry repeating what many have said, but that I think is the crux of it all).

Last year she was all on about legal action threats, nearly a year later she's talking about a ticking time bomb as some kind of thinly veiled threat.

She'll feel on cloud 9 with all the buzz and people agreeing with her today and tomorrow all the other influencers giving her attention for the documentary as it also suits their agenda. But long term there are lots of valid viewpoints that won't go away. With each day there's a drip drip about influencers and how problematic they are, this will likely only continue in the coming months and years.

The most liked comment on her last column by far, the others with a couple of likes were asking about sustainability and asking what about aldi products.
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One point I would like to make is that there are threads on this site which I do think cross boundaries; take a look at Mrs Hinchs thread and that can be truly vile at times. However this thread seems to have balanced contributors which have in the past been Sali fans who have followed her column, followed her advice and joined her various groups. Dare I say it but people of a certain age who for a long time have taken everything that Sali has written and posted as read. Yes there have been posts about her appearance but nothing too horrid; yes there have been posts about her family but entirely and absolutely on the back of articles published by her about them herself. If I was her I would be most upset about the fact that there are followers who have now had their rose tinted spectacles thrown from their eyes as to the true aspect of the life of an influencer which is what Sali morphed into and her downright shadiness about tweakments (hate that word). We are not people who have decided to hate follower a modern influencer we are people who feel that she has been less than upfront about things and in my case basically fed up with her snippiness.
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Chatty Member
Errrrrr, god, this misuse of the term "troll" really raises my blood pressure. I don't doubt that some of the people she speaks to have genuinely been the victims of trolling. Sali? No.

For gods sake woman! People asking you to disclose when you are advertising something, asking you to clear up conflicting stories she has told regarding her past or please tell us about your "tweakments" is not trolling you.
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Well-known member
You never know, SH may end up on the Andrew Marr show.

‘So tell us more about the trolling ordeal, Sali’.

‘It started off with the them attacking my exfoliator recommendations, but got really bad when I featured some Acne boots.’
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Sali turned her life, her opinions, and her literal face into a product to be marketed, sold, and consumed by the common people. Then shock horror she got consumer feedback on her product and as is the case for every product in existence, not everyone liked what she was selling. Even worse for Sali, her target market is becoming much more aware of her shady and manipulative selling practices, so are calling out the hypocrisies Sali as a brand practices. Some of the worst been:

Selling anti ageing products using her face as the product result but not disclosing medical treatments like Botox she really uses to look young.
Lying about existing brand relationships, free/heavily discounted gifts, and sponsorships in order to sell more products under the guise of an impartial review.
Further brand positioning as moral and community driven using a plagiarised charity initiative.
And now selling an anti bullying campaign as part of her brand positioning despite publicly bullying others to the point of victims losing work and sparking major depression. Not to mention, because I can never say it enough, threatening people with retribution in the form of a man convicted of assaulting minors and watching hard core child porn, that she is still publicly friends with!

Sali if you want to see less criticism on your brand, a life you chose to market for profit, take on the feedback and make some genuine changes.
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Chatty Member
Hi all. Just want to remind everyone that whilst this will of course be a twisted tale and she will lie about her experience, she's going to provide us with tons of material for us to take infinite amounts of piss out of. Don't get mad, get snarky.
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VIP Member
Does calling people "mental" etc count as hate speech I wonder. Asking for someone whose long term mental health condition is classed as a disability as defined in the Equality Act 2010.
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Chatty Member
Hi all. Just want to remind everyone that whilst this will of course be a twisted tale and she will lie about her experience, she's going to provide us with tons of material for us to take infinite amounts of piss out of. Don't get mad, get snarky.
Cue 50 new disillusioned Salinistas (who come for a nosy to see what horror she is talking about) joining the thread on the 7th October.
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Chatty Member
The bit about ‘do it in WhatsApp’ makes no sense. If you’re a new mum, sat at home, reading influencer stuff without realising how much is about selling and feeling like you can’t keep up / getting into debt and depression buying beauty boxes then who exactly are you supposed to WhatsApp? Half the time you don’t fully realise what you’re getting into until you see it discussed in places like this.
So they want to broadcast their fabulous lives full of gifts and sell to us little people (not leprechauns) all very publicly but wish for any critique to be done in private 🤨

I think a gotcha moment in this documentary will be a solicitor (that they've paid to give a view to fit the narrative) say that this site *might be* harassment as Sali knows about it. However another solicitor could equally say that's a load of rubbish as these people live their life courting publicity and it's inevitable people will have opinions.

Change the dragging website to accountability website and it takes on a very different meaning. Out of all of the public figures on social media, only a handful have as many threads as Sali because it's not people "attacking" someone for no reason. These few accounts are the ones that are pretty shady online.

Heaven help these people if they lived in the real world and had to have an annual review.

The laws that need to be introduced are to protect people from the insidious nature of these influencers. Deep down they probably know they're in the wrong, but have gone down the path for so long they've no choice but to double down and blame the critics.
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New member
Sorry to get all soppy but this forum has been keeping me company through a horrible time. Everyone here is so witty and funny. Honestly, the level of intelligent and interesting insights and opinions on here wouldn't be out of place in an op-ed. It's not trolling at all, I actually think it's a really wholesome and comforting place to come and read. 💛
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VIP Member
She said "if they don't like me can they not unfollow me?" By the same token if you don't like what is being said about you- not to you- surely you don't have to follow the thread here. See how that works?

And this isn't creepy. At all


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Chatty Member
I'm envisaging a little eyeshadow palette with 4 shades, Charlotte Tilbury could make it for her. Shade names:

Not An Ad
Not Paid
Not Sponsored
Not Required

Palette name:
I have worked commercially with Charlotte Tilbury in the last 12 months, but not here.

So meta it could work?
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VIP Member
Indeed he was. Sounds like this documentary will be all one sided with Sali painted as the victim. Will she mention how Lauren Luke lost her job because Sali tweeted how crap the column was? How she encouraged a pile on of Esther Coren for disliking an article she wrote? How Dawn O Porter lost work because of Sali and her mates? I wonder how those women will feel seeing Sali position herself as victim number 1
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OH MY GOD. did she interview Jess Philips for this?? Sali, you CANNOT compare tattle to Jess Philips getting rape and death threats on twitter. You were criticised on here (not directly) about not disclosing procedures you've had done and then shilling foundations with #nofilter. Yes there's no filter but there are £££ treatments under the makeup?!
I am 26 and felt really shitty seeing those posts, my skin was no where near this youthful looking. Will she do a Radio4 programme about how Black Mirror is personally victimising her by talking about the downsides of social media ???
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She can talk all she likes. Anyone who is inquisitive enough to see for themselves, will pop over and realise it’s all bollocks. I did that after Cry-Me-a-River Friday expecting to find horror and instead found intelligent, eloquent and entertaining little community of people who simply want to have an honest conversation. I feel sorry for her if that is all she can come up with to drum up more popularity. Maybe she is hoping for another 10k followers. Score!
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