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Her mother seems like an absolute nutcase to be honest. Her Instagram posts (past and current) are all really attention seeking and I get the impression she wants to be ‘famous’ and was revelling in the attention Azaylia brought her.
💔 heartbreaking it’s so nice to see saff spend time with her niece and nephew from both sides today, she’s an amazing woman mother and auntie ❤
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why would anyone even give that rumour the time of day seriously? People in the public eye are prone to rumours and abuse but seriously think about it when Ashley or saff weren’t with azaylia in the hospital they were constantly posting on social media etc, this peekaboo you’ve just created your account are you safiyya mum trying to stir the pot and take this heat off of you for the thread?
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This woman is so strong. It Hurts my heart to see what she is going through. She really is the best mummy and azaylia was so lucky to have them by her side. I can't even imagine the absolout pain she must be in.
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Thank you so much, he helps and provides I think that’s why I find it hard to be alone because I don’t work and our baby has 26 medications a day aswell as oxygen it’s so much to remember with hospital appointments I don’t drive either he does x
who knows maybe in the future you can get back on track. Couples never have a perfect relationship. You know you did the best by your child and he will have to live with the anguish he has brought on you in such a difficult time. If it doesn't work out I hope one day in the future your circumstances will change and you can go it alone with your child x men never fail to shock honestly . Sending you so much love
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New member
Exactly my thoughts. She (I'm going to assume it is a woman who wrote it) also said that she had plenty of evidence to prove it and only wanted to warn Safiyya, and had already contacted a family member of hers. And also that the media was trying to contact her non-stop. (I haven´t refreshed Safiyya´s instagram page on one of my browsers as I was so shocked, that is why I can still read part of what she wrote).
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Around 4 years from what I can tell from her Insta. Regardless of what I think of him, having been with someone for 4/8/20 years does not mean you never cheated on them, or you will never do it. As to how he found the time, it would have been easy it they were taking turns. Or it could have been before/when she was pregnant, who knows... This is pure speculation though, it may end up not being true. But something tells me it is - again, I hope I'm wrong..
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Does anyone follow saffs mum on Instagram? Don’t know if it just me but she is digging Ashley out on recent posts, also noticed it was all of Ashley family following azaylia on her last journey apart from saff bro, why was the mum not involved?
as far as I can gather from a Facebook page set up in azaylias name by the grandmother , they are not on speaking terms. Obviously nobody knows why
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Chatty Member
I think that's the problem with him having being someone what in the public eye in the love island days, he's obvious had his fair share of women, fair enough. The Instagram comment could be someone from his past just looking to cause upset, I'd image there were a lot of girls he maybe didn't treat as well as his persona now, but people change and grow up, especially guys. I do hope that it isn't true and there's more to being a couple than loved up social media posts. I'd say prior to Azaylia getting really ill, they posted just like an average couple.
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She is so strong. Ashley seems broken. What happened is just terrible. I hope they are able to support each other x
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I think saf is really close with Ashley’s family and they both seem to be going to gym or training etc, I actually hate working out with my partner especially when he tries to tell me what to do 😂also I can imagine they are in the house a lot just now so getting away from each other for a few hours a day would be good, we all know what being on top of each other all the time is like with the lockdown so don’t think this would be a negative light on there relationship xx
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It’s like safs mam is just looking for attention by posting the things she is on her Instagram
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Totally agree no matter what the issue is and whoever is right or wrong her child is going through the most horrendous time of her life. What her mother is doing now is actually the unforgivable thing. If they were ever going to sort issues out it's highly unlikely after these events
Saffs mom is awful and will only cause trouble between saff and Ash. Did she attend the funeral there’s a woman in one of the pics looking very stern faced and I swear it’s her. Also what’s with all the nasty hash tags she’s put like #fame #lies #celebritys #privacy
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I just hope they are able to support each other through this. The whole journey they seemed to have been quite distant but we only see a fraction of their lives through SM, so who knows!
I’ve noticed they don’t seem to be together whenever they’re on SM but I’m sure they don’t show everything. He’s out doing exercise a lot, his way of coping, and she is doing her thing. I really hope they stay together and help each other through this 😞
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So on the Facebook page loads ppl sent presents for azaylia to the grandmother's address. And then saf and ash put out a post saying they didn't support any other social media platforms with azaylia name only there own and they were not getting passed any stuff on. And in the final days of azaylias life the grandmother put a video up of her and the aunt I think banging the door down of saf home when they were inside minding there baby and they dumped all the presents in there front drive. It was so horrible it really was . She then took the video down because ppl were outraged.
Oh wow so unnecessary 🤯, i noticed the dig was in regards to Ashley not having his arm round saf but hold a golf umberella plus put arm round saf is almost impossible ! Xx
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I don’t think we can say names on this :/ go on tagged pics of saf she should come up or go further down her grid as there is some pics from when they were speaking ! X
Thanks so much, I do think they are an amazing couple cc
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It’s very sad - I hope they manage to solve their differences. They need each other now more than ever.
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Yeah she is standing at the side of the road in one the pics in the paper and she has that pic on her insta and then on her insta she has a pic of the back of her sittin in the marquee which they had after azaylias burial. Yeah I can understand she may be heartbroken at the death of her granddaughter and not being on speaking terms with her daughter but what I cannot understand is her very obvious digs and nasty comments she is posting.
I get she’s upset but her pain is nothing compared to saffs and ash’s I’m so glad she has her brother and ash’s family for support they seem like the kind of family who everyone would want as theirs
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Chatty Member
Her mum is awful. I don’t think her side of the story would be the truth what she’s done in her granddaughters last weeks is unforgivable
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I can’t believe what I am reading.. I truly hope he has been as devoted to Saff as he has their beautiful daughter 💔
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