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Chatty Member
I don’t think it’s fair to mention his body language towards saf on the day of the funeral, they are both As parents and that was probably the hardest thing they have ever had to do, every parents worst nightmare. You can see how broken they were they were probably just trying to hold themselves together to get through it.

if you mention Ashley cain to anyone the first thing people say is he’s a twat but you can’t fault him with his daughter and as a father and you really can’t, I’d be very very very surprised if he cheated and even if he had nobody should be commenting that on safs posts.(I know it wasn’t anyone here just saying)

something very very off with her mum tho
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I remember following saff when she only had 40k followers, and I could never understand why big accounts and the press barely gave any mention to her, always being referred to as 'Ashley cains partner'
She has a name, and her name is just as improtance as Ashleys.
Couldn't stand him on EXOTB but after following their journey I honestly have so much admiration for the way they have both conducted themselves with so much dignity and strength.
I will never understand the pain they are going through, honestly to anyone who's lost a child I'm sorry 💔
But saffiya deserves so much credit, more than people have previously given her
i agree 100% with you.
Saff seems so lovely and my heart breaks for her everytime I see her on stories 💔
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Poor saff his body language towards saff says a lot. My heart is breaking for her 💔 when people say how would he have the time to cheat, anyone has the time to cheat my baby was seriously ill in hospital a year ago and my partner was cheating while I was at the hospital and seeing her in between his hospital visits
Omg I'm so sorry this is awful. Sending u the biggest hug x

I have to say I personally don't believe it. His public persona prior to azaylia defo was not great. But I feel we have seen him in a totally different way. I hope that is the true Ashley. Saf is his azaylias mother and I really hope he has given her the respect and love she deserves.
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When I see overly gushy posts on social media from couples I always think it's not as rosy as it looks. I think Ashley and Saffiya look like they have a strong relationship and maybe that's why they don't feel like they need to post loved photos of them together all the time. There were some really nice moments when Ashley was cleaning the house and running a bath for her when she was at the hospital or out with Azaylia, it's those little supportive things that make a relationship.
I agree and he would say Im cleaning the house for my girls. Also in his eulogy he constantly looked over at saff. I hope they go on to expand their family and help many other family's in azaylias name
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"I don’t think it’s fair to mention his body language towards saf on the day of the funeral,"- are you talking about her mum or someone here?. If the latter, I think the issue with his body language (and posts/comments) has been going on for much longer than the day of the funeral. But I agree, he has been -and still is- a TOP dad to Azaylia, you can't argue with that.

A post that did not sit well with me is the one of him and Azaylia sleeping in bed. The one that says: We have always been like two pees in a pod and wherever she is I’m not far away. I think that’s where we both feel most comfortable. No mention of Saf whatsoever, I felt so bad for her...
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Does anyone follow saffs mum on Instagram? Don’t know if it just me but she is digging Ashley out on recent posts, also noticed it was all of Ashley family following azaylia on her last journey apart from saff bro, why was the mum not involved?
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why would anyone even give that rumour the time of day seriously? People in the public eye are prone to rumours and abuse but seriously think about it when Ashley or saff weren’t with azaylia in the hospital they were constantly posting on social media etc, this peekaboo you’ve just created your account are you safiyya mum trying to stir the pot and take this heat off of you for the thread?
Totally agree with this... you are speculating on a grieving father cheating on the mother of his dying child while she was in hospital ... based on an anonymous comment on Instagram? It works both ways, imagine if Ashley saw this.
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I didn’t know much about them until seeing about the little girl. When I first looked them up I did think they were no longer a couple but together for the babies sake from what I saw on his Instagram. I only recently knew they were still a couple as all his posts were very much just him and the baby
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Does anyone have her mums Instagram? I’d just like to look at the posts she has done. She should be supporting Ashley and saf, one of the things I noticed in the funeral pics is the obvious pain in Ashley and safs faces but also in Ashley’s mum you can really see her heartbreaking for her son and saf.

i think so highly of Ashley and saf and it’s absolutely devastating what has happened I hope to god they find peace some how just something to make life worth living again for them both. I cant imagine the pain and I wish them well always.
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The woman’s talking about wanting privacy but using multiple hashtags including Azaylia’s name on her open Instagram profile 😑
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She needs to get some dignity and take her issues off of SM.This is not what they need to see/hear at this time.
Totally agree no matter what the issue is and whoever is right or wrong her child is going through the most horrendous time of her life. What her mother is doing now is actually the unforgivable thing. If they were ever going to sort issues out it's highly unlikely after these events
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Their posts break my heart 💔 they really do, I’ve seen a few posts from saffs mom where she is digging and being quite horrible tbh really at a time like this 💔
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Saffs mom is awful and will only cause trouble between saff and Ash. Did she attend the funeral there’s a woman in one of the pics looking very stern faced and I swear it’s her. Also what’s with all the nasty hash tags she’s put like #fame #lies #celebritys #privacy
Yeah she is standing at the side of the road in one the pics in the paper and she has that pic on her insta and then on her insta she has a pic of the back of her sittin in the marquee which they had after azaylias burial. Yeah I can understand she may be heartbroken at the death of her granddaughter and not being on speaking terms with her daughter but what I cannot understand is her very obvious digs and nasty comments she is posting.
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I think saf is really close with Ashley’s family and they both seem to be going to gym or training etc, I actually hate working out with my partner especially when he tries to tell me what to do 😂also I can imagine they are in the house a lot just now so getting away from each other for a few hours a day would be good, we all know what being on top of each other all the time is like with the lockdown so don’t think this would be a negative light on there relationship xx
Very true ❤

I actually feel awful even speculating on anything. God love the two of them. The pain is unimaginable and they are such a brilliant team together throughout all of azaylias care
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VIP Member
Omg I'm so sorry this is awful. Sending u the biggest hug x

I have to say I personally don't believe it. His public persona prior to azaylia defo was not great. But I feel we have seen him in a totally different way. I hope that is the true Ashley. Saf is his azaylias mother and I really hope he has given her the respect and love she deserves.
Thank you I never thought my partner would do it but he did, I’m still with him because our little one has lots of medical needs and I just don’t feel strong enough to cope alone right now.
I hope it’s not true with what’s been said about Ash but if it is I hope to god saff will be ok x
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They are an outstanding couple regardless of how they are grieving they will be holding each other close each night when it is the toughest time 💕
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I feel so devastated that she is gone and that will never, ever, ever remotely be anywhere near what they feel 😔 I don't know how they're getting through this, they've already had to be so strong for so long. From all the videos shared they really did make the most of her last few weeks and surrounded her with fun and love.
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Chatty Member
"I don’t think it’s fair to mention his body language towards saf on the day of the funeral,"- are you talking about her mum or someone here?. If the latter, I think the issue with his body language (and posts/comments) has been going on for much longer than the day of the funeral. But I agree, he has been -and still is- a TOP dad to Azaylia, you can't argue with that.

A post that did not sit well with me is the one of him and Azaylia sleeping in bed. The one that says: We have always been like two pees in a pod and wherever she is I’m not far away. I think that’s where we both feel most comfortable. No mention of Saf whatsoever, I felt so bad for her...
Sorry but I don't think this speculation and attempting to read into things which aren't necessarily there is fair. Unless you know them/ their relationship personally, this is just idle tittle tattle which could tip someone over the edge. Given what they're both currently going through I don't think this is great at all.
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I’ve managed to find her mums Instagram. She is way below the belt. I hope Ashley and his family protect saf from her at this time ❤
Whatever happened, I don't think saf will ever wanna sort things out after the past few weeks. I know I wouldn't
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If he has cheated on her, and it comes out, then he will get a lot of hate in social media.
Imagine being the type of person who cheats on their partners when they’re pregnant/just given birth/ your baby is seriously ill. Makes me feel sick for Saff just thinking about it 😔
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