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I’d hope that they would recycle the material rather than waste it altogether but it definitely should be removed from sale. Selling products (especially at full price) with spelling mistakes, incorrect info etc on them is trashy *cough* Ana’s skinnydip collection *cough*. Tbf ITS could’ve put them in the sale due to the mistake (we all know it’ll all end up in the sale anyway).
It would be better if they just put it in the sale instead of destroying the stock entirely and if they could reuse the tops with the material then great. I wouldn't put it past them to destroy the clothes; this is one of the biggest fast fashion brands on the market and are churning out new clothes all the time; I think there was report last year or sometime about how these fashion companies are sending so much to landfills.
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She needs to be pulled up on two things watching the latest video :

First , denying she had a boob job to her viewers yet had one done TWO years ago and secondly she said ah Ana lives 5 hours away which is why I don’t see her - bullshit. Tyler lives in Manchester yet saw him . Fact is she is a shit friend and as bad as Ana is , tossed her to the side.
Also Ana is friends with other youtubers who Saffron doesnt like and they don't like her. Ana is her only YT friend.
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I just started watching her latest video too and somebody shouts saffron while she’s out and she doesn’t even turn around to see who said it.. just walks away as quick as possible ... loves her fans though 🤩
I do hope it wasn’t a fan but someone winding her up like another user has suggested, did anyone see that video of Molly Mae? Where she started to vlog as some people were shouting at her in the street.
Not that I wish anyone to harass Saffron in the street I just mean I hope she wouldn’t ignore fans 😅
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So she’s gained nearly 13,000 followers today to get her to 1.8 million on insta. How many do we think she bought? 😂
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he is a derivatives specialist and he moved to London for his new job around August time but Saff said in a video that he can work from home/anywhere with his job
is that some sort of trading/finance job? That sounds quite well paid and decent for someone his age? Does he have postgrad quals? He cant be that academic and professional career minded though if he's with Saffron and putting himself out there to her large audience
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Chatty Member
Yeah she probably did. :cool:

The gymshark outfits on her stories today don't have AD or GIFTED on them. We know she definitely works with gymshark so she definitely is paid to talk about their clothes or she could have been gifted them, if so she needs to put GIFTED on the posts.
Report her to the Advertising Standards
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Didn’t she flat out deny having a boob job in the past? 😂 and she definitely admitted to having chin filler, why lie 😂
Exactly !! As well how many times do you think she got a question about her nose job that she’s blatantly had but will continue to deny for years and years and then randomly slip it into a video just like she’s done here??
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Looks like we may be getting another In The Style collection from her as well from her recent post............:cautious:
Queue another haul where we can all summarize it - her going on about how she needs to tidy her room, pointing at the camera with her forefinger , lying down for a bit then go through the clothes trying to convince us how she "gennnnuinely looooves this sooooooouuuuu much" and how she's going to "live in this for the whole winter" if it's a hoodie ... and just pepper us with screenshots of her in the outfits and a promo code...

View attachment 259015

Please tell me everyone else feels like throwing their phone when she sticks her tongue out!!!
Her latest post - I think Insta , has her with her tongue out ... so perhaps she's read stuff on here ...
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I’m sure I remember her saying in a q&a or assumptions video that they just grew!
Thing is , why BRING IT UP if you want to keep it private - that is the main point here... all these people if you look in the comment section under the Jed video , those defending her are saying "maybe she wants to keep it private", "maybe it's nobody's business" ... they would be correct, absolutely - if she hadn't raised it previous. It's like with the Julie Tory thing - If you put yourself out there on social media, videos , whatever - you're putting yourself out there for a reaction / backlash . It's no good Saffron angrily responding that maybe she wanted to keep it private when she , again , RAISED IT HERSELF - nobody else did. THIS is what needs to be raised to her.
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is that some sort of trading/finance job? That sounds quite well paid and decent for someone his age? Does he have postgrad quals? He cant be that academic and professional career minded though if he's with Saffron and putting himself out there to her large audience
Didn't someone say earlier in this thread he got his job through his dad? Maybe I'm remembering wrong........:confused:
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I hate when influencers do these kind of haul videos when in reality they rarely wear those brands

saffron dresses designer head to toe , especially since going to strictly and she made more £££
She has to stop pretending that she likes/ wears Zara,ptl etc on a daily basis
She just wears them in her videos aka when she’s paid to do so
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My Papa just had open heart surgery and I went to his house as he wanted to give my brother and I our birthday cards and it broke my heart not being able to hug him and having to stand away from him. But I did. Why? Because I'm not a selfish cunt and I know that if he caught the virus he wouldn't be able to fight it off. The Barker's are living in their own fucking selfish world. I bet if Wendy or Queen Saffron read this they would just say "Well it's your choice". No it's fucking not. I want to see my family but I can't. How do they live with themselves knowing thy may have given someone the virus who couldn't survive it all cause they had to go on holiday and not quarantine because they are so busy. All Saffron does it photo shop the fuck out of her pictures and slap her name on a piece of clothing. Youtubers job's can be done anywhere, i.e in the fucking house for two weeks. Make it a vlog that would be interesting,. But of course the Barker's fucking can't. Sorry for the rant but it boils my fucking blood the way they go on like their job is as hard an NHS worker.
Sending love to you❤

Yeah it’s ridiculous, she has no right to complain about it at all, she’s been on quite a few holidays during a fucking pandemic, been all over and of course mysteriously met her bf during lockdown, which I know other people have found love during lockdown which is great, but you can bet saffron didn’t stick to the rules and was meeting him all the time. They sadly have that mentally that they’ll be fine if they get it because they’re young and healthy but I mean this virus has affected people who are young and healthy-my bf and his brother both had it, the only place they had been was their grandads funeral the week before, they now have scarring on their lungs, their dad also got it and sadly passed away from it, it makes me so angry people not taking it serious, even if someone like saffron got the virus and was ok she could pass it on to someone and they could die from it, Casey is a diabetic so isn’t he litreally in the at risk or vulnerable category?
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Chatty Member
I've been watching some of saffron old videos with HRVY (intrigued by him cause of strictly and had no idea him and saffron were friends) and it is absolutely hysterical to watch, Saffron obviously liked him in the videos and is making it obvious and HRVY could not care less, I would definitely recommend watching as in every video he makes fun of her and shuts her down while she's very obviously flirting, it's embarrassing
lmao it was obvious she liked him- she used to call him her ‘boyfriend’ in the title of the video and would then say she meant a friend who was a boy- even though she didn’t do that with her other guy friends
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No surprise all her collections with ITS were crap. I mean I'm not the biggest fan of In the Style anyways but definitely Billie Faier's and Olivia Bowen's collections are much nicer than hers. She may have more luck with her 'loungewear' collection thats coming out next week.
Billie Faier's collection with ITS is on ASOS. Say what you will about that one 🤣 🤣
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