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Why is she eating pasta if her ED is back? I thought she would avoid carbs like the plague. Apologies if this question is insensitive. I have no clue about anorexia.
She is not anorexic but bulimic and will purge and restrict herself during the day.
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Anna actually set her oven to "148 degrees Celsius" to bake the cakes
Now I can only speak for the oven at my dads house because it has a dial which shows the temperature on a panel, but even that is in 5C increments. Anna's just turning a dial to about 150, so just say 150 you numpty
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That was only last year, does jonathan not remember anything that doesn't resolve around himself?!!
Perhaps he needs to think before he posts
Poor Andrea he'll be confused about all of that as his birthday was weeks ago and its almost emilias now.
Sure look, give him a break - Jonathan can’t keep up with the lies he tells about himself, how can we expect him to keep up with false narratives he has created around each of his kids for views/content?! /sarcasm
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Yea looked that up, the video was horrible, and to top it off, she had to have rabies shots. Imagine that being Anal, standing in the bushes trying to get it closer, and the thing attacks. Good thing y'all don't have rabies in your country, however, that would make for a great vlog.
Rabies is not a joke. We had a rabid raccoon in our backyard 😫 I was horrified! I don’t know how the SJ’s have so few brain cells. I would never encourage wild animals to hang around my yard and home. Poor dogs! Poor kids! Their caretakers “care” more about wild animals than their safety!
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Those trainers are hand me down from one of the older ones. They came from the uniform box that she sorted out in a vlog
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Does anyone think their dogs have litter mate syndrome? I feel it’s very possible with how much they fight and the fact they kept all the puppies together.
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Chatty Member
I’ve taken a break from watching anything to do with these idiots (by idiots I mean the adults, not the kids), but the last part of what you wrote forced me to comment. Poor A1 - those comments stick. They might not think that she’s taking in those comments but she remember being called ‘trouble’. She’s at an age where she’s observing and soaking all that up and could potentially have self esteem issues as she grows.
i just know it’ll be alessia who exposes them once shes older, that girl can already see right through her parents

That creepy ER leaves exactly 5 comments on each vlog... does she have some deal with them to do so to stay as moderator?
What happened to the other ER, did she grew a brain and got a life? Good for her!
There was a massive group of them wasnt there? I only see the main ER comment now
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YES! I think we saw a glimpse of the real Jonathan. And a glimpse at what he would have been like as a child/juvenile. Nothing or no alternative (Anna offering to cook some chips) would be good enough. I imagine that he was an insufferable nightmare growing up, much like he comes across now.
I agree, he stated that his siblings would be favoured over him and he was pushed out and not given any luxuries. But why come out with it all years later? Surely you would want to be relatable to your audience in the early days and educate people on abuse that can occur in the family and show people who may be going through that right now that you can come out the other side of it. It was a quick buck make money as when he stopped daily vlogging the money stopped coming in.

the documentry With Stacey was a massive eye opener as to how the family dynamics are. He is the one in the charge, and Anna goes along with it to avoid the drama of it and the kids suffer as a result of it. I really hope that one day Anna wakes up and gets herself and the children away from him. It’s all very false with Edie, she was a child who enjoyed playing with stereotypical girls items and Johnathan wants her to live the truth he want through her, which is so wrong! It should be something Edie would like to do and feel comfortable with doing so. These children have been plastered online from the second they’ve been born!

looking back on the wedding video you can see how uncomfortable and unhappy Anna looks, there’s just something so creepy about him.
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We're posher in Ireland we call it dessert 😂. But seriously every day? That is not normal.
I'm in Ireland too. When I was growing up we only had dessert on Sundays...and that was jelly and ice-cream. It was my job every Saturday night to make the jelly 😂. When I had my family I didn't do dessert after dinner at home. That was a treat for when we ate out or on a special occasion.
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You absolutely can, take your child to the toilet before they go to bed then teach them if they need the toilet to get up during the night. Needs to be a routine. If you can’t toilet train at night then every person on earth would be sleeping in a nappy!🤦‍♀️
And how do you "teach them" to wake up in the night to go? Please tell us O Wise One.
I have 3 children and none of them wear nappies at night so I must have done something right.
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Just caught up with the school clothes vlog and the 4 year old hair one, I laughed when she described the top floor bedrooms as the attic, there's a mishmash of kids ages sharing rooms just so she doesn't have to go to the garden 'shed' Honestly their use of the house space is pathetic.

I will agree with joliar about the fish pie actually looking good, its a first for me on both levels, agreeing with him and saying her food looked ok. Though again I laughed at him trying to justify the pasta sage...
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