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Maybe.... but Anna already said she didn’t want any of that, Jonathan was the one doing all those things .... for content me thinks.
jonno literally said that he got the tattoo on his left hand so it would be in the shot all of the time (because he holds the camera with his right) :rolleyes:
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I just came across this thread and I’m so disgusted at all this. It’s awful how those kids are being treated and something really does need done by SS. And Jonathan being 90% gay but he liked girls wouldn’t that make him Bisexual? Seems a bit strange especially as the live was deleted, obviously Anna wasn’t too happy
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Poor Alessia, the gap is so noticeable.. Why are these kids constantly covered in bruises and now losing teeth at a young age. It is pure neglect.

I’ll never forget the time that Andrea was left alone in the annexe in the garden and flooded it all. He could have drowned. They really do not care about their children at all.

The kids will absolutely grow up to hate their parents - well, maybe not Emilia, I feel as though she’s following in her parents footsteps.
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It’s 100% being milked now, why can’t they just leave Eduardo alone? Guarantee it’s J that’s changed Eduardos pronouns without even discussing it first, what if in 10 years time Eduardo is confident he wants to be a boy and yet his dads got all these videos up of him playing around as a girl in dresses and makeup and long hair and ‘she’. They have 2 daughters already, just because Eduardo likes dresses they have to make a big deal out of it? Any normal parent would just let the kid get on with it...
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I think they just live together for the sake of the kids tbh 👀 both wanted children so just have sex to make babies and now they are done and when the kids are older Jono will come out
Anna was very strongly against having children until she apparently changed her mind after getting married. She's failed to convince me she ever wanted a single one of those poor babies. She also used to publicly slag off Jonathan's family on twitter.
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It looks like their joy at sending the two "babies" to nursery might be short lived. There are rumours nurseries are now going to shut for non key workers as well. At least they have the nanny to fall back on unlike most families who also happen to have full time working parents unlike these two.
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So TikTok have turned all users aged 16 or younger to be private accounts.

Doesnt impact Johnno as he uses his children through his account.

At least it's some form of protection though for tik tok users
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i just think it’s so weird how jonathan is desperately trying to equate eduardo wearing dresses to eduardo having identity/sexuality issues. just because you choose a certain bit of fabric to wear doesn’t mean anything other than you like that bit of fabric
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The fact being that the negative comments are towards Johnathan for making money from his sons gender identity, and not Eduardo as Johnathan made it out to be. Eduardo is a beautiful child and I havnt seen one negative comment towards that child, however Johnathan telling his son that people were saying bad things actually made me feel sick to my stomach! What parent actually puts that sort of doubt into a childs mind!!! But the narcissist likes to believe that it's the veiwers and not him!
Also want to add that Eduardo is not a gift to the world to be given or shared! He is a child who has a right to privacy and security!!! Children on youtube should be stopped!!! How this is still going on is beyond me!! That comment a gift to the world is just sick, treating children like circus monkeys on youtube needs to be stopped 🤮
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On the N.K.A channel Jonathan said he wanted to wear feminine clothes and shoes but was told that dresses and women's shoes were for girls and that's precisely what should have happened for E2 was a firm in a gentle manner told that he is a boy NOT a girl
Him playing dress up I don't think anyone has a problem with. It's the exploitation for money and freebies ...
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So I've been a keen follower of this thread for the last month and don't usually comment but thought you tatters would like this information. I was completing an online survey and low and behold look who's face pops up that I had to answer so many questions about. I literally tore her apart! They will probably read my answers and think I've gone crazy. So looks like they have things going on behind the scenes to supplement their ever decreasing income. Now I just hope New look sees sense and do not hire her!!!
Oh god noooooo, wish we could all fill in the form.

These companies need to know what this family is about.

I contacted the company that gifted the play mat, they were shocked as said they didn't know this family but they came recommend!

So how much research do these companies really do before employing this people. Do they just look at the followers they have, it's disgusting that any company would want to work with child abusers.
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Genuinely concerns me what happens in that house... like, jono drinks like a fish and the kids - well Emilia has said he takes pictures when she/they sleep... so imagine him drinking sneaking around the house taking photos of them sleeping. Anna fast asleep and not wanting to be involved in anything that happens after 8/9pm. I think it’s all very odd.

I also find their humour to be very boring - the whole were going to make a skit basically saying 🖕🏻 To those saying we are forcing our son to wear dressed ect we don’t care what you think and we don’t care about anyone’s genuine concern. They come across very basic and dull.

Why would they not just address the concerns without the whole “fuck the haterzzzz” because I haven’t seen any hate (minus tiktok) just concern for Eddie.

Also, super random but I have this image burnt into my skull of when the Anna’s friend Sabrina lived in london (idk if she still does) and they went to visit them and instead of letting the kids play (Sabrina has 3 boys herself) in the playroom and the adults have a chat Jonathan decided he would stay in the toy room and act a pratt sitting on a kids rocking horse and almost trying to act like he was a kid too it was all weird I remember then I somewhat liked them and I though.... huh well that was weird. Sabrinas husband came in looking a bit confused what he was doing in there too.
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I can’t stop thinking about that recent video where Anna ordered a delivery to her house for just dog food.... for one thing, why was that even necessary to film? Second of all and what is really bothering me (besides the fact the she used up a spot in the deliveries and couldn’t just go to the damn store herself for dog food...) they filmed the delivery guy showing his face and everything!!! Like did he consent to having his image plastered all over their disgusting platform?? I think not! Why would they think for a second this is okay? I sure as hell would try to sue the shit out of them if I ever found out they filmed me without my knowing and uploaded it on the internet without my consent.
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Haven't we been through this a year or two ago? He said Emilia 'insisted' that she wanted her own channel and how he's thinking about handing the FF channel over to her? Then the comments were flooded with viewers telling him how she's way too young, and if she wants to vlog, he should just create a private channel and upload it there. Oddly enough, I can't remember Emilia holding the camera and 'vlogging' or just talking to the camera about a toy or anything in years, she used to do this when she was a toddler, but never showed any interest in vlogging as she got older. She's probably trying to get back into his favours after he demoted her from 'star' to 'camera woman'.

And why is Jonathan always mocking people saying they have 'a fleet of staff'? Anna just had a breakdown on the first day her cleaner was off, they have a full-time nanny, had live-in nannies and au-pairs, had TWO PA's working in their house, have a dog walker, have someone bringing their shopping, have someone coming around and clean their cars (back when it was allowed), had a gardener come round during the summer, someone to clean their windows. Same with the 'boohoo, we're not actually working'.
Every time he makes fun of something someone has said, it's because it's 100% accurate and hit a nerve.
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Oh wow, the amount of nutella for breakfast in today's video is wild...
Literally, their little faces were covered with it. There was so much it was running down their chin, and getting on their clothing. Nutella is not healthy there are 21 grams of sugar in two tablespoons / 5 teaspoons of sugar. Then for dinner, it's a bowl of pasta with sauce and ZERO GREENS. What does she have against lettuce? They are fed sugar for breakfast, treats, and given dinner around 4:30. After dinner you know it's more sugar, then a bath and bed. You want to know why the kids look as though they need a long vacation is because they do. One from their parents where they can get some sun and some decent food. Jojo's mom needs to get those kids for the summer. I mean most of us with grandparents went and stayed over during vacation times. It's sad he can't let them go, but they've got to stay and make that money tik toking for predators.
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God, just looked at the Ticktok, wish I hadn't they are absolutely disgusting, just why is this allowed, 😡

Look at this poor little boys face, he looks so sad & unwell, 😢 he should be playing with games and toys, instead he is made to dress as a girl and perform so his fucker of a dad can get off on it. 😡 😡


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What happened to her? It seemed like she had a bit of get up and go about her back then. Said you have to be hard working and disciplined to be a stylist. I really think she shoudknt have had those kids if she didn't want them. Or was it all the easy money that her kids earn that made her like this? She's a shell of a person now. Just going through the motions. I know I'm always calling her a lazy bitch but I really think a job outside the home would be the making of her. I don't like her, never have, but I think Jonathan has ruined her, just like he is now ruining those kids. He was unhappy all his life now he wants to make sure everyone else is just as miserable. I think if she did try to become more independent and less reliant on him that he would put a stop to it.
they did this whole YouTube thing so wrong. If you look at other youtubers popular back in the day I.e. zoella, Tanya burr, even Alfie etc, they’ve all transitioned from YouTube into other career opportunities so it doesn’t matter if they’re not relevant anymore. But the SJ’s have no back up plan and are trying desperately to hold onto relevancy in YouTube. I don’t think Jonathan is smart enough to do anything else but exploit his poor kids but I think Anna could of made something out of herself. She could of even been one of those tv stylists if she just hadn’t been so lazy for the past few years and fucked up her life
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