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Chatty Member
None of this makes any sense at all still. Maybe Ryan is quiet because he has been given legal advise not to say anything
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What ages didn't add up?
The ages and dates on all the letters back then apparently didn't add up with it being Ryan. That's what was said on this thread and all over the pages posting them. Just repeating what's been said.
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VIP Member
Not exactly surprising.
The reaction to this is literally the reason why children/teenaged get abused and the abuser feels unstoppable.
I just believe this is going to be another Sam pepper/Veeoneeye situation..
I need to read up on sam pepper as first I saw of him was on big brother then next thing you know he's on tiktok 😆
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Not sure if it's true but I've seen a few things about the 15y year old ryan got caught talking to .he originally started speaking to her 2 years ago when she was 13
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Chatty Member
For all we know if there is truth to it the girl may have lied about her age we don't know, girls do these things and when the parents find out they report the guy. I've known people loose their jobs and made to be a criminal when they've met them in clubs that's for over 18s. At the moment there's no proof to anything it could just be a few mates he's fell out with on a witch hunt to have him cancelled
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I can't post it but he's done a statement on tiktok

And shan has done a video explaining more stuff as well
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Tiktokteauk have posted the picture but it's still really blurry. I can't even see if he's named on it or whatever.
All I can make out is a date 2003 I'm not sure if that's one of their birthdays but that would make them 18 this year so I'm not 100% sure what that part is about I still don't think it's proof of anything and it's easy to change someone's name and pic on WhatsApp so that's again not proof of anything its just odd that they're not sharing proper proof. If it's a case of worried about the girls being named it's not hard to black out names in documents it's just a bit fishy to me
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Stan is trying to point out that an IG bio can be changed at any point. When the girl started inboxing Ryan she might if had ‘18’ in her bio. Once he wouldn’t meet up or whatever she may of changed it to ‘15’ and then messaged Shan. I think his point is you can’t trust the age in someone’s bio.

Yes, this is true but surely everyone knows this and wouldn’t rely on that as proof of age!! Especially someone in the public eye!! They should be asking for Drivers License or Passport. Photo ID. You cannot risk something like this happening because young girls will be infatuated with you and will do anything to get attention from their fav creator / musician / influencer etc etc

it happened to my brothers friend, he is well known and has an amazing fighting career. He got talking to a girl. She was saying she was 19 coming up 20 (he was 24) but she kept saying things slipping up mentioning school and then saying “I mean college” I just call it school as I go to the college on the school. They were due to meet and he said I really need to see drivers license, provisional, passport. She even had her Mum on the phone saying we are looking for it but we’ve misplaced it. All her friends on her IG weren’t tagged and she said she had no fb. Long story short I found her on a local junior schools leavers photo from when she was going to seniors from juniors. We worked out the dates & she was 15!!!! Even her Mum was in on it trying to cover for her. Girls now canlook a lot of older with makeup, hair extensions, clothing, enhanced “2 sizes” bigger bras etc you’ve got to be so careful and take responsibility for YOU!!! You can’t turn around and say “well she told me she was 18” nope that doesn’t work now. You have to make sure and if she is that age she won’t have any issue in proving it!!!!
He's made more than that one video, he posted another couple of videos. Like I said I can't tell if it's Stans usual dark humour or he really believes Ryan's not wrong.

There also must be some truth in this situation for it to happen more than once. It's not often someone gets accused of talking to underage girls more than once. Either way I just don't think dark humour or sticking up for an alleged pedophile? Predator whatever we are calling him is the way to go. Not at Stans big age, as a father.
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Ryans posted saying its not true ? Now I am confused as why would wermida say they are in contact with the victims ?
Cant really trust a work Wermida are saying though can you? Everyone's said they knew about it and told them to give Ryan a second chance. They only addressed it when they were losing clients. They obviously aren't being honest. None of it adds up.

That letter Ryan posted isn't like an official statement or anything his mums typed that up on her computer and printed it out 😂
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People saying it isn't confirming it though. Why can't anyone show any proof? I'm not asking for proof of someone being abused but surely if someone is a convicted pedophile there's proof out there somewhere.
Yeah I'm not sure why there all posting but not actually giving facts and showing stuff ? Megs now has done a post saying that it's 3 girls ? But why havnt these posted anything then ?
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Not sure then .I missed the live but this is comments I seeing on people's videos about him but sounds like they have just got mixed up
Could be true Shan said about 30 girls came forward. But it wasn't mentioned on the live. I don't think anyway. I think I'd remember that.
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Ah okay, there isn't any date of charges so I'm not sure how you(them) came to that conclusion
This? These people seemed to be following the accusations. I followed the accounts posting all the stuff and well and alot of people on the comments said the same things. Just going off what I remember and what was said here. I reread the thread the other day.


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I said screenshots. I don't want to see videos of people saying it lol with a blurry unreadable photo on the background. I'm confused as to why they are finding it so difficult to prove it
There not finding it difficult ? There is proof however they need to be careful what can be posted due to stuff ongoing .it speaks volumes that he hasn't said anything at all and also apprently stopped people from tagging him in stuff meanwhile shans still posting videos as usual and deleting comments .I saw the letter yesterday however cam said he's going to put a clearer version on it
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I notice he denies cheating and affairs but he doesn't deny messaging girls or underage girls
Yeah I was in one of his old friends live not that long ago and all the comments in the live mentioned that he dosnt deny that bit
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Chatty Member
Cant really trust a work Wermida are saying though can you? Everyone's said they knew about it and told them to give Ryan a second chance. They only addressed it when they were losing clients. They obviously aren't being honest. None of it adds up.

That letter Ryan posted isn't like an official statement or anything his mums typed that up on her computer and printed it out 😂
Again that statement doesn’t prove if Ryan is guilty or not, why won’t people just bloody show proper proof 😂
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