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VIP Member
From what I remember of it all ryan stopped hanging with everyone when he got with shan except James and his girlfriend and then last year was when everyone found out as James said on a live that as soon as he found out he cut ryan of .Cameron has said the recent video that him ,,James and Rhian met up in london and Ryan was supposed to as well but said he got arrested and when he met up with Cameron said they had got him mixed up with someone else .Cameron didn't know until last year when everyone found out but yeah originally Cameron stopped talking to ryan due to ryan cutting him of as he didn't want all of them affecting his social media status .it's strange that basically everyone blames shan for ryan not speaking to them but then last night a group of people was live who before had said they didn't like shan as they didn't see ryan anymore but then last night she was in the comments and was all up her are

From what I remember of it all ryan stopped hanging with everyone when he got with shan except James and his girlfriend and then last year was when everyone found out as James said on a live that as soon as he found out he cut ryan of .Cameron has said the recent video that him ,,James and Rhian met up in london and Ryan was supposed to as well but said he got arrested and when he met up with Cameron said they had got him mixed up with someone else .Cameron didn't know until last year when everyone found out but yeah originally Cameron stopped talking to ryan due to ryan cutting him of as he didn't want all of them affecting his social media status .it's strange that basically everyone blames shan for ryan not speaking to them but then last night a group of people was live who before had said they didn't like shan as they didn't see ryan anymore but then last night she was in the comments and was all up her are
If this dosnt say that I spend far to much time on tiktok I don't know what does I need a life 😆
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Chatty Member
I wouldn't be surprised if he did do something before and was just lucky to get with it. There's no smoke without fire. You can't believe what someone writes in their insta bio that's just stupid on his behalf.
I know of someone who's been accused of rape several times and somehow gets away with it. My partner that worked with him believed they'd done something wrong and didn't know how he kept getting away with it.
I just hope all this comes to a stop and can't believe parents of these underage girls are in on this stuff that also needs checking out. If my daughter was 15 I'd never knowingly allow her to do this
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Immature videos on tik tok like that just make me think he’s even more of an idiot. Messages from a random insta account prove nothing so I’m not sure what his point is?
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Whoever knew a year ago if this is true why didn't they say something? Why did they stay friends. Cmon if you found out your mate was doing things with underage girls/boys would you honestly keep your mouth shut and continue being their friend? I know I wouldn't, even if I said nothing I'd not be their friend I'd be keeping well away. I still think none of this ads up something isn't right and I hope if this is wrong these people get into trouble for serious slander
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Well-known member
Just saw this on tiktok i think she will go to the police its on the internet she has no choice now, such a shame for her
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Because he seems to get away with it every single time. His Mum who clearly thinks he can do no wrong doesn’t help either by supporting him and pleading his innocence all the time for him!
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Chatty Member
Surely if he's been convicted there would be a news article in his local area or something there would be proof. People I went to school with havd been done for been a pedalo and it went in our local news. I've just read everything from edens thread and come across, I'm with GarlicSausage something doesn't add up. I've seen no videos but until there is proof of some sort it's just gossip and if its real then people shouldn't be clout chasing on tik tok because its making the victims suffer more
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VIP Member
It's all speculation and I don't trust any of them. I'm leaving this thread till some solid evidence comes out.
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VIP Member
It wasn't just the mcloughlin girls though that said stuff about Ryan. It was his closest friends .loads of his bests friends all said last time how he wasn't a nice person and it was true and all stopped talking to him .like James who was his best mate and Jessie and plenty of others's quite funny as his sister did a tiktok a few days ago saying she's the disappointment of the family now everyone's commenting saying no it's ryan 🤣
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New member
No offfence but what a stupid comment to make saying it all seems fishy? No one has mentioned Ryan by name BECAUSE if an ongoing investigation is going on then it’s correct that social media could have an impact, hence why everyone is being super careful about what they are saying on the situation. Many of these influencers have been in contact with the police due to situations with their management for months, again that’s ongoing, they are allowed to acknowledge what is going on though. 3 girls have come forward but they’re publicly saying if there are any more victims to come forward. Nothing immature about making a stand about quite frankly disgusting behaviour. And immature girls on tiktok and tattle defending an accused sex offender just shows how worrying this situation is.

Something really fishy about it all. That's all I'm saying.

1. People in Ryan's comments are saying it happening in 2018 and he was in a tag because of it which would lead me to believe there's already been an investigation.
2. Max claiming management told them about it and said Ryan's deserves a second chance. So they've known for a while then? And said nothing? But will randomly mention it now?
3. Millie claiming she's going to be a voice for 3 victims and that Ryan will be arrested soon. So did it happen in 2018 & now? Why is Millie going to be a voice for them when Max was saying they need victims to come forward? Why are these messy immature influencers the voice for some serious allegations?

It's all off & fishy to me.
For all we know if there is truth to it the girl may have lied about her age we don't know, girls do these things and when the parents find out they report the guy. I've known people loose their jobs and made to be a criminal when they've met them in clubs that's for over 18s. At the moment there's no proof to anything it could just be a few mates he's fell out with on a witch hunt to have him cancelled
Victim blaming is this a joke or??? 3 victims so far, so is it all their faults and not his? Are you actually ok
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VIP Member
Yeah people follow for the drama but I'd also be willing to say he got big during lockdown, not everyone stayed on tiktok after that. I reckon most the accounts are inactive
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Chatty Member
As if there aren't a few other ways to sent someone a photo than taking a picture of the phone. I'm not saying it's not true but it was the same last time could barely even read the evidence it was such bad quality.
Oh I completely agree however it all seems to be leaks ect. I don't think the people with actual copies have come out with them.

My question/reasoning is why would this be happening? Who is it going to benefit? A talent agent have lost pretty good clients, his ex is getting hate (and rightly so for doxing). I don't think or see anyone get anything out of this or benefiting from it. And it's exposing a lot of shitty people, let's be real now. All those coming out saying they knew are showing they are shitty people because they knew but still wanted 'clout'
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VIP Member
They didn't know about it from what I can understand .a lot of people that he used to hang out with .like jessie and chase and James have all unfollowed him and Richard as well and these was all people that was his close friends that he would regularly meet with .jessie and chase was also with wermida and look like they have left as well and this is what James put.from lives I've watched in the past with James he did a live a few months ago saying since he got with shan they stopped talking and didn't hang out as much which before they was insperable which is what Cameron was saying also jessie and chase was both really close to ryan as well at one point.i don't know if anyone also remembers in like December/January time he got beat up in London by some guys and he said it was because they was jealous of him doing social media ? But now thinking back maybe it wasn't? I dont think any of his friends knew .this all came from what mills and others was saying so the only thing I can think of is that they found out from the court meetings that there doing at the moment regarding wermida ? Because it was them all this came from originally not the friends he fell out with ?
So you think even though milli and Max have claimed wermida told them Ryan deserved a second chance. Presumably when they were all under that management and in the house together. They only found out in court? Even though they've said they were told he deserved another chance?

I didn't mention James, I don't need evidence James didn't know. Cameron litteraly said he heard about it a couple of months ago but was recently complaining about Ryan distancing himself. Iv already explained to you before on another thread that Ryan said he had to cut ties with people to further his career, considering Cameron takes drugs and parties a lot it's kinda easy to see why someone would want to stray from that. These weren't lifelong friends. They were people he met online. Do you not see how quickly friendships form & fall apart on tiktok? It happens all the time.

They were all assaulted that night in london, Ryan just got the worst of it. If someone said it was because he sexuality assaulted someone, someone in the group would have repeated it. Someone would have heard. Surely if a group of boys new about it they would have made it known.

The paperwork doesn't add up with Ryan's age. It doesn't add up with the timeline people are claiming. After claiming they had so much evidence and taking two days to share a blurry document that proved nothing and having to have someone point out to them that it doesn't add up just shows how seriously they were taking this.
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VIP Member
Yeah I'm not sure why there all posting but not actually giving facts and showing stuff ? Megs now has done a post saying that it's 3 girls ? But why havnt these posted anything then ?
Victims down owe people anything. I just think If it happend when he was at school and his full town know surely someone's got facts to be like, right here it is? Not just some social media influencers with messy reputations of their own.
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VIP Member
Thing is the only "proof" they would have seen is that letter which doesn't add up anyways and quite honestly I'm finding it all very odd that Ryan has 2.3 million followers and has been popular for well over a year now and if it happened in 2018 why choose now to out him why not warn people before hand because obviously the letter would have been sent to a victim or a member of one of the victims family. Just so much isn't adding up and the fact Ryan isn't actually named on the document is questionable as well.

Because literally there's no other evidence they could have seen like no photo or video evidence would ever be shared with anyone outside of the hearing as it involves a minor. So all they have to go on is a single letter which at present doesn't prove anything
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She came up on my FYP had over 17k people in the live at one point. I know she’s upset and this is a really difficult thing for her to deal with (I do feel awful for her) but it needs to be dealt with offline.
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VIP Member
Yeah completely agree I've seen her commenting saying she was blind in love so choose not to belive the previous situation .also how has he still got a huge following ? Why are people not unfollowing
They’ll stay following just in case he updates.
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