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Stan is trying to point out that an IG bio can be changed at any point. When the girl started inboxing Ryan she might if had ‘18’ in her bio. Once he wouldn’t meet up or whatever she may of changed it to ‘15’ and then messaged Shan. I think his point is you can’t trust the age in someone’s bio.

Yes, this is true but surely everyone knows this and wouldn’t rely on that as proof of age!! Especially someone in the public eye!! They should be asking for Drivers License or Passport. Photo ID. You cannot risk something like this happening because young girls will be infatuated with you and will do anything to get attention from their fav creator / musician / influencer etc etc

it happened to my brothers friend, he is well known and has an amazing fighting career. He got talking to a girl. She was saying she was 19 coming up 20 (he was 24) but she kept saying things slipping up mentioning school and then saying “I mean college” I just call it school as I go to the college on the school. They were due to meet and he said I really need to see drivers license, provisional, passport. She even had her Mum on the phone saying we are looking for it but we’ve misplaced it. All her friends on her IG weren’t tagged and she said she had no fb. Long story short I found her on a local junior schools leavers photo from when she was going to seniors from juniors. We worked out the dates & she was 15!!!! Even her Mum was in on it trying to cover for her. Girls now canlook a lot of older with makeup, hair extensions, clothing, enhanced “2 sizes” bigger bras etc you’ve got to be so careful and take responsibility for YOU!!! You can’t turn around and say “well she told me she was 18” nope that doesn’t work now. You have to make sure and if she is that age she won’t have any issue in proving it!!!!
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Seen a few tiktoks about the letter that the postcode for the police station is completly the wrong one .no capital letters and no signature
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Just need to wait and see what comes out, I think all this social media back and forth could jeopardise any case that's being made against him. All I remember was the last time the dates on the letters didn't add up and again they were extremely bad quality and hard to make out. There's probably a lot of truth and a lot of lies wrapped up in all of this.
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The girls are live now saying they have proof about shan knowing about the previous situation

This faith who dates ethan from the sidemen
I’ve just read a comment on that about one of the girls being under the age of 8 & I really, really hope that’s just some sick troll making it up cos 🤯
  • Wow
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Yeah i agree with that tbh half of the people doing videos are just doing it for attention and clout and if it real they need to be thinking of the poor girl who is having to come on tiktok to see videos of people saying she's lying
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Chatty Member
Love is blind sometimes we try forgive and I'm sure he will if made her feel like it wouldn't happen again, but messaging underage kids is something else and totally unforgivable that's just sick he's abused his power of social media
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Can’t do singing videos but can sing on live? Makes sense 🙄😂

Edit.. I added this onto the wrong thread sorry haha.
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I remember seeing all of this and this thread was at the top of the TikTok list so thought I would have a read….

The earlier screenshots of the letter alleging to be about about Ryan listed the 3 charges inciting activity - I think these are in relation to online activity as this is how it’s worded with online offences and can be for things like asking for nudes. Although I see there is a query on whether this is actually him due to dates but I would think with other people’s comments around this that it’s likely to be true, especially with the further allegations in 2021/2022 whenever it was, time flies huh.

The latest post with Shan saying what she said, I genuinely doubt that the CPS would refuse to charge because people didnt want to press charges. Snapchat data is easily recoverable by forensics and many chats and images would’ve been recovered, had there been multiple conversations where age was disclosed and offending then occurred I doubt very much the CPS would allow it to slide, especially if there was at least one victim willing to come forward. The CPS main charging decision is based on public interest and if he has a previous conviction and had been messaging multiple underage girls it would be in the public interest to prosecute. However, if he had gotten a new phone before an investigation then evidence may not have been present.

My general vibe is he has a problem with sexting (this is purely an opinion). This can be an addiction and I think maybe he will be more careful with who he engages in this with but as I’ve seen in my experience, some people get so wrapped up in it that all morals go out of the window and that’s when offences start occurring. I guess we’ll see if anything further comes out….
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Dont understand how she thought she knew him inside and out, didnt she just turn up at his door one day then move in 😂
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Chatty Member
Pseudo photo means of a child, sometimes a photoshopped pic but sometimes not I think
It means it's computer made. So it's child abuse imagery which has been made without the abuse of a child.
Often, like you said, they will take a 'normal' photo of children from social media or a film and create it to be sexually explicit. There is a small chance that it isn't child abuse imagery and is other illegal imagery.

Edit to add: this is why people get upset about certain photos and videos of children. They are able to edit them so while what the parent is posting isn't explicit or abusive there is a possibility to make it explicit.
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Yeah I saw it but the amount of videos I've seen today of people sticking up for ryan is awful.

Like this why they trying to blame a child
I mean that's true, there are young girls out there who seek out older men intentionally. It happens. But when the man engages back and doesn't just block them or ignore them he's the issue. Im literally not seeing any videos about them apart from the few Stan blade uploaded. Thankfully. Im finding it really weird that when the accusations came out last year nobody came forward but now Ryan and Shan split up over 100 girls have came forward? It doesn't add up to me.
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I was reading comments on someone's tik tok about Ryan earlier people in comments that knew him from school said he'd always been the same with young girls
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I only just joined this thread when I saw the videos on Sunday after the live and I literally feel so confused by it. She's saying they split up on 9th June, he's saying they split up ages ago. she says she contacted the police, he's saying he did. My heads scrambled all ready. He's denying cheating but not about the underage girls. Surely that bit is more important than the cheating part?!
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Chatty Member
Glad to see she's been to the police I bet there's so much thats gone on young girls would be flattered to get attention from a guy like him and he's fully abused that. Hopefully he gets stopped
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