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VIP Member
She is such a brat! That's woman's original comment was prefectly polite and respectful. She just lives in such a princess bubble she can't handle anyone not agreeing with her. She really is in the wrong job!
That’s what got me blocked. Asking an innocent question


VIP Member
No problem. 😊

You're exactly right when you look at an ad you know that you're being sold to within the bounds of advertising legalisation. That article also pointed out that these influencers have no clue whatsoever about the restrictions on them, which makes them almost dangerous to brands. If I were a brand I think I would cut my ties to these micro influencers as I'm sure I'd get sued for something, at some point.

This micro influencer trend will implode at some point.
Let’s hope so 🤞🏼


Well-known member
"All choices are my own so I don’t see the relevance of why it matters if we had to pay for it ourselves or not"

This is in response to one of the comments left :rolleyes:

That's a great example of how the grooming narrative works

- Fate/God/maths class bought us together
- We have a connection that no one understands
- I am mature for my age
- Society will judge us, but they can't break our love
Could be mine. I posted mine and then I was blocked.

Little rat!


VIP Member
She deleted it after it was talked about here, but a few pages back on this thread someone linked to an archived version.

It is me...

Active member
The stories yesterday with m&s pr, surely as there is a previous working relationship (the dinner set ups) and the visit yesterday “may” or should it be very likely be perceived that she is giving a review, then these should be marked as #ad. 🙄🤦‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ If there is no obligation to share, then don’t share unless it’s disclosed as it should be.

Waits for #gift of new baby clothes from m&s to be delivered. And nope, not jealous, just all for comsumer protection. Also notice the disclosures are now appearing in heading of blog posts. Think we could all be influencing more appropriate disclosures!
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Bore Off

Active member
What was the yellow nightie one? I must have missed that joy.

Also does she not work at all anymore? Didnt she used to wrote for a honeymoon website or something? How would someone with a law degree end up doing that?
I remember that she interviewed for it. I followed Phoebe ( the wedding blog ) first. I don’t think she ever had any intention of going in to law, and solely being a kept woman. I remember decorating our nursery, it was a quick tin of dulux, lots of hand me downs, oh and wasn’t even used for ages. Oh how the other half love hey.


Well-known member
Do people really spend over a grand on a buggy so they can get a leather handle? No wonder the influencer industry is thriving.
I have a bugaboo and it’s absolutely brilliant. However it was because it was what was best suited and not because of the handle!

I bet she’ll be given other pushchairs. She’ll have a baby zen yo-yo to travel with, an all the rest that end up gifted and then sit gathering dust after they’ve had their moment on the gram


VIP Member
17 holidays and weekends away last year including America, Australia, Italy, Turks and Caicos, Sardinia, Sri Lanka, Mallorca and multiple beautiful cottages in the U.K. She says they prioritise travel but it’s not like they’re not prioritising doing up the house/garden/car etc. I think that much travel would just make it quite normal and no wonder she’s lost touch a bit.

The environmental impact alone of flying that much would make me feel uneasy ?
That is crazy. I wonder what her husband does allowing him to travel so often? SEVENTEEN holidays is unreal.


Active member
Justifying hooking up with a 25 year old when you're 15 because you're 'way beyond my years'. I dunno about that! She still seems incredibly immature to me, and everything she does is a humble brag. She's like a child trying to play grownup.
Agreed! What 15 year old doesn't think they're mature beyond their years!? All or most teenagers have a sense of exaggerated self importance.
I don't think she needs to justify her relationship, I think he does. What on earth does a 25 year old, male or female, want with a 15/16 year old?!?! Ugh.
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Well-known member
As a mother myself I cannot even imagine allowing this to happen, what were her parents thinking ?


VIP Member
To be fair, I think most of the holidays are paid for by themselves although she is guilty of saying "thanks to such and such a place for having us" if it's been a free stay. That's definitely not going to cut it any more with the new CMA rules out this week. What do you make of this current trip to California? She seems to be trying to portray this image that they're sort of "living" out there for a month rather than (god forbid) being on holiday with the rest of the tourists. It all seems a bit self indulgent, just taking yourself off to hang out in California for a month because you can't face January in Britain. I will say, I felt for her having the scare with the baby and having to go to hospital while out there. I think she tried to play it cool but I bet that was really worrying.
How do we find out about the new CMA rules???


Chatty Member
Each to their own once you're over 18. But a 25 year old man falling for a 15 year old whilst she was away on a school trip in Wales... that's not right how every she tries to sell it.

This is the post she deleted.
