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Not Ruby’s biggest fan but I think it’s commendable that she even offered him to the chance to be at the birth anyway. Whether he’s the dad or not there’s no way I’d want my ex seeing me at my most vulnerable like that!
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You can always tell when Ruby is out with Lorenzo and doesn’t wanna admit it because she won’t post who she’s with. Normally she’s tagging her sisters/friends she’s with… we all know you’re back together Ruby you can stop pretending now ☕ 🤡
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I'll feel sympathy for her next year when he's moving about and fighting with delilah. At the end of the day, she clearly wanted to have another baby with that useless man. Her pregnancy could have been unplanned, but I just feel she probably wanted it to happen to save her relationship...

Been there done that with the 14 month age gap and for me the first year was the easiest cause they both nap etc. She's choosing to exploit her kids for money so that's my opinion.

I've never been keen of her especially from first coming across her tik tok when she made rant videos about the hospital and always got bad vibes from her baby daddy.
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secret life

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A video just came up of her being asked what the worst name is for a boy, and she was like 'you know what i'm going to say' and obviously she said 'Lorenzo'. Fuck me, stop giving him attention, bet he loves having videos made about him all the time
I would be fuming if my ex kept making videos about me. She was the one who ended it so deal with it she's annoying should grow up and take care of her kids and stop pushing them off to other people.
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Gone to Dublin but don’t know what to do. Don’t want to look at “the bridge” or “some college” lol. Don’t even think they’ve done the Guiness factory.

I find her really boring.
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I don’t doubt she feels lonely but I do think she needs to realise she actually has it really good. She has family on demand for babysitting and clearly has a lot of friends she needs to realise there’s a lot of people who don’t have that village behind them. If I want a night or even a few hours off I have to book my mother in law in weeks in advance and even then there’s always a good chance she will cancel on me last minute she will only know true loneliness if she ever has to raise kids with no village
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Oh my god I cannot stand this girl. She posted something about being allowed to have a break - her whole life has a bloody break. She never has her kids!!!! I find it so insulating as an ACTUAL single mum that she claims she’s a single mum. A single mum to me isn’t able to even go to something such as a doctors appointment alone, let alone keep up with all the bloody hair nail appointments she has etc and all the days away from her kids !
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Why does she constantly go to social media for every single doctor issue / ask for advice? Google is literally free. I feel like she does it just to gain any sort of attention from Lorenzo
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It’s embarrassing that she’s begging her baby dads side of family for a holiday? And that lorenzo must’ve come to her with this opportunity and felt so smug to see her begging for this holiday, which is just to get his business followers!!! They’re only on 54K, none of her family have shown any support which means they do not approve, if Ruby wanted to be a TikTok shop presenter her friend Jess literally does that, I know what I’d prefer to do. I can guarantee he won’t give them the holiday he’ll keep putting if off
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Not going to lie but my sister was in this situation and it’s hard to get away from. But saying she is ridiculous for posting about it yeah maybe it is but she is using TikTok as a coping mechanism she is clearly struggling and needs all the support she can get. She doesn’t need putting down at all. She is doing well raising two babies on her own yeah she gets help but like she said she is on her own most of the time. Glad she is getting the help she needs and if TikTok is her way of coping let her be
Not being funny, but if her only coping mechanism is making videos about her ex and his family, it’s not healthy. She shows that she has a very good support network around her and so they’re most definitely supporting her through the whole thing so she’s not short on people to confide in privately. No one is disputing that she’s a good mum. We can all see that her kids are happy loved and thriving. I’ve been in that situation too and honestly, healing is hard but it won’t get any easier this way.
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Anyone else noticed since the backlash the other day she's made a point of taking both kids out to Tesco on her own....for the first time 🤣 cor if only it was her maternal instinct that spurred her on to do that, not the fact she's got a point to prove on tiktok eh!
I just saw that video honestly first time ???? isn't frankie like 5 months old! shes pathetic
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Don't think she understands single mum life when family watch her kids so she can get all these things done and go to places. She never has them on her own fully
I 100% agree. She has absolutely no idea how most single parents feel. Her content is all about single parent life and trying to be relatable but honestly she hasn’t got the first idea what it’s like.. so it’s not relatable at all, she always has her hair, makeup, lashes and nails done, always has someone with her when she’s out, or they’re at hers helping her look after the children and she can go out whenever she wants as she knows someone will always have them. She has the load taken off of her so much and she is incredibly lucky. It’s lovely that she has such a large amount of support but she’s not coming across as relatable as she thinks.
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she must pay tax she clearly has money she has a house and Range Rover how would she say she earns less than 12,000 a year unless im naive or im stupid to how tax works
I mean you'd like to think she pays tax, but the mere fact she hasn't made a "spend a day with me sorting out my tax return as a single mum of two" video makes me wonder 🤔😂

She could say the Range Rover was a gift from her parents tbf...and with regards to the house, I literally don't think Ruby has the brain capacity to go through the whole process of purchasing her own home, without posting a million videos on how stressful it all is (esp with 2 kids remember!!!!) what's more likely is this... the house in her parents name, or a close family members... I've known of people in the past to "rent" a house from a close family member with a different surname to them, claim full UC, Housing etc.
Not saying thay is the case with her but, i do reckon her mum & dad bank roll alot (a personal ATM & on demand babysitter, us normal single mums can only dream eh 🥹)
either that or she's doing a lauryn goodman and fiddling the benefits system to her advantage..
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she's pretty its just the makeup!!! looks so greasy and muddy
I think she has quiet manly facial features too she has a very big jaw and wide nose so when she over does the tan makeup hair etc it can make her look like she’s in drag
She needs to tone it all down and it will make her look more feminine
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I don’t think she looks scruffy? My daughters hair is same length, brush it everyday but it gets a bit curly and might look a bit wild after a few minutes of toddling about. I always think her kids look quite smart and clean.
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Stop Frankie is like 6 months old and she’s only just gone food shopping alone with them? So that means everytime she’s gone to the supermarket in the last 6 months she’s been with someone that’s wild 🤣
When I had my third I took my 6yr old, my 3yr old and my 2 week old to tescos alone on a busy Saturday because I had no choice
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