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To be fair Ruby might not have wanted to go to the US :) not that she’d have got in
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Rewatching her first day at Exeter vlog is an interesting contrast to this one.

There, she went out on campus and made an effort to meet people, strike up a conversation and put herself out there. Later she mentions that she'd left her door open all day while she was in her room to encourage people walking by to say hello.

At Oxford, all the work to meet people was done for her, all she had to do was show up and still she couldn't be bothered. She's clearly not there to learn, she isn't there to take part in the social side of university, so she's just paid £40,000 just for the opportunity to take staged photos on an Oxford bench.
Is her masters costing her £40k?!
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When you think about it, she actually did achieve her goal because surely she must have been possessed if she believed that water with cinnamon and (what looks like) a few teaspoons of coconut milk would be tasty
Maybe hoping to make a water into wine moment expressly for ma bones to imbibe?
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Personally I don’t think that food being cross-contaminated with animal products makes it not vegan? At least for me it’s completely an ethical belief so as long as I’m not funding the animal agriculture industry, it’s alright haha.

But I can definitely see veganism being used as an excuse to hide disordered eating, I just think it’s really important not to generalise that a whole group of people have eating disorders just because some wellness influencers will use being plant-based as an excuse to only eat salads. I mean people do the same thing with like ‘gut health’ and stuff yk?
I’ve actually just decided to delete my comment completely since I can’t work out how to blank it out and I don’t want to trigger anyone.

Please read my comments again - not once have I generalised, I have only said that the two are correlated and often go hand in hand.

I’m aware this isn’t really about Ruby now so I’m happy to take to the OT thread if you want to discuss further.
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I think the essay she had Genei read for her tried to coin a bunch of names for decorative items that are designed to look like books but aren't (keychains, ornaments, etc.) and called them "book look objects" or "blooks" for short.

Ruby acts shocked that there's a definitive name for this, but it doesn't seem like there is. This appears to have been just one random academic workshopping a list of options trying to coin a term, but they failed to make fetch "blooks" happen.
I feel like this is super relevant to her course but I’m just too stupid to get it.
How long has she been doing the super clunky "I hope you have more than just a productive week" sign off thing? I'm trying to catch up with this latest season of Game of Bones and that's throwing me the heck off.
I thought she’s been saying this for a few years?? Or at least a year.
I was bemused by the little kiddie drawings to teach herself the meaning of folio, quarto and octavo. Maybe I'm a bit harsh but this makes me wonder about what Exeter are teaching literature undergrads these days since I find it very hard to believe any student of Shakespeare wouldn't be familiar with these terms.
I thought it was interesting that she had to write these down. I have nothing more than GCSE level English and can still remember without looking what the page said and I had an understanding of how it worked. Does she really need to refer back to those notes?
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Active member
In her latest Instagram story she said that she gets to study some Oscar Wilde for her masters??


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Did anyone else read the sidebar of that Notion? It's quite scary - one of the titles refers to suicide?? ("And maybe I'd kill myself")
There's another entry that looks quite sad/disturbing too?
I know it is concerning because those titles look like her real thoughts and to dos


Well-known member
The people I know who have managed to use their parents’ money to get preferential treatment are nowhere near actual royalty either. Personal selfishness and entitlement tends to be the unifying factor…


VIP Member
Like £14k plus living expenses and rent.. so maybe £25k
I think she will have a good time once she tries to meet people. There are alot of students just like her in Oxford postgrad, (a bit sheltered and not ready for the real world)

students doing unfunded Oxford humanities masters are often quite rich and unusual, because it is a lot of money to blow on a 9 month course
Thanks. More than I thought!


Well-known member
Did she take a creative writing module in undergrad? I can't remember. If she did she probably recieve feedback she couldn't handle and then decided to never take another creative writing module. But similar to what replace32titles said that if you loved writing you would keep doing it for the love of it over anything else.

Ruby could have taken loads of creative writing classes, workshops, internships, explore online resources, etc. She doesn't because you're right in that she doesn't love it, she loves the idea of it.
Yes, I think I heard something like that in one of her uni vlogs - the creative writing module I mean-.