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I mean, I kind of want her to be accepted at Oxford. The content now is getting kind of too sad to watch. In Oxford, she would at least get back on Studytube and also face actual real-life challenges she has never experienced before – in studies and otherwise. Also, that gives so much hope to others that it is possible to get into Oxbridge even as somebody clearly not that into full-on academic life without many publications, conference speeches, huge achievements etc.
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“Leave at 10am- downstairs with book”. She almost literally has “read in the foyer while I wait for mummy to drive me to school” as a to-do list task. She also plans to make a book club poster in the car on the way in, another clear indicator that she is being chauffeured everywhere (and an example of pretty poor time management and planning). You’d think the commute to work in quiet late morning traffic would be a great opportunity to practice driving… Another task is to have lunch. This girl almost needs a to-do list to get out of bed and take a dump every day.
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Kinda OT but it's something that's been bothering me.

Her random runs throughout the day are so...weird. Like she does something, runs, then comes back, and onto the next thing on her to do list. She does this with her "ballet" exercise videos (aka flapping her arms about like a beheaded chicken trying to fly) as well- she never showers after exercising (it's not even on her TYOO DYOO list). It just grosses me out- after my run or any exercise for that matter I hop into the shower as soon as I can and change into fresh clothes. The only exception is light yoga.
With how dirty her hands always are for days on end, how rarely she changes her bedsheets and how disgusting her cleaning skills are (like leaving huge chunks of food and muck on plates and calling them "clean"), I'd be shocked if she showers more than once a fortnight.

Now I'm having flashbacks to that time she showed herself going on a run by...putting her hand over the camera and then taking it away as if to hide a cut, but she clearly hadn't moved.


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Look how much physical exertion happened! She HONNASTLY left the room, SINCEYEAAHLY!

And then she proved that she JANUINELY showered by...

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...wandering into her shower room pretending it's perfectly normal to shower fully clothed.
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What’s happened with Jack?
He set up a membership subscription thing on YouTube where fans could pay him £6 a month (he initially tried to charge £20 a month until he got wrecked by backlash).

For that cash, fans would get access to a Discord and a few other dubious perks (an exclusive monthly Q&A video, a readalong livestream, he'd reply to 40 comments (how generous!), provide daily questions in Discord and he'd buy a few people a month a book from their Amazon wishlists).

He took their money for 3-4 months without delivering on any of what he promised. He ghosted the Discord, offered a few dubious excuses when subscribers tried to address it with him in private, then ignored them all for weeks.

One of the subscribers got sick of it and took the issue to Reddit and it blew up over the last few days. Jack has been furiously deleting negative comments, accusing a YouTube channel who very diplomatically discussed the scandal of "platforming hatred" against him and generally he's handled it all in the most Ruby-esque way possible. It's a trainwreck.
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I actually agree with this comment critiquing Roob's poem. However, wtf is Roob on about in her reply. Distinct? What? I like that someone has asked her to explain. Maybe its a spelling error?

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And it kinda pisses me off that she snubs her nose at the Prada storefront, when she is in Milan and Prada was literally founded in Milan.
The community "seems to breathe"? Don't all humans breathe? Martha was right

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I am the peer that chatters about lip gloss, social media and pop music lmao me in class applying my dior lip oil as I talk about elphabas latest meltdown
I hope you're thoroughly ashamed of yourself. If you carry on down this unproductive path, you might end up talking to boys and partaking of ethanol.
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I might be wrong, but I think that originally Erimentha was not on a scholarship and then Ruby re-edited the book and added that in, presumably to make Erimentha more relatable (or to emphasise the ‘child genius’ aspect, I was never sure which). However, as you say, she didn’t really change anything in the rest of the book so Erimentha, despite needing financial support, lives in a large house with mud-rooms and pantries galore and lives a generally very privileged life (I’m not suggesting that doesn’t happen but honestly, in the context of this book it’s odd). I can’t help but feel that if this were real life, Erimentha would be regarded by the school as a major PITA and the scholarship would be quietly withdrawn. I really doubt they’d be supporting her over the fee-paying pupils, but perhaps I am cynical. Also, when reading keep an eye out for the disappearing sibling (who I’m sure was originally a girl but who was changed to a boy …)
This might be my favourite bit of insane incompetence from the book.

Erimentha Parker is from a poor, struggling working class family who magically have all the perks and privileges of wealth, like private tennis lessons, a palatial home and endless summer holidays in France.

Ruby, I'm begging you, please just self-publish Lottie Parton. The world needs more of this hilarious cringe.
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Mother Granger with a huge wheelbarrow following Erimentha just out of sight?

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(Not pictured: Ruby, who has apparently been running laps of the school for 3 hours before all the other students had even woken up.)
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I have decided to suffer for your enjoyment and re-read Erimentha's to do list, and because I am nice I am going to share some thoughts and quotes with you all

Chapter 1:

Plot -
The book opens with Ruby, I mean Erimentha writing a to do list before her first day of school, and then reading a little princess (I completely forgot how much of a self fan fiction this was by Ruby). Our first big difference is poor Erimentha is POOR, she is on a scholarship. But this girl has been reading the news every day since she was in year 4 so ya know she is smart. Our main character is sad she wasn't born in a time of world wars, poverty and disease because now her stupid school doesn't do boarders and she wants midnight feasts and sleepovers. She also has a scrapbook which contains every article, photo and review she could find online, oh and a photo of a random ex pupil who was there in the 40s who she tried to contact. We find out Erimentha spent the whole summer on BBC bitesize and spoke to a "real-life" pupil to prepare for the academic year

Quotes -
- "Even though I can't always understand everything I understand what adults mean when they talk about constituencies and defence ministers and council tax" (I think this was meant to be a flex of how smart she is????)
- "I am 'Intelligent beyond my years'" (and very humble as well ...)

My mental health is already a mess and I don't think this book will help matters but someone has got to do it
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This made me laugh too much. Trying to hard not to offend her over the fact she’s extremely irritating😂

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Erimentha Parker Chapters 4 and 5:

- Just a random point, but this whole book highlights how privileged Ruby is and how she doesn't understand how people can essentially not have money. Erimentha is described as poor and needing a scholarship to afford the school. But there are just so many things in the book that contradict this. I'm only really writing this because Ruby had to mention that Erimentha's house has a mud room ...

Plot -

Honestly barely anything happens in these chapters
- Ruby goes to the library and is sad to find you can only take out two books at a time
- The librarian tells her the books she chose are quite tricky but Ruby essentially tells her to fuck off as she read A brief history of time, so this is nothing
- Back in form they rearrange the desks and Ruby sits next to the teacher
- We get some unnecessary descriptions of trees and stuff while Ruby goes on a walk
- They have pumpkin soup for dinner and Ruby has to go get her waste of space brother who was building lego instead of doing work
- She uses an out of date encyclopaedia to read up and make notes on Cambodia so she can harass her form tutor later
- Waffles on for three pages about different definitions of bullying

Quotes -

  • “They don’t offer psychology in year 7 but I still made the GCSE teacher a pamphlet about the changes in mental health care, from Plath’s time in McLean Hospital up until the present day. The historical element means that I can also show Mr Aldridge – I expect that he’d find that interesting”
  • “I am actually thrilled – sitting so close to the teacher means that we can converse about Cambodia and mental health care while my peers chatter seamlessly about lip gloss, social media and pop music”
  • Unfortunately for me, and to the delight of my peers. We have not been given any homework apart from a brief account of how we found our first day
  • "I will continue doing extension projects, even if it means sneaking them to my teachers in the dead of night as though I am part of some clandestine organisation"
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The reaction of Ruby's fans to any criticism is hardly surprising (Jack Edwards' fans react the same braindead rabid-attack-mode way to critical comments), but man, what a bunch of gullible people.

"She's just showing her life! You don't have to imitate it!"

It's not her life, though.

It's completely fabricated with a very clear purpose: To show herself doing more in a day than is physically possible, to make herself seem more impressive and to make viewers feel like they'll never be as good as Ruby. Because they can't. It is literally impossible to do the amount of work Ruby pretends to do - it's 48+ hours presented as a 12 hour day via the magic of (sloppy) editing.

If you're paying attention, it's not hard to spot the seams - the continuity errors, the lies, the fake off-screen activities, all the undeclared ads for products she doesn't use, the 67 outfit changes a "day" - but if you're young and impressionable, you're more likely to buy into it and believe it's real. Her comments section is flooded with people too young or too gullible to know better, who point out how jealous they are that Ruby accomplishes so much and they feel unproductive by comparison.

That's why Ruby makes these videos. It's for that hollow, cruel little boost she gets from seeing people weigh themselves up to her and feel like they come up short. That makes Ruby feel better about her obvious inadequacies and it makes her feel more valuable as an influencer.

Because that's the ultimate goal: To leave students chasing an unattainable goal while Ruby acts like she's the person with the secret to doing in her sleep - someone to be emulated - while selling overpriced "academic essentials" and serving up undeclared-ad-filled "study tips" videos and sponsored (undeclared) products to help you on your way to being JOHST LOIKE HARR.

Ruby prides herself on that influencer position of power to the point where she uses it to sell herself and her brand. She brags about her follower numbers on LinkedIn and states that she uses her platforms to get students to "maximise their potential, both academically and outside of school/university". Ruby herself is out there saying that kids see her as a role model and imitate her, so this "she's not really an influencer!" shit doesn't hold water.

"She always puts disclaimers to show that toxic productivity is bad and she doesn't agree with it!"

She puts half-assed, lip-service disclaimers on videos in which she does and promotes the exact thing she claims to disagree with. A disclaimer would hold more weight if she ever accepted responsibility for her part in propagating those toxic habits for the entirety of her influencer career, or it clearly stated that her videos and their depicted timelines were staged.

But she'll never do that, and until she stops presenting an impossible goal as an attainable reality, she's going to get a lot of impressionable people following the blueprint she's set out: Drink water non-stop, never eat a nutritious meal, work yourself to death, always be productive, use BONKERBRADACTIVITY planners, all your downtime MOSST BEE PRODOCKTIVE, your boredom MOSST BEE PRODOCKTIVE.

It's dangerous and reprehensible, and she's been warned enough times to know better, but she simply doesn't care. She is not "sweet", she is not "lovely", she doe not "mean well". She knows exactly what she's doing and the damage she does and she'll never stop, because she cares more about that hollow ego boost and her flow of cash than she does about anything or anyone else.

"She doesn't make that kind of content any more though! Her content is super chill and cosy now!"

Her content is exactly the same, there's just less mention of school/uni (but still a baffling amount considering she's a grown woman who graduated a year ago). She's still presenting the same brand of toxic, unattainable productivity with her content in every single video.

"...and THAN OIY had a meeting, AND THAN OIY ran THARTEE MOYLES and THAN OIY wryote a bohk, and THAN OIY radd THARTEE BOHKS and than OIY cleaned moiy house, and than OIY RAN MOIY varry yown BUSINESS SINGLE-HAWNDEDLY and THAN OIYY STODDIED FOR THARTEE OWWERS, AND THAN OIY did some WAHHHRK."

That's every video. That's every Instagram post of a planner. A non-stop onslaught of "VARRY BUSY, VARRY PRODUCTIVE" activities all crammed into an impossible space of time. "Impossible" being the operative word.

Every reading vlog has to emphasise the wildly embellished number of books read or the pages read per hour first and foremost and yet nothing is said about the content of the book. It's all fake.

She's changed the nature of the things she does in her "day" in videos, but it's all the same fabricated, toxic, hustle culture bullshit she's always made.

"She clearly enjoys studying and being productive though!"

The utterly miserable mope on her face at all times and the strained, fake grimace that she can't hold for more than a few seconds suggests otherwise...

If she enjoyed studying, she'd be content just showing and talking about the actual study she does, what she learned, what she enjoys about it, rather than very clearly lie and fabricate events to boost her accomplishments.

But she doesn't. She lies. She makes shit up. She stages all her videos. She has nothing to say about the things she does, it's just a laundry list of fabricated activities and robotic, parroted quotes sandwiched between undeclared ads for shitty products.

This isn't enjoyment, it's a toxic productivity numbers game, where Ruby needs to put her thumb on the scale to come out on top and make herself seem more impressive, intelligent and efficient.
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I've honestly had enough of these Tory kids with private educations being the face of academic establishments. Ruby is currently reading Babel and I know she's reading it for all the wrong reasons. R. F. Kuang is a woc who is documenting her struggles as an academic via a dark academia perspective (I actually met her at the Tolkien lecture and she is genuinely one of the sweetest and most amazing people to talk to) and I know Ruby is only reading it because Oxford and Dark Macadamia.
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Ruby really is a pretentious try hard. She tries so hard to sound profound but just ends up sounding like a dumbass.
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Chatty Member
- Ruby gets hit in the head by a tennis ball and dramatically lowers herself to the ground. Ruby asks for her Mum. Sister Lizzie the nurse tells her that her mum is coming to take her to A&E (clearly we went to different schools as in my secondary school you would be lucky if they gave you a wet paper towel. Would usually just get told to stop complaining and get on with it.
- Ruby gets taken to the infirmary in a wheelchair while June is used as her servant and asked to get her things from the changing room.
- Ruby goes to A&E ..
Whoever hit the ball at Ruby's head must've had a stronger forehand than Nadal. I've seen him accidentally hit a ball kid a couple of times and the ball kid just got back on with the job.

- When in A&E talking to the doctor - "I thank her and she thanks me, complimentarily telling me that I am one of the most medically informed children she's met"

I bet she just LOVED writing that about herself.
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I actually kind of enjoyed the new video. Something a little different, and at the end when she was interacting with Mummy Granger, she actually seemed a lot more likeable and natural. I’m sure someone will come and shoot down my little balloon of optimism, but I feel like this is a step in the right direction - doing normal, real things (although I’m pretty sure Daddy Bones did a lot of the work behind the scenes lol), not playing Victorian infant make-believe in their crack den of a garden.
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The thing is, I don't think it's necessarily wrong that adults should be able to enjoy the same things they did as kids. As an autistic adult, I still have a lot of the same hobbies and interests I did as a kid. I still collect stuffed animals and play the same video games I loved 20 years ago. I don't like the idea that "growing up" means you have to give up on the things you used to like. Yes, I've grown, but at my core I'm still the same person I was back then.

Except I also live alone, work full-time even through physical and mental health problems, and indulging in old childhood hobbies is a nice reprieve from the stresses of daily life. The difference with Ruby is that she comes across as spoiled and entitled, living off her YouTube ad revenue and staying rent free in her parents' mansion. She's never genuinely had to work a day in her life. I'd take less issue with her playing dress-up and reading old children's books if she had a real job or any responsibilities outside of that, but she doesn't. I don't think she feels the need to act her age or grow as a person or work through any of the psychological issues she obviously has, because she has the privilege to do pretty much whatever she wants.
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