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In her Boston YouTube video when she said that she visited the Harvard book store and it wasn't "the best" idk but it felt like she was trying to put herself "above" it somehow. Like it wasn't "literary" enough for her. Lol. Most bookstores located near campuses serve students and will most likely sell academic texts/textbooks so it won't just be the classics with fancy covers.

Also, I find it funny that she says that Boston isn't really a place for literary tourism when it's actually often referred to as the "birthplace of American literature" and there is even a map of Boston's Literary District online with all the homes of famous authors and other landmarks (but this is for someone who is actually into American literature and has more knowledge or interest in the city's history, references in books, and authors' lives. I also think I may have found the website she may have used to come up with her itinerary for her trip to Boston here. It's a very touristy website and all the book stores she went to are listed there.

She's only talked about Edgar Allan Poe, Louisa May Alcott, and Emily Dickinson, but there is also Sylvia Plath, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry David Thoreau, and so many other influential American authors who were born in or lived in Boston and other areas in Massachusetts throughout their literary careers. And since she did visit Amherst, I wonder if she'll mention that David Foster Wallace attended Amherst College. The thing about American authors is that you also need to have an understanding of the historical and social context in which they lived in order to glean a deeper and richer understanding of their work. It would have been nice if her literary tour had extended into something dealing with American history as well. In a 3-week period she could have easily fit in so much!

And I also wonder if she'll ever mention Emily Dickinson's letters and relationship with Susan Gilbert.

Missed crossover opportunity: playing Rory Gilmore reading Sylvia Plath's journals in Boston.
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Yes! All things aside, on a very basic level, what are Ruby's qualifications to take up the Museum's account? Did she even attend one UNDERGRAD course on Dickinson?
Ruby is a reclusive literary genius, just like Emily was! What more do you need? 🙃
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Well Matilda is out in the cinema this weekend. She’ll be dressed up like this for months now. It’s almost as bad as when kids would dress in superhero costumes for months
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OT, but I’m on a train and couldn’t get a seat, so instead of reading a book I’m restricted to my phone, and I thought I’d share this beautiful poem by @gossip_guy from July 2021 🥲

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Chatty Member
If Ruby doesn't know what a sparrow is, it sounds likely that she actually didn't know what brine was during her Oxford interview. The word 'brine' came up in a poem she had to analyse in her interview, and she asked the interviewers what it meant. Post-interview, in her vlogs, she claimed that of course she knew what brine was, but just blanked during the interview.
God I will never get over the fact that Ruby thought asking the Oxford interviewers what brine is would be a good move xD Like anyone with an ounce of common sense would've been like "okay I don't know what to make of that word/line, better start out with some observations about other parts of the poem to distact from that" Like that is a valid strategy in exam/interview situations.

But poor old Ruby chose to just straight-up ask them about brine, like teacher's pet seven year old asking her teacher about an unfamiliar word xD
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God I will never get over the fact that Ruby thought asking the Oxford interviewers what brine is would be a good move xD Like anyone with an ounce of common sense would've been like "okay I don't know what to make of that word/line, better start out with some observations about other parts of the poem to distact from that" Like that is a valid strategy in exam/interview situations.

But poor old Ruby chose to just straight-up ask them about brine, like teacher's pet seven year old asking her teacher about an unfamiliar word xD
Also it's usually not hard to surmise the general meaning of a word from its context when in emergency situations where you can't look it up. She probably would have been fine had she just glossed over this word that she didn't know and focused on the rest of the text, or tried to guess the meaning from the context without drawing attention to it.
I did some training as a simultaneous interpreter and one of the golden rules of interpreting is that you can't get stuck. If you don't know the meaning of a word or you didn't quite catch it, you cannot stop and obsess over it, because the speaker will not wait for you to catch up to them, and if you get stuck on a single word you're gonna lose your place and make a bigger mess than if you had just ignored it as much as possible or tried to guess its meaning.
So that's basically what happened here lol Ruby got hung up on this single word she didn't know instead of looking at the bigger picture and realizing that maybe she didn't actually need to know the precise meaning of this word at all
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”I’ve seen other places than just the Boston Public Gardens! I haven’t just been stuck in my room googling Robert Frost quotes!”

View attachment 1691121
I worked through sites like scaled piano keys, I just haven't taken or posted any pictures of them and have only taken pictures in or around my hotel but you have to believe me! I was there with my boyfriend who goes to a different school!
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Imo staying for three weeks alone anywhere is a recipe for disaster. Especially if you're a person like Ruby who is not very independent and doesn't like to socialize. And in my opinion staying in a city is not like spending a holiday at the seaside that's meant to be relaxing and you can just lie on the beach and take in a beautiful atmosphere. Cities are beautiful but you gotta go out there and see the sights otherwise you're just staying cooped up in a hotel in a urban area doing things you could have done at home. If you're on your own too it gets boring real fast.

I feel like she hit a new low yesterday. Dressing up as Coraline just to sit in a hotel room by yourself is the saddest way to spend Halloween. And this is coming from someone who spent Halloween watching tv with my family lol.

And I'm sure she'll do something more in the next two weeks but imo it's better to explore a city when you first arrive there, in the first week or so, and then if anything spend the last few days before you leave relaxing, maybe in some of the spots you discovered while exploring.

I'm surprised she didn't plan her holiday better. Did no one tell her that three weeks alone in a city on the other side of the world are too much and that it was better to start with maybe a week somewhere closer to home?
I don't get why she can't get on a train and go somewhere like New York or Harvard or Yale whilst she is there, see SOMETHING to justify the airfare. If I was going all that way I'd make it count.
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Is one of her tips literally LARPing as your OC in public? What the hell is going on
My OC is an unhinged grandma who goes to the cosmetics section in the department store and tries on ALL the products. Any shop staff that come near me, I will just flap my wings arms and hoot like an owl until they back off.
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VIP Member
Imo staying for three weeks alone anywhere is a recipe for disaster. Especially if you're a person like Ruby who is not very independent and doesn't like to socialize. And in my opinion staying in a city is not like spending a holiday at the seaside that's meant to be relaxing and you can just lie on the beach and take in a beautiful atmosphere. Cities are beautiful but you gotta go out there and see the sights otherwise you're just staying cooped up in a hotel in a urban area doing things you could have done at home. If you're on your own too it gets boring real fast.

I feel like she hit a new low yesterday. Dressing up as Coraline just to sit in a hotel room by yourself is the saddest way to spend Halloween. And this is coming from someone who spent Halloween watching tv with my family lol.

And I'm sure she'll do something more in the next two weeks but imo it's better to explore a city when you first arrive there, in the first week or so, and then if anything spend the last few days before you leave relaxing, maybe in some of the spots you discovered while exploring.

I'm surprised she didn't plan her holiday better. Did no one tell her that three weeks alone in a city on the other side of the world are too much and that it was better to start with maybe a week somewhere closer to home?
Yeah, if she's insistent on basing a holiday around her fake bookworm thing, she could've take a week and travelled to Hay-on-Wye and stopped off in Stratford, Bath and other places inbetween, see the general sights, do the literary tourism thing and visit a tonne of bookshops while getting the opportunity to see lots of scenic countryside. Maybe head up north to Haworth for the weekend and see the Bronte sisters landmarks to cap it off. The "I saw x amount of cities in 7 days" clickbait "I JANUINELY did more than you!" titles that she loves to use write themselves.

It wouldn't have cost her 4 grand, and she'd be close enough to home and familiar comforts that she might be emboldened enough to branch out and explore more and not just barricade herself in her room, then there's room to travel overseas to explore further next time.

I still doubt she'd actually enjoy it given she clearly has no interest in reading and literature or seemingly anything at all, but there'd be enough variety of content for a few vlogs and she'd get to act like she was VARRY BUSY AND PRODOCKTIVE.

Instead, she's offered up another holiday that looks profoundly dull and doesn't seem to be getting any better, and the closest to a literary adventure she's experienced is re-enacting Stephen King's 1408 and losing what's left of her mind in a hotel room she apparently can't escape from.
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everyone who studies marketing and would get an intern for social media marketing and produce videos and tiktoks like that would get fired.
unbelievable how easy your life is with money.
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VIP Member
I don't get why she can't get on a train and go somewhere like New York or Harvard or Yale whilst she is there, see SOMETHING to justify the airfare. If I was going all that way I'd make it count.
If I were in Boston during Halloween, I'd try to make the most out of the touristy stuff in Salem 😂 There are some cool museums all around her atm, I don't know how she's choosing to spend her time but I hope she's doing stuff rather than just making herself comfortable in a hotel room. I enjoy traveling alone, I think it's really liberating to do exactly what you want, whether it's just wandering around the neighborhood or following your niche interests that might be boring to others. If Ruby is using this trio to push her comfort zone, good for her. Otherwise it's money well wasted.
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The way she misuses words with such total confidence is truly extraordinary. I wonder what happens in her brain when she substitutes "intercept" for "intersect" or "extortionate" for...I'm not even sure what (disproportionate, maybe?). And then if she looks at "intersect" and "intercept" in print, does she even see that they're two different words? It's like she has some kind of highly specialized dyslexia or aphasia. Despite her bookworm persona, I imagine that reading must often be challenging or confusing for her. Maybe she tends to prefer books for children and young adults because they use simpler language. I can't believe that she could get through some of the books she claims to read--The Secret History for example. I think she must have abandoned that after the first ten pages, and that's why we've only ever seen her waving it around or flipping through it.
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Yet another video from Boston Public Garden, where she'll apparently spend her entire holiday.

This time she rambles about facts she learned on statues. Didjoo kyow that "eetha is an Anne Assthattic"?

Ruby is surprised that she "didn't kyow that eetha was used for the farrst toime heyahh". Spoilers: It wasn't. The statue doesn't even claim that either, just that ether was first publicly demonstrated as having anaesthetic uses in Boston (also disproven - it found to have been publicly used much earlier elsewhere).

But Ruby LOVES reading and lahhrning and reesarrching.
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So she just visited book shops, went to chain coffee shops, visited one (1) museum, and went to the beach (in winter)? Surely the same could have been achieved by going to Blackpool, no?
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Genuine question - was this sponsored or not? The description below the YouTube video suggests it was but there's no actual declaration?
It's entirely unclear because Ruby is so completely dishonest about all sponsored content, puts undeclared ads in all her videos and has been intentionally vague about this one as well, but all signs point to yes - she was gifted things with a clear cash value in exchange for advertising.

The museum is not likely to have paid her in cash. They do, however, appear to have gifted her a $200 writing session, at least one $16 guided tour, and possibly more. In exchange, Ruby advertised the museum on social media. As far as the ASA are concerned, this qualifies as a payment for advertising.

Ruby claims she worked with the museum as a volunteer.

This is what the actual volunteers there actually do:


Ruby doesn't appear to have done any of that. Instead, she claims she was there to create content for their TikTok/social media and "develop a social media strategy", which she's not remotely qualified to do:


(She deleted this story shortly after uploading it, not even leaving it up for an hour, which doesn't look dodgy at all.)

She uploaded a grand total of 6 videos totalling 2 minutes, 14 seconds of content to the museum's TikTok.

She posted a whopping 2 posts on their Instagram, where she shouted about "GHASTS" and butchered a poem in her fake accent, in addition to a few Insta stories which were full of nonsense and errors.



Her "social media strategy" seems to have amounted to her saying "Have you heard of TikTok?" to the museum staff. She's done a terrible job of advertising the museum, making it more about herself than the museum, not properly showing the rooms she had access to or allowing experienced tour guides to speak on camera, and focusing on the most dull parts of the place, like the cafeteria.

So Ruby's "volunteering" story sounds like utter nonsense, and everything points to her having been paid with free VIP tickets to tour the museum and linger in off-limits areas for a week in exchange for her half-assed social media posts. It's no different than Remarkable gifting her a tablet in exchange for an ad video, but she'll put this on her CV as "volunteer work" despite having not done anything.
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So.. Ruby went to Greece. What did we see all day long? The Pool.
Ruby went to Boston. What do we see all day? The Park.

I mean.
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