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Me: *opens laptop*

laptop screams: HALLO it's ROOBI

Me: *oh good, GG (gossip guy) must be brewing something good*
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Ruby: I don’t want to spend much time at home

also ruby: *goes home for a week*
Let's be fair to Ruby, she's clearly fully independent now.

It's been a whole six weeks since she went home to her family, not counting the family visits, family weddings, family holidays, letters, phone calls, video calls, emails, telegrams, carrier pigeons, carrier flies (RIP all the fly test pilot messengers who didn't make it past the windowsill) and sustainable plane message banners.

Plus she's getting the train by herself! Who cares if she probably just agreed to meet her parents "half-way" by taking the train to the next stop and only making them drive 185 miles each way instead of 186 - she's still out there doing it for herself with 0.0007% less help from mummy and daddy.

She can tick off "Be Independent" on her planners and to-do lists as completed now - she's nailed it. And she knows the definition of independence - she touched the spine of a dictionary mere days ago!
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Am I allowed to say this....?
"my favourite person": this is what you say when referring to the person you're sleeping with, right?
I feel like you’re referring to a grownup thing here, and that’s not allowed in Roobeeland. What’s next, drinking and drugs?!
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The ridiculous food photos plus constant 'accidental' shots of her searches - videos on staying skinny, binge eating etc. It's all deliberate ED baiting and it's gross. I can't even feel sorry for her because of the damage she's doing - and she knows it, because she deletes comments.
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i've just found out that e l. james (the author of the 50 shades books) went to the same school as ruby lmaooo
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Presumably if Ruby opened a bookshop it would end up like her book club- Ruby would stop turning up to work and the employees would be left confusedly trying to run things themselves. Occasionally Ruby would bounce in saying 'hello it's Roobee, I'm here to show you my Waterstones haul!'
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Is it just me who thinks her Dickens project is dubious? Dickens isn't known for murder mysteries but that's the route she's gone down. 'Murder in the workhouse' is a ridiculous concept and I doubt Dickens, who highlighted the grinding poverty and hardship faced by the poor, would have approved of the way they're turning the lives of the poor into a stupid unrealistic game. The idea that you have to 'alert the authorities' - as if the authorities would care that someone had died in a workhouse. The whole thing is so cheap and sensationalist and just badly thought out.
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I'm late to the party but can I just say how freakishly Weird that ad for her old school is to me. It just seems so removed from reality, it's wild. I feel like this explains A Lot about Ruby's behaviour, if you come from an environment like that the real world must be a mighty shock to the system, even if it's just the real world in the form of the Exeter bubble. Judging by that ad girls at that school get told over and over again that they're the greatest and that they have a great future because they went to such a great school. Yikes.

A personal highlight for me was the youngest girl saying that "I now pack my school bag myself every night, and I try hard to remember my homework" like that is some brilliant, show-stopping achievement for a student? Like the ad clearly wants to convince parents that this school is worth paying 10.000 pounds in tuition per year because this school will teach your little darling to be so independent and amazing, she'll even be able to pack her own school bag! And not only that, she'll also "try to" remember doing her homework! Clearly, that is some next-level education you could never get at a regular school.

And now I also understand why Ruby was so obsessed with doing a "What's in my school bag" video every few months - clearly this must have been something she got a lot of praise for at her school. Look at star student Ruby Granger, who not only packed her own bag but also remembered to bring a spare pencil! Clearly she is destined for greatness! Oxbridge worthy at the very least!

Would be interesting to see how the students who were in the ad turn out in a few years, and if they'll have similar struggles to Ruby's lmao.

Also I can totally see Ruby deciding to become an English teacher and teaching at her old school. Anyone wanna place bets?
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I mean, we have a user on here who claims she doesn't have heating, sweaters, can't afford food, shelter from rain, only uses bic pens and doesn't own shoes because that's too expensive continuously getting triggered by Ruby for buying pens and liking autumn. Then there was even a girl (probably the same one lol) who got mad at Ruby for having a table to study on because "some people don't have the privilege to own tables in their houses and therefore can't study and be productive" which makes Ruby's study routines with tables toxic.

I wonder how many of these call out posts are just people from first world countries fantasizing about struggle in order to have something to complain about even though the thing they claim triggered them is just a perfectly normal and acceptable thing in our world and we all do it/have it unless literally homeless.
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Roobee is back on Instagram gushing about her parents and how much she misses them. 'Absence is one of the greatest indicators of love.' I guess by that logic she doesn't give a **** about Martha?
I just checked this post out. It's completely insane.

Again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with spending a lot of time with parents. If you're lucky enough to have a family you get along well with and enjoy spending a lot of time with, by all means, embrace the time you have with them and enjoy every moment of it. But, like any relationship, it's important to have a well-balanced life outside of them, for their sake and yours. Your entire existence can't be entirely dependent on one person forever. It's not healthy.

It's only been two weeks since she was on holiday with her parents. She's been sending them daily letters, calling them, texting them, video chatting, and now she's posting about them like she's posting as if she's been reunited with them after spending 18 months in a prison camp. She's almost obsessively dependent on the presence of her parents and it's absolutely not normal or good for her.

Also, "absence is the greatest indicator of love" is a completely backwards, mangled sentence - the wording she's used make it seem like the more someone is absent, the more they'll love you, when she hasn't been absent from her parents for any length of time. I think she meant to say "absence makes the heart grow fonder. Again, third year uni student and total bookworm, clearly.
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I agree that it is completely reprehensible that Ruby is continuing to post things like this when her audience is so young and impressionable, and I want to say that I really appreciate you guys continuing to call her behavior out.
Honestly the stills of her receding hairline that all of you have been posting here have been enough to make me think that I want to change my relationship with food before I go down that route and get to the point where I'm willing to sacrifice my hair health, which I'm really proud of, to be like Ruby. As someone who has been watching Ruby for a while and who is still within the demographic that she caters to, I was having a hard time seeing how copying her every behavior (like eating only plain porridge and then working out a lot) was damaging my health, but I'm really glad that I stumbled on this site one day and realized that she wasn't actually some sort of superhuman role model. Anyway, thanks for saving my hairline (and my health ig, though sometimes that feels less important), and I hope that my fellow brainwashed Ruby viewers realize what's going on soon too.
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This is why I think Blakeney is not so ‘innocent’ in all of this; I suspect she and Roobee collude with an eating disorder and almost encourage it in all their joint living. She is a willing and active participant in their friendship and perhaps has “shared” her Ed with Roobee.
There's also the possibility that Blakeney openly has an eating disorder and Ruby just started imitating that aspect of her personality along with everything else she copies.

It would explain why Blakeney reached out to and became friends with Molly (and then Ruby subsequently latched onto her, too).
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Skimmed through the comments on the bodychecking video, and it looks like she’s deleted some comments, including one that explained (very gently I thought) what bodychecking is, and why it’s harmful. So she’s seen the comments. She’s doing this deliberately. Asshole.
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Not to mention that if you haven't read all of Dickens by the time you are 16 or something then what the hell are you doing studying English lit? lol (that last one is my personal experience - if you're not obsessed with books, classic lit and general reading, then maybe study aesthetics at uni? you seem to be so much better at those)
no need to gatekeep english lit.
Dickens is not the be-all end-all. i got along fine in my BA in english lit without ever reading Dickens.
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Ok Ruby, it's oar-tumnal. It's all well and fine saying how much you enjoy the rainy weather when you have access to central heating, warm clothes and blankets you can snuggle under for the cozy vibe. The girl is perpetually oblivious.
Not to defend her but I say the same thing lmao I love it when it rains. Never thought it was inappropriate to say 😅
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Also... she talks about how people always say uni is the best time of their life and romanticise it too much, but isn't it exactly what she does? I don't remember her ever talking about how she was struggling in her first and second year, it's actually the first time we hear about it. Her videos portray this perfect/productive/"aesthetic" life, why not open up about your struggles if you think it's normal to have them?
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I'm surprised no one (from what I can tell, sorry if anyone has I couldn't see anything) has mentioned Martha's new video.

Main takeaways are this:
- Marfa is emassing a rather impressive collection of questionable tattoos.
- Marfa has dyed her hair (and forehead) again.
-Marfa has genuinely put more effort into editing this very basic tattoo video then I think Ruby ever has.
- Marfa states that her parents wanted to called her fucking 'Strawberry', which just feeds into the theory that her parents don't have a clue what they are doing.
- Marfa has gotten a tattoo of Haku from spirited away, which is for Ruby apparently (?), and in the same chain of thought we essentially get Marfa calling Ruby out for looking like a 12 year old (in relation to the character Haku).
-Marfa states one of sister's friends did a stick and poke tattoo on her, I am honestly shocked Ruby would have a friend willing to do so, unless there is another sister that the Bones have locked in the dusty attic.

TL;DR Marfa said Ruby looks like a 12 year old, and can edit better than Ruby, whilst being miles more entertaining than Ruby.
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But the way she accepts all that wealth as if she deserves it. Like she doesn't even notice it? Idk.
It's because she's been in fancy private school settings her whole life and has had absolutely no contact with anyone beneath her tax bracket. She doesn't notice because she probably thinks poverty is a far-off thing, like, starving kids in Africa. She doesn't see that it happens everywhere, in every country, because she's oblivious and her parents sheltered the living shit out of her to the point of emotionally stunting her.
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