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Ok firstly I think Ruby and I have used very different tents lmao


It feels like doing Duke of Edinburgh would have been really valuable to her. Actually dead that she thinks this is ‘camping’ 💀

Ruby not really liking a book with graphic sex scenes?? Surely not?! I’ll be honest I didn’t think much of the book either (though Circe her second one is great), but it’s just so predictable. It literally says “sexy” on the cover, there is absolutely no way she’s going to like it
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She’ll probably come back and say she deleted that yellow dress reel because someone called her out for putting on a poppy when it wasn’t November, so she’s taken some time off to reflect and now she’s going to donate a WWII memorial to an underfunded state school 🙄
"I am committed to growing and learning (which I do at least 12 hours a day, even when my mummy says it's past my bedtime) so I have started a GoFundMe page - please donate to help me educate and enrichify the lives of impoverished students everywhere by sending them all a plaque with my poem about the unimaginable horrors of war, where I picture what it was like to be there during the Blitz:

German bombs are falling astronomically,
Don't they know they've interrupted my study?
If they would only read my book,
Or take the time to emulate my look,
Those naughty Nazis would surely see,
It's not very nice to be bullying me.

- Wartime Productivity: A Cottagecore Poem, by Ruby Granger.

If we raise over £1 million, I'll be personally uploading a video teaching elderly war veterans to make murials for their walls."
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I watched Molly's latest video and it couldn't be more of a contrast to Ruby's recent readathon video.

Molly's readathon video:

A clear, honest title. ("My first readathon." - Video contains Molly's first readathon.)
Competent editing.
Likeable, unpretentious personality and manner of speaking.
Uses words that exist, with proper context and pronunciation.
Reads lengthy books aimed at adults.
No focus on hitting arbitrary book targets. (Molly is very clear and honest upfront that she'll read for the enjoyment of reading, switch books if she gets bored and isn't likely to finish any/all of them.)
Has interesting, articulate things to say about the books she reads.
Promotes healthy habits (reading, eating, self-care.)

Ruby's readathon video:

Title full of lies ("Reading 7 books in a day - cosy university readathon" - Ruby doesn't read 7 books and is on break from university. The cosiness is debatable.)
Incompetent editing. (Incapable of speaking a complete, unedited sentence.)
Awkward, pretentious and generally robotic delivery.
Mispronounces many words, invents many others.
Reads children's books, very short books or short stories.
Turns reading into a competition, which she has to lie and change the rules to win. (Ruby claims to read 7 complete books. These include short stories, very short books and many books she just didn't finish. She brags about her accomplishments anyway.)
Only offers bland, surface-level or completely incoherent insight into the books she reads.
Promotes unhealthy habits (reading as a box-ticking exercise, encouraging quantity over quality/enjoyment when reading, lying to achieve your goals, and encourages burning candles at 45 degree angles and possibly burning your house down.)

The only disadvantage to Molly's video is that she's adopted Ruby's 'reading while brushing teeth' habit, which is ridiculous by itself, but Molly does it after just putting on a lovely yellow dress and risking drooling toothpaste all over the book and dress.

Ruby's video, however, is an unmitigated shitshow of lies and incompetence. So, a clear win for Molly.
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This is becoming really strange now... why post other peoples food if you’ve got none yourself?
And especially her being vegan lol like generally vegans don't go around posting pictures of other people's plates with dead animals in them
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This is becoming really strange now... why post other peoples food if you’ve got none yourself?
It feels like she’s panicking, and rather than just stopping posting photos of food altogether she’s decided that posting pictures of more food will somehow fix things. Like this is somehow evidence that she’s actually eating properly even though we know none of this is for her. Basically overcompensating. Ruby if you just stop posting pictures of food completely that will put an end to all this! You can eat what you want, but it will stop all speculation. It won’t be taken as evidence that you’re eating nothing, people will just forget about it.
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In which her advice failed to mention that maybe going into proper uni halls and sharing a flat would be a good way to make friends... And y'know maybe drinking something other than Tea or coconut water 😂

I'd genuinely kill to see Ruby in a pub/club actually doing something normal for a Uni student.
The result would be exactly what we can see in your profile picture tbh lmao

I don't think anyone has to drink alcohol so they can make friends. I personally mever really enjoyed the club scene, but I still made friends at uni despite being a bit of a recluse, because I still made the effort to actually meet people half way instead of forcing them to fit into my definition of a perfect setting. Ruby is so rigid in her approach to the world, I'm really curious how she'll be in a work/home environment that she can't easily control.
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Whoever commented pikelets, I see you!!!


Also congrats Ruby, what a positive influence you’re having…
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Did Ruby ever give a reason why she changed her bed from a double to a single? She has a big room that could easily fit a double bed in with lots of space so I don't understand why she would want a smaller one.
she's obviously embracing her "inner victorian child" by having a wrought iron single bed lmao
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I’m reiterating something that others have said before - if your tutor or lecturer has office hours, go to them! Seriously. It’s a thing Ruby does right IMO. Because 1) you’re paying for that degree and education, get your money’s worth and 2) most Academics want to talk about their areas of expertise with interested students and scholars. It’s why they became Academics.
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Oh god, a Victorian tea party video. That she worked on for MONTHS. 🙄

also completely ot my cat gave birth to four lovely, magnificent, very much planned and long-awaited kittens yesterday evening. She has also decided that if she has to stay in the bedroom and look after the babies, then so do I. I rely solely on Tattle for my entertainment.
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has nobody told ruby that no matter how excited you are about your disso to start with, by the time it’s handed it you’ll never ever ever want to even look at that subject ever again? because she might just put herself off victoriana and “dark academia“ for life LOL
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What happened?
I asked her why she was saying no holidays will happen abroad this year when there is countries on the green list and travel is looking at opening up by next month
And also asked her if she meal plans to reduce food waste by bulk cooking
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not to get dramatic but as someone who spent every summer PROPERLY camping with a PROPER tent with an overhead tarp and all the regular things that go with camping it really irks me when people say this is 'camping'. go to a proper campsite, i guarantee you that no one will have a tent like this lol. go to a festival or special event? yeah sure people might have these. one night in back weather and rubys tent is gone. thank you for reading my rant. i am simply just passionate about camping.
Her camping skills are a fail on every level. She's ill equipped to survive bad weather, the fire she'll undoubtedly start inside her tent, bear attacks, or Jason Voorhees. On a real camping trip, she's a goner.

I also had to laugh at this:


They should rephrase the question: Have you ever been camping as an adult without a parent or guardian present? Sure sounds like a no.
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I think regardless of the fact that she likely needs help and that we are also rightfully very concerned for her younger viewers, it would feel like she is being ganged up on. Some of the comments are very confronting and there are a lot of them in a short time. I agree that the triggering posts need to stop, but if she’s as unwell as we think she is then having that many comments (some written with a lot of intensity) would be so overwhelming and fuelling presumable self loathing which can fuel more negative behaviour. I’m not at all excusing the triggering content, but at the end of the day even when people are not acting in a good way, they are doing the best they know how in that moment. I think people can and should express concern and even say they’re stepping back so as not to get triggered (or some may just unfollow and step away quietly too, because the numbers will still show her there’s a problem), but yeah I’m getting a bit of a gang mentality vibe in the comments, which happens so easily and often with humans. It’s so easy to get caught up in the drama of it all. I’ve found myself doing it simply by the amount I’ve refreshed this page 🙈. I know it’s probably the wrong platform to share this, but I’m not going to apologise for sounding soft lol. At 30 I’ve seen some sh*t, and I’ve met a lot of unwell people (be they traumatised or sheltered) who sometimes take a bit longer to find the insight and experience to do better. Not many people (if any) are simply ‘bad’, and life and people just are not as black and white as I used to insist they were. Okie doke, Merry Christmas everyone 😅
There have definitely been a lot more people pointing out her triggering habits and lot less of her devoted fans leaping to her defense in the comments, but this has been building for a really long time. There's been too many comments for too long for her to honestly think this is a sudden thing or that she's being ganged up on out of nowhere. She's been fully aware of people's response to her actions, she's happily ignored it and kept doing it, and here we are.

How many times has she had to preface a food post with a defensive excuse that the rest of her food was off-screen, or that she ate an entire smorgasbord of food moments later, but her camera died so that's conveniently not shown? She's well aware what she's doing will negatively impact people and can predict what people will say about it, yet she still does it.

I do feel sorry for her. Her parents are clearly either too oblivious or too mollycoddling to care, and she doesn't exactly have the biggest social support structure to call her out and intervene when she's slipped into dangerous habits. But that sympathy wanes quickly when she acknowledges that she's posting things that are unhealthy, but continues doing them without regard for anyone.

She's infinitely more interested in hocking crappy sponsored products to her young fanbase than she is at safeguarding their mental health from her position as an influencer. She's more than happy to embrace her role as an influencer when it means convincing kids to buy things they don't need to earn herself some cash, so she really doesn't get to plead ignorance to the influence she has on their eating habits, too, especially when they're commenting on her posts asking for weight loss tips to look like her.

She doesn't owe anyone a grand confession that she has an ED. She doesn't owe anyone any movement towards recovery - although I truly hope she does take that step towards getting better. But she does have a duty of care to the children watching who are viewing her dangerous behaviour as aspirational and commenting as such. She owes it to the ED sufferers in recovery watching her videos for studytube content to not just hurl a bombardment of food triggers and blatant bodychecking at them instead. And there's a simple solution to both: She need to stop posting things like that.

She should be well aware by now that she needs help, and help's there if she needs it. People have been commenting on her post for months urging her to get help, and almost every comment has been from a place of sympathy and concern. She is/was friends with Molly, who has first-hand experience with ED and I'm sure would have been happy to listen and help. She's had help at hand, but she's clearly unready or unwilling to get help, and that's incredibly sad. I hope she gets to that point sooner than later. But if can't or won't control her compulsions, then she needs to at least stop broadcasting it to the world, or there's going to be more kids following in her footsteps.
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