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View attachment 644579View attachment 644579
She finally addresses the elephant in the room... by choosing not to address it.
This is a bit of a buttered up ‘I’m not responsible for your triggers’ excuse that gets thrown around the ED community when accounts do very triggering things, get called out, and decide to carry on doing triggering things whilst simultaneously blaming followers for being triggered.
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Wait so was she actually camping in the garden I thought you were all joking
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For those interested...

At 2:28 she pours tea in the daytime during her nighttime routine video

At 2:41 it's nighttime again!

At 2:47 daytime again!

At 2:59 she "takes a sip" of tea. You cant sit here and tell me that she actually took a sip! It looks so fake and that's she's only doing it for the camera.

Look I don't give a shit whether she took a sip or not. It's the fake preformative "aesthetic" way she acts in her video that annoys me. Just stop Ruby. Try and be a little more authentic. You look stupid and lazy
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Please keep things on-topic here; actually working for money is a completely irrelevant subject in the thread about Ruby Granger.
Your correct tomorrow I will go send my little boy up a chimney whilst I stay at home drinking tea
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ugh I can see it now. Vee did this too by including “Harvard” in every video. I understand being proud but jesus it just becomes annoying after a while.
lmao OT but flashbacks to Vee's "Harvard student reacts to Jesy leaving little mix" video. In no way is you going to Harvard relevant to this video love, stop it. Ruby would be the exact same if she got onto an Oxbridge course.
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It definitely doesn't paint Exeter in the best light if someone as staggeringly stupid as her is she's not just passing, but getting consistent firsts. I guess it's possible that she's a puddle-brained dumbass only on the internet and in real life she's actually a genius, but that seems very unlikely.

How do all the other students there feel about her getting such good grades when she's can't get through a sentence without misusing, mispronouncing or inventing words? Does she mangle the English language constantly in lectures/seminars, too?
She’s never said anything that’s baffled me. I think she probably just feels insecure on the Internet and tries to appear overly intelligent because that’s her brand. Of course she’s a bit of a meme and I think how she’s approaching her dissertation is ridiculous but I’m sure she’ll listen to her advisor when we go back in September. I think she just fantasises a lot and gets way ahead of herself without guidance. Ruby’s a lot of things but she’s not dumb. If anything, Ruby does so well because she probably caters her essays towards the opinions of her seminar leader (who marks her work) and takes on a lot of office hour advice. And English is really subjective. If you write something your marker vehemently disagrees with they’re more likely to poke holes in your essay than if you present an argument that agrees with them. You can be really good at essay writing and still really stupid when it comes to other things. I doubt she uses her weird vocabulary in essays, and she has a lot of time to go over them and proof read again and again bc she’s always so ahead of herself. Maybe she gets her friends to proofread for her? Idk.

We do always tend to be astounded at how consistently well she does though lol. She never seems to struggle at all.

And as for the uni, we’re Russel Group and have a pretty solid reputation as a good university. There’s also a pretty established sentiment that English is one of the toughest humanities subjects at the uni because of how brutal the marking can be. And I don’t think Ruby is the best way of judging any school considering she’s only one person anyway lmao
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I find it slightly ironic that not too long after people are calling out her eating habits and ED baiting and probably having an ED she releases a meal planner…
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Oh look! What did I tell ya, Rubert?

View attachment 650886
... aesthetic... dark academia...... PLANNERS???? what?? dark academia is very eurocentric so maybe it'll include a tracker for improving white superiority complexes or something. like, "today I wasn't racist." check

ooo and a tracker for privilege... "I am angry because my butler spilt tea on me but I am privileged because most people don't have a butler so I guess I won't fire him just yet." check

note: my first attempt at being more humorous... unfortunately we can't all live up to the god that is @gossip_guy but we can try #myhero
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What's sadder is that for spending all her waking hours being "productive" she's never realised most of that time is needless busywork.

She's also not improved at anything she puts pride and value in in all the years she's been doing them.

Her productivity skills are shockingly bad. She hasn't streamlined them or learned to use her time more efficiently at all since her Hermione days. It's all needless lists, planners and redundant time-wasting. Everything's a box-ticking exercise.

As a reader, her interests are just as narrow and immature as ever, and even then she barely reads. She skims, skips, or just outright lies about reading things. The only things she does read were written for the mind of an infant.

As a writer she's supposedly been writing every day for years but Erimentha was the first and only thing she published. She's failed to capitalise on the boom of YouTuber/BookTuber books getting released and also hasn't self-published anything either.

As a YouTuber, she hasn't grown at all. Her filmmaking and editing skills have not improved in 6 years. Her content ideas and the delivery of them are the same as when she started her channel. She's made zero effort to grow her channel or expand her viewership.

As an entrepreneur, she's atrocious. Her store is barely stocked, missing obvious product ideas and trades entirely on bland, cheaply-made, overpriced crap nobody needs. Today she added her first new product in a year. It was designed by someone else.

As a student she's succeded largely on the low standards of her university, but university has an end date and her grades won't mean anything in the real world.

Her language skills have only deteriorated over time - her uni grades seem to have given her added confidence to the point she uses words incorrectly on every level, more often than ever, without questioning herself or double-checking.

Socially, she's only regressed, and she wasn't the most outgoing and likeable person to begin with.

Is there anything at all she hasn't completely half-assed, or achieved purely by virtue of privilege and luck?
English exe student here who has friends who have interacted with Ruby lmao. I wanted to say that the marking standards for English here are very subjective but everyone I know on my course has found it brutal and no one I know has grades like Ruby’s. Idk where this idea that we’re all having an easy time at Exeter came from but I can assure u that is not the case, we’re suffering as always lmao.
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I'm new here but I wanted to just throw in my two cents. I went to a non-russell group uni for undergrad (in archaeology, the course was far more practical and that's what I wanted), fell in love with it and then ended up (somehow) at Oxford for my Master's (the old MSt Archaeology that's now been discontinued); I am now doing my PhD in Iron Age Archaeology at the Uni of York.

My undergrad diss was a mess (still ended up with a first but ehh). We were given freedom over what we did, and we had a few lecturers in the dept that were leading academics in their fields so, I am sure Exeter has some of those. Though none of us were given access to primary sources and archives, and this was pre-covid!

I chose something theoretically linked to my Bachelor's for my Master's thesis as Ox but not in terms of era (this is fairly specific to historical studies tho). In terms of getting into Oxbridge, it is easier at Post-grad. I achieved a First overall but my offer was just for a 2:1 (60%). I went in with no idea that I was particularly gifted, moreso that Oxford was the best uni for me. That is, I think, where Ruby is going wrong. She's applying to Oxford cause it's Oxford, not cause it's the best university for what she wishes to study. At post-grad you gotta go where your specialism will be best known and understood. I found Oxford so hard. The expectations were immense, and the feedback I received was brutal. My marks and feedback only improved when I changed and developed my writing and my approach to academia. They don't suffer fools there, and they will tell you to your face if you aren't meeting their grade requirements. I was 2% off a merit, I got 63% overall, from when I was used to mid-to high 70s, much like Ruby. It was. A. Slap. In. The. Face. And it hurt. But it was what I needed. My research skills, writing, and editing have gone from what I realise was not sufficient to something much more suited to an academic career. I wonder how Ruby will deal with the harsh reality of Oxford, after being coddled by Exeter?

The subjects she's looking at are so, so broad. She's really going to struggle to fit is all into a word limit. I definitely did, and ended up writing 21k for my undergrad (I was able to shove loads into appendices).
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Intuitive? Does she mean obvious, maybe my vocabulary isn’t up to scratch but intuitive doesn’t make much sense given the context
She means obvious. She's a moron.

Intuitive (at least in my understanding) means that the use, meaning or purpose of something is easy to figure out without instruction/outside help, just with your own thoughts and instincts. Like "The features on this microwave are so intuitive I didn't need to look at the manual!"

Again, First-class English Lit student, everyone! You ready to take those grades back yet, Exeter Uni?

And I really don’t understand this dungaree thing.

Ruby: "I love these dungarees, but I think they might be too dark, what do you think?"
Fans: "Dye them even darker."
Ruby: "OMG Great idea!"
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View attachment 644579View attachment 644579
She finally addresses the elephant in the room... by choosing not to address it.
Wow, it's scary how much Jade's, Holly's and Ruby's reaction(s) to criticism are exactly the same. What absolutely infuriates me is the way they deflect criticism using rhetorics of "kindness" and "positivity". There is nothing kind in triggering people and positivity is outright stupid if it stops you to reflect and grow. I'm in no way concerned about her, but the way her behaviour is harmful for her audience. You can't just turn around from that.
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I sincerely hope she does not get into Oxbridge. Her smugness is driving me nuts already.
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Ruby: *waggling an accusatory finger* Chessboards are aesthetic because they contain a dichotomy of black and white in equal measure. They reflect human nature as we all have chequered soles. When I see an old chessboard, I imagine the ebony trees and elephants hewn down to create the board, I imagine the pieces carved from smaller branches perhaps. I imagine old academics playing complicated chess games by candlestick light surrounded by musty papers and mummified flies. I---

*Video cuts out.*
Love it! You can tell this isn't a direct Ruby quote though, there's zero chance she'd would pronounce, spell or use the word dichotomy in its proper context.

She'd be more like:
"Doctor, my back's hurting following my professional backyard yoga session and the cause isn't very intuitive. I'm feeling such a dichotomy in my lower vertebrate."
"Your lower vertebrae, you mean?"
"(Sighs) Can I get another doctor who knows their medical terminoloquay?"
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