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Chatty Member
Let's not get carried away now. It's one thing to trash talk the people we dislike, it's a whole other thing to start a conspiracy with a whole uni just because you're mad she's not failing like you want her to.

We have no proof of her being "not very intelligent" or "definitely dumb" to be talking about it like it's a fact. Her results show the exact opposite.
Well there is nothing brutal about the marks or feedback Ruby gets. It does seem pretty laid back. I went to a good uni in my country and even the best of the best sometimes would get a really bad mark or fail an exam. Taking into account how Ruby has no problems in getting good grades despite not being very intelligent (yes she is definitely dumb just studies a lot) shows really well how the grading is very light or she's in some way favourised by the staff. She wouldn't be even able to adapt a good vocabulary or literary knowledge when mostly reading kids books. Absolutely no. She even lacks basi knowledge or basic understanding of basic concepts - like in the 1984 incident.

As someone who did Ruby’s degree at Exeter and can count on one hand the number of firsts I got, I am finding this “marking is laid back/low standards” talk really quite offensive and I feel like I am not alone when I say this!

I admit that I am shocked at how consistently high her marks are, but know that is NOT the norm - I don’t know anyone else who got consistently high marks like that, but I very much agree with what’s been said about her using office hours to the max.

There was one particular module where my seminar tutor was a notoriously tough marker. I spent more time with her discussing my essay than I did with all other tutors combined, as I wanted to get the best sense of how she’d respond to my argument. I somehow got a 66 and that was literally a Champaign cork moment, as half the group got a 2:2!
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View attachment 650970

another routine for us.
Ahh, and this one's super unique, because it'll seem like exactly the same routine but it'll be raining!

This has to be self-parody. Who needs a routine for a rainy day walk?

Step 1. Look outside. If it's raining, go to Step 2. If it's not raining, repeat Step 1 until it is.
Step 2. Go for a walk.

Also, Ruby knows meteorology better than anyone. She knows for certain it will rain tomorrow.
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There was a pretty memorable moment in first year when she whipped out a quill and ink in a lecture but apart from that she’s just this really small quiet girl. She always sits at the front right in the middle and stays to talk to the lecturers afterwards. And if someone swears or says anything she thinks is inappropriate she won’t talk to them again lol. And she does contribute a lot in seminars, I’ve never seen her interrupt a lecture though
Whipped out a quill and ink 😭 that is incredible
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I think this is a big thing. At least they do seem to have some masters related to her interests, but I think even if they didn't she'd be applying there because she cares more about the prestige than studying what's right for her, even though a uni's reputation matters less at PG.
That's exactly the thing!

She claims she's wanted to go to Oxford since the age of ten. Before the age where you would really know exactly what university entails and what it's for.

She heard somewhere that it's the most prestigious, and that all the smartest people go there. And that's it. I highly doubt she looked at their course syllabus and decided that would be the right course for her.

She just made up this fantasy in her head for the day when she would be able to tell all her old teachers (and rub it in to her classmates' faces). The day she would stand by watching her mum call all her aunties and uncles and grandparents saying "guess what? She got in!!!"

I think that right there is the moment she dreamed of, not the actual going to lectures and learning stuff.

Maybe she had a romantisised montage in her head of herself as Hermione Granger working extra extra hard with a feather quill in a dusty library, and being validated for how smart she is how much harder than anyone else she works and being the best in her class.

She put her hopes on a daydream that she'd feel good and validated some day, but then when she got rejected, it shattered that fantasy so hard.
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It's a shame because her and Mollie could have had a good friendship but she's thrown it away, and then carries on posting food! Silly silly girl. We know she reads the comments because she deletes them so she knows she is triggering and yet she carries on. Evil. She knows what she is doing.
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I really hope her diss supervisor is brutal because I think she needs knocking down a few, would probably do her good tbh
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Oo, she knows some words we don’t! Like ”spendid” and ”sumptious” 😂😂😂
edit: Honestly, every single one of those words (edit 2: except ”vellichor”, because I can’t see ever using it unironically) are ones I would’ve been embarrassed to be looking up in my third year of uni, and English isn’t even my first language.
Also, in chat, someone asked her what she was reading, and surprise surprise, it’s another children’s book. After all, she has 4 months ”off”. In the meantime, here’s her erstwhile friend Molly making her way through what is clearly a formidable reading list of proper grown-up books where the total page count is probably somewhere in the tens of thousands. Night and day.
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i have always thought that the dark academia ~aesthetic~ as it has been misunderstood by teens on the internet almost promotes disordered eating. impressionable young people read books like the secret history, fail to read beyond the surface or think critically, and decide to model their own behaviour on the characters'. as a result, they romanticise things like substance abuse--so many dark academia themed posts revolve around drinking unhealthy quantities of black coffee, smoking, drinking etc. i think dark academia reiterates the "starving artist" trope in the way that it portrays lone geniuses who become so wrapped up in their studies that they neglect to eat, and rely on stimulants. devoting yourself to an aesthetic--which is nothing more than a nebulous, unattainable image--is immature and stupid, and hopefully ruby will realise quickly that life is so, so much better when you have friends, and allow yourself to go out and have fun
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There were a couple of comments on Molly's latest post pointing out that they'd noticed she'd unfollowed Ruby and praising her for doing so, but those have been deleted now.

I don't begrudge Molly for deleting comments about someone else and trying to avoid stoking the fire of an internet feud though, while Ruby's deleted comments are specifically about Ruby and her insensitive, thoughtless and stubborn refusal to not be a gigantic trashfire of a person.
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Quick recap for anyone who didn't want to watch!

View attachment 647559
Ok let's just have some fun with this shall we? Firstly, yeah the first three, what the fuck??? Now then, the rest. Ephemeral does not mean "doesn't last forever". Ephemeral means "lasting briefly" or "transient". Those are not the same thing. Something can last for an incredibly long time and still not last forever. Somebody has already pointed out that sumptious is not a word - if she isn't even managing to write them down properly, no wonder she uses and spells them wrong. As someone who studied languages (albeit ancient ones) all through uni, I'm in physical pain at the lack of care she has taken in copying words down properly. Also yes, it doesn't mean cosy. We're going to come back to mellifluous in a second because I have a rant. Opulence as has already been pointed out is a noun, luxurious is an adjective. Similarly surreptitious is an adjective, and therefore does not mean "act clandestinely". Surreptitious simply means "clandestine". I would unfriend anyone who used the word "vellichor" unironically, sweet Jesus.

Now mellifluous. Confession, mellifluous is one of my favourite words. As Ruby might say, it's just wonderful! It means pleasant or sweet sounding, but it's so much more. It comes from the Latin words for "honey" and "to flow", so it's essentially describing a sound which is the aural equivalent of flowing honey. I just love the idea of a sound that's as rich and smooth and sweet as honey, and for some reason I also get a slight feeling of synesthesia with it, where the sound also somehow reflects the colour of honey. It's one of the most fantastically evocative words I've come across in terms of what it conveys to me. I would also never use it. Because seriously, what wanker goes around saying shit like "mellifluous"? Sure, it would probably make sense in some writing (good writing, Ruby, don't start getting ideas) but in every day speech? No.

Also does anyone else find the whole concept of words she wants to "work into her everyday vocabulary" a bit odd? Don't get me wrong, writing down words you're unfamiliar with in order to learn more is something I would encourage anyone to do, but not with the aim of awkwardly crowbarring them into conversation for the next month?? Particularly when I get the sense she doesn't quite have a grasp over the concept of register (odd for an English student). Mellifluous belongs solidly to a high register of writing I would say, as does vellichor (which btw isn't recognised by the OED), and tbh I'd be surprised to hear "loquacious" or "ephemeral" in everyday conversation super often. Ruby doesn't seem to quite understand that using these words don't automatically make you smart. If you use a word like "mellifluous" in everyday conversation with your mates (not that Ruby's going to have any left soon), you're probably using it wrong because you've misunderstood the register within which that word typically operates. Of course there will always be exceptions, but to use a word properly you have to take into consideration the context within which you're using it.

Rant over. (Bonus though, I also love the word "ululate"! Another one I would probably laugh at someone attempting to use in everyday conversation, but a great word nonetheless).
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Now she's planning to dye the dungarees.

Sorry to break it to you Ruby, but a lot of clothing is soaked in fixatives before being sold, so new dye won't take. You'd have better luck bleaching them.
They look like they're denim though. Chucking them in the wash with some Dylon should work.

How TF is a chess board aesthetic?!
Ruby: *waggling an accusatory finger* Chessboards are aesthetic because they contain a dichotomy of black and white in equal measure. They reflect human nature as we all have chequered soles. When I see an old chessboard, I imagine the ebony trees and elephants hewn down to create the board, I imagine the pieces carved from smaller branches perhaps. I imagine old academics playing complicated chess games by candlestick light surrounded by musty papers and mummified flies. I---

*Video cuts out.*
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Lmfao was just googling something ruby related and the suggested searches are killing me 😭😭

‘What is wrong with Ruby Granger’ 🤣🤣 we wish we knew !!
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The masters degree she looks at in the video is "MSt English (1830-1914)"and is at Oxford !!!

Still not over the rejection are you Ruby?
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I don't want to totally slag off her diss prep (I'm also going into my final year of an English degree, am starting to research and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing lol). But I think the biggest red flag about her diss so far is exactly that...that she THINKS she knows what she's doing. Realistically nobody knows wtf is going on before they sit down and speak with other people/supervisors, which she hasn't done yet.

I always remember Jack Edwards' diss video in which he said he handed in a draft, the supervisor basically said it was all crap and he had to start all over again. I think that's something most students are aware of and ready to take on board. But I imagine Ruby completely falling apart if something like that happened to her - either that or ignoring the advice completely and continuing, thinking she knows best. At this point shouldn't she just be doing some vague thinking/general reading rather than honing in on anything niche? Feels like her whole summer will be wasted at this rate because she doesn't seem open to the concept that her ideas will change/potentially be shot down by supervisors.
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I do feel like Molly taking an open stand is giving her a bit of a kick and she’s desperately trying to rectify the situation but in the worst way possible. Showing pb on toast (and noting that it is manilife which Molly swears by), professing love for jammy dodgers, seems like a bit of a haphazard way to come off as a foodie? Obviously the day after coming across as totally disordered just doesn’t work and it is not the way to go because it reinforces that she is just food obsessed. But in her mind? I think she is trying to show that she is just hanging out eating peanut butter and biscuits.
It feels like she’s hired the same damage control people as Prince Andrew lmao
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