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Well there is nothing brutal about the marks or feedback Ruby gets. It does seem pretty laid back. I went to a good uni in my country and even the best of the best sometimes would get a really bad mark or fail an exam. Taking into account how Ruby has no problems in getting good grades despite not being very intelligent (yes she is definitely dumb just studies a lot) shows really well how the grading is very light or she's in some way favourised by the staff. She wouldn't be even able to adapt a good vocabulary or literary knowledge when mostly reading kids books. Absolutely no. She even lacks basi knowledge or basic understanding of basic concepts - like in the 1984 incident.
Let's not get carried away now. It's one thing to trash talk the people we dislike, it's a whole other thing to start a conspiracy with a whole uni just because you're mad she's not failing like you want her to.

We have no proof of her being "not very intelligent" or "definitely dumb" to be talking about it like it's a fact. Her results show the exact opposite.
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The irony is, that's her food Instgram which she set up exclusively to talk about food, yet she shows food more often on all her other channels and accounts than she does there.

Nobody should be following her meal examples, those are ridiculously small and unhealthy portions (and look disgusting.) You know how in prison movies there's always a scene when the new inmate gets their food from the cafeteria and it's super depressing, just like, one slice of bread and a small carton of milk? That's what those pictures remind me of.

But why the hell is her main Insta and her YouTube also 65% food content when she has a dedicated platform for that? There's zero reason or excuse for it.

Even her Pumpkin Productivity Insta has food all over it, often featured more prominently than the product she's trying to sell.

Her entire brand is productivity, what the hell does food have to do with that? She's basically drawing a connecting line between small portions and productivity and saying to kids "If you want to be productive like me, you'll eat these tiny meals." She needs to remove herself from the internet.
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Whaaaaat I went out and come back to this👀 this is another level of calling out. At this point there is no way she can’t address it...




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Wow can’t believe what a turn this has all taken... I never commented on the ED discussions previously because I don’t feel I know enough about it / have any right to comment on something I haven’t personally experienced but seeing how out of hand it’s gotten now is making me nauseous. I cant believe it’s at the point where Ruby is losing irl friends and DELETING COMMENTS ?? I’m so disgusted with her... it’s all fun and games to call Ruby out for her Victorian dress up and play pretend nonsense but this ED business is making me realise the sinister side to her posting... I think naively I was giving her the benefit of the doubt before as to her good intentions as I wasn’t well versed enough to spot the signs but now it’s undeniable. wow. IK people have said it before but just to reiterate, please please please everyone on here put yourself first and don’t engage with any of Ruby’s nonsense if it’s harmful to you... just looking at her insta is making my stomach churn and I’m not even one of the most vulnerable to her shite ... sending lots of love to everyone ❤❤
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This is awful, shes just showing off she doesn't fit in them anymore when shes asking if she should buy new ones. What the hell Ruby?????
It's also more performative bullshit on every level.

"I love them and if I keep them I will wear them every day, but maybe there's more dungarees out there that I'll like more?!" They're thrifted dungarees, you dipshit, it's not Sophie's Choice. Just buy another pair if you find another pair you like more. Don't act like you can't easily afford it and don't have entire rooms full of horded clothes.

This is all just another flimsy, performative excuse to bodycheck and (much like the awkward wavy hair story) to show off her Blakeney cosplay.
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I don’t get what she is longing for? I was badly bullied at school and do not wish I was a child? Like why is she obsessed with being a child?
My guess would be that she doesn’t really want to leave a world that she was the centre of. When she was younger, she was important at school and she was living in a world where she was clearly praised a lot - everything she did was seen special and important, so special and important in fact that she was able to put it on a YouTube channel and make money from it. She was good at what she was doing academically, and she wasn’t having to cope with the complexity of the adult world, where you’re not always the highest achiever, there isn’t a mark-scheme to follow for 100%, nobody thinks you’re particularly special and showing up, sitting at the front and having a pencil-case full of expensive highlighters isn’t always enough.

I really don’t think she’s got over not getting into Oxford for her undergrad - and not just that, but that being the first time she’d really failed at something (and not got what she wanted) was a huge blow to her confidence. I don’t think she’s ever been really happy at Exeter/university in general or at least, not as happy as she was being Head Girl at school and I think she wants that (or her idealised version of it) back.
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She's 100% one of those "I did soo badly I only got a 95, what did you get? a 60? that's amazing well done" people, she may not like bullies but she lives to make other people feel bad about themselves
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This just came up as suggested for me, I think it was spoken about here before but I never watched it. I can’t believe they’ve gone from being internet friends, to real life friends to not being friends at all in 3 weeks 😩
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Sitting here laughing at her feedback that she puts random irrelevant notes in her essays
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I’m sorry but that is the most ridiculous chess position I’ve ever seen :ROFLMAO: at least make it look like you can actually play
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Hopefully she realises sooner rather than later that almost every single thing on her list is somewhere between 'unrealistic' and 'absolute lunacy'.
Agreeed!! For her to say that she does not want to use any secondary sources AND that she wants to be original/write something that hasn't been written before is the biggest joke.

For her to completely dismiss secondary sources as a student/aspiring academic is actually hilarious. And with wanting to write something that's never been written, yeah it possible, but you don't need to reinvent the wheel, especially in undergrad, save something original for postgrad. She's so far up her own a**.
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Chatty Member
Exeter English graduate here with the tea ☕

1. There was a Participation score for every module in second year, which was 10%. In third year this goes away and it’s solely essays/presentations/exams.

2. Her Victorian module… is NOT a Victorian module! At least, not unless they’ve taken an old module title for a whole new module. “Revolution and Evolution” was all about the Stuart period, including the Civil War.

3. In terms of creative writing, I can attest to the fact that the marking is hard! It was my lowest module in second year (65% I think) and why I chose not to do the creative writing module. Certain professors had very particular styles, and I just happened to end up with one who hated anything remotely “confessional” and non-rhyming. Aka my poetry! I only ended up with a solid 2:1 after it was moderated and the second marker gave me a 68. I felt vindicated but decided to stick to writing in my spare time from then on!

4. The feedback from Exeter generally confused me. While mine was never gushing, even when I got 72 (my highest mark!) it was overwhelmingly positive in terms of praising creative/independent thought. I can’t see how she is getting 76 etc… without comments like this, not to mention a quote fundamental issue like sweeping critical statements? I would have been capped at a 2:1 for that!

So there’s the Insider tea, make of it what you will…
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I’ve been lurking since thread #6 and slowly watching the decline of Ruby. At this point I just want to give her a big hug. I truly emphasise with her. Without my friends and studying for A-levels, I’ll be stuck in a dark hole right now. I see a lot of her behaviours in myself, but to a less extreme extent. Perfectionism, focus on grades, routines, ed/anorexia. The difference is my family and friends are quick to tell me when I get obsessive. I can’t have the energy to study if I’m undereating, which motivated me to eat. Ruby really needs to realise this, she can’t throw her degree and future away because of an ed. It really isn’t worth it in the long run.

What we have to understand is that eds are normally due to externalising their mental suffering. People with eds project their negative emotions such as sadness and loneliness, into their physical body by punishing themselves with restriction of food. Therefore, there would of been a longer mental battle that Ruby has be facing prior to the ed behaviours. I know she’s being a bad influence with all the baiting, but really she must be trying to desperately cry for help and acknowledgement that she needs support. As much as I’m angry at her, I also feel so sad for her. My empathy just wants to hug her. I know I’m so tired right now and acting soppy, but she must be so lonely and scared. I don’t know, I just hope she gets proper help sooner rather than later. After all, as annoying and embarrassing as she is, she is still a lovely person who deserves to be happy and grow, rather than regress into a childlike state.
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I always find that Ruby limits herself in all her interests - whether it's on purpose or not. She suddenly likes camping, okay... but doesn't do it without parental supervision and/or outside of her own backyard. She suddenly gets interested in Victorian social history, okay... but doesn't reach out to any history-based YouTubers for collaborations or show a wider understanding of the context in which the majority of that social history applies. She loves books, great... but will make a beeline towards YA and children's books whenever possible. I could go on. Her definitions of her interests are so rigid, there really isn't room for much creativity or nuance.
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Just checked to see if her non-apology is still in the comments of her old post or if she'd waited a day and deleted it.

It's still there, and she's responded further, mostly "Thankyou all for blindly, rabidly defending me" and "A few bad apples being negative are the problem here, not me" type nonsense, and also this:


Ruby: "Please let me know when I'm posting troubling/triggering things, so that I can stop posting them, it's really important to me."
Everyone: "Stop posting triggering food content and bodychecking pictures/videos."
Ruby: (Doesn't change a thing and instead doubles down on posting non-stop posting triggering food content and bodychecking pictures/videos.)

What an absolute goblin of a person.
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Recycling old content and then wondering why her subscribers/followers are going down ???

Yup sounds like Ruby.
And in the chat for her last video she also promised the return of 'study with me' videos. Nothing says giving the people what they want quite like making even more of your least-watched content.

"I made a video of me playing and winning three games of chess with grandmaster champions later that day, but my camera battery died. 😂 I filmed me winning 50 games in a row a few days later but the SD card was corrupt! I just took a few pictures of me posing next to a chess board instead as a quick backup. 🙈"

(Then we see pictures of Ruby sat pensively studying a chess board with the pieces in random, impossible positions. On the board she has also assembled several backgammon pieces, a handful of Monopoly houses, a pair of dice, the rope from Cluedo and a Charizard card.)
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Fellow tattlers I apologise I missed the all important premiere of Ruby's ground breaking new video as I had to go to this place called work where you turn up work hard for 12hours then they pay you money at the end off the month
Questionable priorities tbh

As penance, please list ten words you know neither the meaning nor the spelling of, and incorporate them into conversation at teatime tomorrow!
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This one jumped out the most for me “I try to focus on productivity over anything I suppose.” This is Ruby’s fundamental problem, and which I think is detrimental to mental health of both her audience AND herself. I have spoken to people who watch her content and still claim to love it, only to admit that they find themselves negatively comparing their “productivity” levels.

The fact she can’t find value Hermione beyond productivity shows that, to quote Dumbledore (yes I am a potterhead and going there!): “their knowledge remained woefully incomplete - that which Voldemort does not value, he takes no trouble to comprehend.”

That is Ruby’s issue. She can only find value in productivity, not passion. It is why Molly’s recent video was so refreshing to watch, because she shifted the focus and showed that a book and it’s characters are there to be loved for their words, not what number they come on a reading list.

I’d love to think that, as with most humans, Ruby has matured beyond this viewpoint re productivity. But I know that is wishful thinking, and it almost makes me so sad for both her - if it were not so potentially toxic for her young, impressionable audience.
What's sadder is that for spending all her waking hours being "productive" she's never realised most of that time is needless busywork.

She's also not improved at anything she puts pride and value in in all the years she's been doing them.

Her productivity skills are shockingly bad. She hasn't streamlined them or learned to use her time more efficiently at all since her Hermione days. It's all needless lists, planners and redundant time-wasting. Everything's a box-ticking exercise.

As a reader, her interests are just as narrow and immature as ever, and even then she barely reads. She skims, skips, or just outright lies about reading things. The only things she does read were written for the mind of an infant.

As a writer she's supposedly been writing every day for years but Erimentha was the first and only thing she published. She's failed to capitalise on the boom of YouTuber/BookTuber books getting released and also hasn't self-published anything either.

As a YouTuber, she hasn't grown at all. Her filmmaking and editing skills have not improved in 6 years. Her content ideas and the delivery of them are the same as when she started her channel. She's made zero effort to grow her channel or expand her viewership.

As an entrepreneur, she's atrocious. Her store is barely stocked, missing obvious product ideas and trades entirely on bland, cheaply-made, overpriced crap nobody needs. Today she added her first new product in a year. It was designed by someone else.

As a student she's succeded largely on the low standards of her university, but university has an end date and her grades won't mean anything in the real world.

Her language skills have only deteriorated over time - her uni grades seem to have given her added confidence to the point she uses words incorrectly on every level, more often than ever, without questioning herself or double-checking.

Socially, she's only regressed, and she wasn't the most outgoing and likeable person to begin with.

Is there anything at all she hasn't completely half-assed, or achieved purely by virtue of privilege and luck?
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Her insta story ramblings always remind me of the kind of rubbish I talk after a night out when you're in somebody's kitchen at 4am
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