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finally someone talking sense about the wine. The automatic thing not so much - you still need to be able to prsss the pedals of a car so I doubt very much Chris woUld be able! But Rosie has been pregnant for months, her partner is laid up, lockdown is shit, let the poor girl have a glass of wine or two. If you’re going to live your life going ’i can’t do this because there might be an emergency’ then You’re either an absolute hypochondriac or you’re going to live a very sad life.
I don’t think I lived a sad life when our kids were very small and I always made sure there was a sober adult in the house because things go south real quick with small kids when something goes wrong, ESPECIALLY newborns. We lived far away from everything as well. It’s only a few bloody months, if you can’t go that long without a drink then errrr...good luck to you I guess 👍🏼 Rosies very entitled to drink as much as she wants but I think what people are saying is it’s irresponsible when both of you are up shit creek if something happens 😂 and drinking with a newborn is generally not advised seeing as you could easily fall asleep with them on your chest and in a dangerous position and god knows what could happen. Don’t think that makes anyone “sad” or a “hypochondriac”, I think it’s just sensible. She shouldn’t be broadcasting it to loads of followers who may take it too far (which she seems sensible enough to not).
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All she’s doing and moaning about is the things that come with a new born, night feeds, little time for yourself etc. Yes it’s crap she can’t go to family or friends but really what else would be different, she’d still be exhausted she still wouldn’t have time for big lash ups yet.
This is what makes it extra annoying! She already has a son! She knows what having a newborn baby is like. This baby is supposed to be a very much wanted baby and yet here she is moaning about all the things that come hand in hand with a newborn baby! What is that even about? If you hate the night feeds and not having time to yourself, and not being able to go out getting wasted so much that you have to moan about it constantly, every single day, then why would you even choose to have another child? The mind boggles.
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Bless Chris Ramsey’s wife (CRW) she never gets it right. If she’d done a post saying she was taking an hour out to have a bath, whilst the father of her baby looks after their newborn ( the eldest should be in bed), then most mums would relate to that, but no she takes the baby into the bathroom with her, like a prop.
Thats the word I've been searching for ...prop!

Yes yes ! Chris Ramsey's Wife uses baby Rafe as a prop in all her putting on a show stories !
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I don't know if anyone has ever noticed but on the podcast Chris uses the phrase "I'm not being sexist but....." or "I don't wanna sound like a misogynistic pig here but...." an awful lot. To me, if you have to say "I'm not being sexist" chances are you probably are. He says it so often as well! I can't help but feel he has some really old fashioned (could be considered sexist) views such as some jobs being "pink jobs" (cooking, cleaning etc) and some being "blue jobs" (diy etc). Just how it comes across to me.
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Her story pissed me off when chris said the midwife said a broken ankle is the same pain as childbirth and she goes 'yeah natural not an operation c section' shut up you dick. I think pushing a baby out of your vagina is just as painful 🖕
Funny how she thinks she knows the different when she has had 2 sections. I know the first was second stage but still. She just can’t keep her mouth shut
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I can’t reply to the post about everyone here making out they’re wonder women as it seems to have gone, I don’t think it’s about anyone making out they are wonder women but it’s about having no choice and just cracking on and not moaning every minute of the day. My self employed partner got no paternity leave, he was back to work a couple of days after as we didn’t have a option. I did the night feeds as he was up and out at 5am🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s life and we managed, it’s what we signed up to having a baby. I know we can’t compare but they obviously are in a good financial position, they are still airing the podcast with pre recorded content and her mum is on hand. Just fucking enjoy the newborn bubble and consider it time to bond with the baby, Chris included! See just needs to log off and reflect on how lucky she really is.
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Rob Beckett & Josh Widdecombes lockdown parenting hell podcast has a feature where parents send in recordings of their kids reading the presenters’ names at the start of the podcast...I think they’re trying to emulate that a bit.

They are falling into the classic parenting trap of thinking everyone loves their kid as much as they do. 👀
I love this podcast after someone on hear recommended it and never again tuned into SMA 👍🏻 They Rob and Josh come across as aware of their circumstances but still really relatable. I’m no prude in the slightest but if the Ramsey’s have to resort to full episodes of gross out made up sex tales it will get tired very quickly and I doubt the audience will want to hear about her cracked nipples etc 🤣
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Yes Rosie can say she’s finding things hard and struggling, but the wording of her post on this was literally...
“You can all live safe in the knowledge that there are always people worse off than yourself... ie US POOR BASTARDS!!!”
So she thinks she has it worse than anyone else.
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Woh guys... let’s stop looking for problems! Completely gives people the right to call us trolls. Some of thesecomments are not constructive and unnecessarily unkind.
I had the audacity to say the same thing on the last thread as people were being pretty horrible about Robin and I got a temporary ban 😂 so be careful or you’re next!
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I had an emergency c-section and was up walking the same day. By day 4 I was going for short walks. By day 10 I was almost back to normal as I had to be as my husband was back to work on day 14. I know everyone is different and perhaps if I knew my husband wasn’t going anywhere I might have relaxed a little more but I was also very aware that just sitting in bed with my newborn baby all day would have been hard for my older child. It’s hard enough for an older child who has been their parents whole world all their life to suddenly be sharing that attention with a new sibling. Then for their mum to just suddenly be in bed all day with the new baby might make them feel really pushed out.
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hostile to Rosie? I’m finding the idea that we can’t comment on anything about her if it has any passing relevance to the baby.... Some posts stray far into mumsnet territory but I got challenged for saying she maybe shouldn’t show herself comedy style chugging a glass of wine next to her sleeping 1 week old (purely from a social media responsibility point of view) and apparently that was too mumsnetty 🤷🏻‍♀️
No sorry, hostile between posters. Reading a few pages in a row made me think that people weren’t free to say anything without someone coming down on them. And if she’s putting her baby on IG and is on maternity leave then it’s the baby people are going to speak about.

But if she’s showing off her Warburton’s haul then I guess she isn’t on maternity leave...

Just an observation.
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The worst part about my caesarean recovery was the morphine pessary turned my poos to solid white chalky rocks which I then had to manually remove from myself. There we go. I win. I, at 3 days postpartum, picked my own shit out of my own arse. I am queen of both Mumsnet and anti-Mumsnet now everyone can move on.
Im 24 weeks pregnant. Can I change my mind about this whole thing now??? Im sewing my foof shut!!! This child is never leaving
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Ah but there is the crux of the whole SM platform you dont HAVE to hear it you could unfollow her and not visit here and then you’d never know! But you’d also miss out on the tattle banter and fun ;)
I used to listen to the podcast, mainly for Chris but had to stop as his wife is so irritating and so is he now.
I come here for a bitch but that’s not as satisfying as it used to be due to the raving!
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I don’t get why she can’t wash her hair. I get that it’s hard after giving birth (mum of two myself with a much shorter age gap and no hubby at home to help out) but you can still do normal daily tasks like having a bloody wash! Newborns tend to sleep a lot during the day (wake for feeds etc). Pretty sure she could pop a stool/chair in the shower and have a sit down wash if needs be. I always think you feel so more refreshed when you’ve had a good shower and hair wash (maybe just me?!) there seems to be a trend now for ‘slummy mummies’ whereas 10yrs ago the health visitor/ family member/partner would be worried if you couldn’t manage to brush your teeth or run a brush through your hair.
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I think this might have been me. I sent her a message saying something like “I promise I don’t want to sound horrible, I think you’re great I have a lot of respect for you. I totally understand how you feel and even though you’re right, removing bubbles would be awful please consider keeping it to yourself saying things like I would break the rules. When you hear people say that it makes you feel - what’s the point. And there are people who could potentially follow the rules better. I don’t mean to sound horrible”

anyway she saw the message, no reply and blocked me. Fair enough, but I’m surprised she then went to the effort to post about it. For context I’m doctor (didn’t tell Rosie that, it shouldn’t make a difference) and I’m so aware how this feeling of “they’re breaking the rules so why not me” has a huge impact. When you’ve got a big following I think you have a responsibility to post carefully. There’s a way to say things and I’m not sure it was the best way to do it and I just thought I’m not doing my bit if I don’t bring her attention to that. That’s all. I wasn’t criticising her views, just asking her to consider sharing certain things more privately when there could be adverse consequences...
Your message to her was well worded, polite and a very fair point. I think the fact she saw it and blocked you speaks volumes. We've all commented on her previously that she can't stand any form of criticism and this just proves it.
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Why can't she just moan to Chris/her mum/her mates about the schools? She must know compared to so many on Instagram she's on top of a mountain of privilege!
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