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Chatty Member
It’s definitely not about the juice, and is allllll about her reaction calling someone a slag. Actually I’ve just looked back at it and she’s put “to all the people who messaged” so it wasn’t just one person who messaged about the juice. Unfortunately if you are in the public eye and post personal things freely then you need a thick skin and need to develop the ability to scroll on by and ignore. At least us tattlers post here rather than messaging her our thoughts 🤣
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She posts a lot on Instagram though. What was she supposed to do? If she suddenly stopped posting pictures of him people would ask questions. If she suddenly stopped posting altogether people would ask questions. If she continued posting without saying anything at all people would ask why she had stuck tape on his ears. I don’t think she’s particularly done anything wrong here.
She said she was having a break for maternity leave? Why not just do as she said. The fact is she struggled to do a day without posting.

Chris manages without plastering the kids all over the internet constantly?

I’ve actually stuck up for her with some of the things like having a glass of wine but she had the cheek to do a post how her and Chris were worse off than everyone else last week?

The kids got some tape on his ears she said so herself, he’s not had plastic surgery so not sure why people are in uproar about that but she needs to have a break from Instagram like she said she was in my opinion
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Well-known member
I always feel really smug and happy when the papers refer to her as "Chris Ramsey's wife" rather than "Rosie Ramsey". Further cementing the idea that she is still riding off his coat tails and is not famous in her own right, as she'd like to think she is.
Its great isn't it? 😂 She reeks of desperation but she is just Chris Ramsey's wife.
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Chatty Member
Its great isn't it? 😂 She reeks of desperation but she is just Chris Ramsey's wife.
Much as she might annoy me at times the comment that someone is “just” someone’s wife enrages me (though I think I know what you were getting at ) but nobody is just somebody’s anything
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C’mon guys one glass of wine isn’t going to render someone completely incapable.
No its not but she has a large following and its irresponsible to be promoting drinking while looking after a new born. Especially as she seems to be co-sleeping for parts of the night.
She can do what she wants just not wise to show all her followers.
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9 minutes into the podcast and Chris Ramsey’s wife is already have a dig towards tattle. 😂

All the not getting any free time stuff too. The boys were at Chris’ mums when they did the podcast. Plenty of time for a quick shower
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Oh my god, I’m so cross at that story! Fuck off comparing feeding your baby at night and caring for multiple mums and babies for 12 hours, sometimes without a break, maybe a quick cuppa if you’re lucky. I’ve done both, neither is easy, but she’s taking the absolute piss!
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Well-known member
Who says she has a nicer house, more toys etc? I don’t think any of that’s relevant.

Earlier today she deleted a post calling out one of her followers who told her she loved her however gave some sort of feedback to her.

Apparently Mrs Ramsey said she didn’t give a hoot or words to that effect of what this follower Thought.

If she really was struggling herself or the stuff she keeps saying about others struggling, well , she didn’t give that follower much thought, what effect did she have on that person?

She is not using her profile wisely.

And Mum guilt, please.

She’s been home all the time with her eldest since he was born, she’s never had a real job whilst he’s been born. Mum guilt! Tell that to the mum who has to go to out to work every day 9-5 or working unsociable shifts, the mum who has to
commute for over 45 minutes and then pick up the kids from day care/school/relatives.

Come on let’s be honest what real mum guilt could she have?
People have been going on about her privilege which is why I said we all know that she has nice things, and it’s not relevant.

I think every mum has some form of mum guilt at the moment regardless of circumstance for all the normal things their kids are missing out on. I would’ve thought that was fairly obvious.

Sounds like you didn’t see the post yourself. The gist of what she said was “if you start a message with ‘I love you but...’ and then proceed with telling me you disagree with me then don’t bother.” She didn’t call anyone out. She also said “I’m an acquired taste”, it was actually quite a sensible response. We don’t know what was in the content of the message she was referring to, could’ve been horrible and unnecessary. A bit like a lot of the posts on this thread recently 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Yes she isn’t breaking rules now but she certainly was when she was swanning off to York with her sister and Mam!
I looked back to when that was and the day she went to York was mid August when it was basically a free for all and people were off having staycations and eating out to apparently help out all over the place. Pretty sure a trip to York was fine then.
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She was ‘going to be a nurse ‘ 🤔 hasn’t she previously said she left school without any decent GCSE ‘s ... does she not realise you have to the go on to study A levels to progress on to a career in nursing 🤷🏼‍♀️ She’s so full of s#&* .
And can you imagine her bedside manner , it literally doesn’t bare thinking about 🤦🏽‍♀️
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She was dying to rant more on that IGTV she did, it was like she was trying to explain calmly but Ranty Rosie was bubbling underneath 🤣
She DEFINITELY wanted to say more/be harsher, you could tell. I really do believe someone has said something to Chris Ramsey's Wife about her behaviour...
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One of my friends loves spicy food and would throw back hot curries, spicy Chinese and all sorts when breast feeding. I honestly do not know how her baby didn’t constantly have the shits 😂
Whenever people say things like this, I always wonder what breastfeeding mothers in south and east Asia are supposed to do 😄
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Just listened to episode 100 of SMA on my walk...they’ve been raving about doing something special for 100 eps for ages I swear but it’s a best of? And the best ofs aren’t even the bits I’ve found the funniest? Bit confused as to why they couldn’t have just done a full episode seeing as they did a long ass introduction and even thought about doing beefs? Like surely it took the most effort just to set up, all they have to do is talk they don’t even edit it themselves 😂 Would have been so much better - especially as the “best bits” are really recent ones too so felt like I was just listening to the same episode again lol. Bizarre.
Snap! I listened to it today too & the only story I'm glad they put in was the kit kat one 😂 I remember properly laughing out loud when they told that story & I'm sure it was way back in the beginning. I really used to enjoy it & cant put my finger on whats changed the past few months that its not been the same. Maybe its just because they've struggled through lockdown & its shown through on the podcast? Or I wonder if its since they joined the acast network?
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Again, just reiterating that I am in no way criticising her for the ear thing (don’t even know what to call it as I got called out for calling it pinning back, then got called out for calling it cosmetic, so I’ll just stick with “ear thing” ha ha). What I am critical of is sharing this with 800 thousand strangers on the internet, especially when it is not her who is having it done. Tell us about your c-section scar, your breastfeeding trials and tribulations and so on- that is YOUR personal information that you can choose to share. But a 2 week old baby can not consent to their personal information being shared. Those saying it’s worth it if he doesn’t get bullied in the future- never mind his ears, she’s giving birth bullies all the mileage they need with the personal stuff she shares on both Robin and now Rafe on Instagram and in their podcast. She literally calls them “little shit” and stuff like that all the time, referred to the baby producing a dirty nappy as “shitting himself”.
I have to agree...fair enough doing it and if it saves him surgery in the future that's a bonus! But does it really need to be shared on the internet with a load of strangers?? Rafe (and Robin) might grow up to be mortified that all this personal stuff has been shared and can be found by anyone!!
These "celebs" and influencers need to learn to protect their kids and respect their privacy until they are old enough to consent!
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Cereal Killer

Chatty Member
Management have obviously stepped in and had a word with Chris Ramsey’s wife. We’ll see how long it is until she’s back to calling followers “dickheads” or “slags”
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self-employed people get maternity pay from the government as long as they've paid certain taxes which as a self-employed person you would have it makes it even weirder she's banging on about being self-employed as though it comes with no support when having a baby - granted it isn't as much as you'd get working and i'm sure it's peanuts compared to her instagram paid posts but you know be thankful a company will pay you £5k a poxy post to say you eat their bread
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No sorry, hostile between posters. Reading a few pages in a row made me think that people weren’t free to say anything without someone coming down on them. And if she’s putting her baby on IG and is on maternity leave then it’s the baby people are going to speak about.

But if she’s showing off her Warburton’s haul then I guess she isn’t on maternity leave...

Just an observation.
I agree. Obviously baby is off limits but her actions shouldn’t be when she is using social media (in my opinion)
Advertising Warburton’s on Instagram one week PP when your husband is a millionaire just makes me sad
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