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Well-known member
Laffs 4 Kids have been postponed till next year 😭
Yeah have been the the Customs House a fair few times, the last time was before the 3 month lock down. Didn’t manage to get tickets for any of the recent shows & now all future shows have been cancelled we’re praying the Customs House can manage to reopen
I must have missed the announcement about laffs for kids. Figured it wouldn't be going ahead but hopefully still drop off points to donate toys. It will be a tough year for a lot of people. I miss nights out at Customs House 😭


Well-known member
I‘m in Scotland, two of my children are in school and their teachers whilst at the front of the class wear no mask but wear one whilst closer to the children. The children can also wear one if they wish (5 and over have to wear them) and some are. If you feel happier wearing a mask, you should wear one.
Social distancing is difficult in many work places, not just schools.
who said social distancing was only difficult in schools? I can only speak for my own experiences, I would never dream of assuming that I know what midwives should do to stay safe because that’s not my job 😉
She’s a size 12 so she’s not big but she gets what i get when I drink too much (I’m fairly small) she has no neck definition and no proper chin. Alcohol just makes me hold fluid round my face. Wonder if she’s the same


VIP Member
Robin seems like a fun kid, dont have anything against the lad. He’s obviously the focus of their attention as their only child but that will change.


VIP Member
So how old is Robin? And why did we not see her doing any homeschooling in lockdown? Genuine question no idea how old he is.
He’s starting his first year of school this year so he’s 4/5, no home schooling for nursery kids.


VIP Member
People did previously say a page or so back that she better not moan about the baby as it’s ungrateful because people have miscarriages.

It’s horrendous people have miscarriages but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t say how hard it is to have a baby. Even without it getting to the PND stage - I never got PND. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t find it bloody tough and want to complain about it quite a lot.

Where does it end? You wouldn’t say someone who has had a miscarriage shouldn’t moan because people are dying of cancer and won’t live a full life.

Bring influencers to account 100%, some of the stuff they do is absolute dogger. But there’s always someone at the opposite end of the spectrum so she can’t please everyone. I would much rather see Rosie complaining than Hinch pretending she has a perfect life then bringing out a memoir detailing her struggles later to make money.
Put she hasn’t got, and hasn’t mentioned PND? 🥴


VIP Member
I’m not up to the Covid episodes however I can well imagine it’s moan, moan, moan. I m the same, I am not a prude however she cannot separate the talking shit to your mates and publically doing a podcast to the country. Talking about someone being fingered in a swimming pool is not for the nation but for your mates in the beggars bridge !
Does she live in South Shields or cleadon? Some massive houses in cleadon