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She's just an absolute attention seeker. She feigns emphathy for more attention/likes/views.
Riding on the coat tails of her husband is becoming even more dull and boring. No wonder he appears irritated by her.

If she wasn't with him she'd be stacking shelves in farmfoods... no offence to anyone stacking shelves in farmfoods.... 😆🤪
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She and Chris are the guests on today's episode of the Table Manners podcast hosted by Jessie Ware and her mum.
£600 on wine from fortnum. and mason at start of lockdown apparently ... these microwave curry / bread ads must pay well 🤔
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Thanks for all the lovely comments- so much kindness in strangers despite what people think of Tattlers! I just find it mad how little research or thought goes into things! It’s literally the first google result when you type in SMA. Appreciate I’m overly sensitive because it’s directly impacted me and my family but still. I did feel brave and leave a comment but doubt it’ll get picked up on her post...
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I often wonder why celebs get gifted nights away and stuff tbh, does it honestly make us normal people want to book to go there? especially when they often cost a fortune or when they're places that are well known anyway. Everyone knows about Centre Parcs why are you gifting influencers to stay there? You don't even really need to advertise people will still go?

It's like when that insta family got a paid trip to Disney World. Why do you need someone to tell disney world via instagram?! It just makes no sense to me.
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Incredibly long time lurker here...but had to comment. The gifted stays are infuriating and it disappoints me that brands don’t even try out gifting these stays to families in genuine need. I work with some families in extreme deprivation and a night or weekend away like some of these influencers get would quite literally make their year. It’s a shame they don’t think this way when considering who to gift products and stays to..I for one would engage more with brands adverts if they got my attention in this way rather than pissing me off by gifting to already wealthy and privileged folk!
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Can someone tell me why this woman is in the position she is? Is it coz her husband is famous? Because it cant be down to her cringe dance routines, not funny jokes/sketches, shite ads etc. Shes so absolutely into her self its embarrassing. Their podcast is shite too. She basically just flogs herself on social media to feel like she belongs, to get some validation and feel like the popular girl in school. Cant stand these fake semi 'celebrities' selling their kids for a swipe up from gousto or some other twee middle class 'inpirational' company. Shes one of those who has definitely ridden her spouses success (even tho I've never heard of him) like a Blackpool donkey to get where she is. Sad. Pathetic. Get help woman, you're obviously missing something in your life if you need to keep 'performing' like some chimp on heat for a few strangers on your phone.
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I don't dislike Rosie at all, but she's definitely lost the appeal she once had. As previously mentioned she changed as her following grew and she became part of the instahuns and mum's crew and I personally preferred the 'old' Rosie.

I used to love SMA, I listened every week but I grew bored of its tiresome content. There's only so many poo stories and horrendously over-the-top fake laughing from Chris that I can take.
The thing with the podcast is I think half of the stories sent in are just utter bullshit now too. It’s like people are competing to come up with the most outrageous stories
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Has she not had or still has her Mum staying with her?! Doing pretty well compared to lots who haven’t seen their family. I know it’s not a competition but find it hard to feel sympathy with them when they have a very comfortable life. I enjoy the podcast but was a bit annoyed when listening to her moan that as tours had been cancelled they couldn’t move to a bigger house. Shame having to stay put and purchase a motor home instead!! 😡
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I also love that while this thread has had a bit of a moan about her at times, there’s nothing but happiness for them ☺
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There was such a genuine warmth and humour to the early episodes, questions from the public were actual questions or daft polls. My last listen it was just so much shouting and poo stories I just switched off. Lost what was special about it IMO.
I agree. It wouldn’t hurt them to take a break to be honest but they’re riding the peak at the moment so they probably want to milk it for all they’ve got.
I find some of the questions from the public are just clearly not true. There was a story about someone putting a butternut squash up their rectum from a radiographer who was apparently in theatre - wtf is a radiographer doing in a general surgical theatre? (My husbands a surgeon and has done enough foreign body extractions to know that is just bollocks). Plus they flowered it up by saying the butternut squash had “cooked” inside the rectum - that’s just not plausible either.

A very specific bug bear 😂
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I understand that she has every right to moan, about sickness, hormones/emotions, physical discomfort etc., but not being able to have a glass of wine? A small price to pay, surely? Not to mention a kick in the teeth to the thousands of women who aren’t fortunate to be pregnant.
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It might be an unpopular opinion but I really like them. The singing gets on my nerves too but I think they are much more normal than some. She did that big raffle before with all freebies she got sent which is more than some do. Just my opinion and I don’t know her personally in any way 🤣
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I mean she’s got to do a giveaway, right? Who would need two Perfect Prep machines?
I just think, yet again, they haven’t read the room at all here. She visited a bloody food bank last week and was going on about how people are struggling, and now the shows an actual ceiling high pile of freebies from Tommee Tippee!! It would do hers and TTs PR so much more good if they donated this
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Exactly! It’s not about ‘breaking rules’ it’s about having a bit of responsibility for yourself and others and thinking ‘do I really need to go here?’. So sick of people excusing their stupid behaviour by saying they’re ‘allowed’ to do it. I’m not saying people should stay in all the time but I’m sure there are plenty of things they could do in their local area rather than travelling across the country for no good reason.
This! 👏🏼👏🏼
I don’t care if the law states she can travel, we all need to act responsibly to tackle this virus! I do not believe that a trip to London, when your area is under worse restrictions than other areas, is necessary! Especially when pregnant and with a child! It’s about making responsible choices to ensure we ALL do our bit to stop the spread of the virus
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I think the 'rave' thread and this one are getting mixed up again. People are posting on here instead of in the rave thread!
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Well-known member
Maybe I’m being naive, I get that the hotels get low cost advertising by offering free stays but if you had the Ramsay’s kind of money how amazing would it feel to say yes I will take the stay and advertise it but let me also cover the cost of a normal member of the public, a key worker or parents who are carers etc to give them the opportunity to experience a real treat.

How good would that make you feel and the hotel still gets advertised on a large platform but also a feel good story too. I’m living in fairy land I know but I like to imagine if I had all that money how many kind moments you could create.
If only we lived in a world where people were kind like that. The idea of giving wealthy people stuff they don’t need makes me sick. There are families out there who struggle to buy a loaf of bread.
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Really disappointed they’ve accepted all that free stuff when they can more than afford to buy the best of everything themselves. They could have done a giveaway or asked for it to be donated to someone who really needs it instead.
Not a good way to endear yourselves to the public, especially in the current situation with people losing their jobs left right and centre.

There is a #gifted at the bottom.
It’s interesting that everyone here professes that they’d turn free stuff down or give it away. I call BS on that. Also, brands gift stuff to these peope because they are the ones with the followers and whonwill get them sales. It doesn’t benefit them for it to be passed on to charity as then they don’t get the coverage.
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This is totally obscene. How can she not see how greedy this looks? She was at a food bank onlythe other day. Why would they send two nappy bins and two prep machines too? Couldn’t she donate these to a women’s shelter or something?
you do realise that sometimes brands don’t even ask and they just send stuff anyway and you literally don’t know when stuff is going to arrive.
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