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It is not a competition at all no you are right. And that is not the point I am making. You can discuss struggling and the lockdown part not seeing friends etc I can completely relate to. But moaning about material things, I am sorry it’s not for social media right now. She’s a grown woman. Act like it.

Honestly god knows. If you moan of a rave thread you will immediately be shot down with a thousand daggers.. I like a debate and a balanced opinion. And I also like being free to discuss someone in a less friendly manner
I agree. My husband got made redundant mid Covid and things have been tricky. I’m sorry if it makes me heartless but it’s hard to watch a celeb whinge that they can’t upsize to a bigger house when you’re not sure if you’re going to lose your own. We were lucky and have a support network, a lot of people don’t. She has personal friends she could vent to, she uses Insta for business, she should be more sensitive.
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Nah, I reckon he's filthy in the bedroom
I really don't think he is. The way he reacts to some of the sex stories on the podcast makes it seem like he's a teenage boy who's only now hearing about sex. I reckon it's missionary, 2 pumps and he's done.
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I’m still raging about the gifted stay.

I agree, if they’d paid themselves - and were showing it as a way to cheer her up or shift her out of her lockdown anxiety, then fair enough.

but to be gifted, and accept it - to then flaunt it on her platform.

entitled doesn’t even cover it.
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Her latest story about Robin not going to school till next week because the teacher probably figured he'd go in and be fine - just wow! Is she for real??? So all the kids starting reception this week are identified as the ones who'll struggle...she does realise that it's by birth date right?? The older ones need to start earlier as they're so ready to go, it has nothing to do with a child's confidence (which in Rosie's case is her patting herself on the back and takes full credit!!) And in my experience it's the confident kids that struggle most starting school as suddenly it's not all about them and they have to share the attention - quieter kids have already developed lots of different coping strategies for socialising and the gobby ones as she puts it actually find it harder

So yeah hi Rosie 👋 your son isnt special just FYI
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And? It doesn’t mean she has to lord it all over IG gushing her thanks and tagging them. She isn’t obliged to advertise for them because they send her free stuff. It’s the fact she willingly accepts the free gifts that makes her greedy.
No that is EXACTLY what it means. If brands send you stuff then you advertise it. It would be bloody ungrateful to receive free stuff and not advertise it. Her work is literally Instagram and ‘influencing’.
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Does anyone else think that the older podcasts were better? Felt a bit more like a genuine chit chat and less like an hour of scripted content? I don’t think it’s anything to do with lockdown giving them lack of content because the funniest bits are always the Qs from the Public and mad stories from listeners.
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Are you one of those people who asks people to guess how old they are and then believes the flattering answer (lie) they give you?

If not, don't become one of them as you get older.
Have I stumbled on a rave thread? Is it against some sort of code to say she looks older than she is?! Pipe down it’s hardly critique of the century.
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As an influencer, she will see this as her job. What would the old Rosie say?!
The old Rosie wouldn’t say anything because she has always been desperate for the attention and the lifestyle she has now - she was just a bit better at hiding it before.
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I listened to rosies episode of Frankie Bridges open mind podcast and Rosie kept describing herself as a really positive person! She’s one of the most whingey people on IG she’s constantly moaning!
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I decided to give the podcast another go (fed up of my usual spotify playlist on the way to work). I can't get over how much Chris tries to put Rosie down, correcting her all the time "mansplaining" things. He's awful! I'm definitely not her biggest fan but he's really gone down in my estimations. They clearly think they're massive celebs too. In an episode I recently listened to Rosie said something along the lines of "people in our town clearly know who we are". Alright love, you're an instagram celeb, not a Hollywood A Lister.. You can leave the bodyguard at home, I reckon you'll be alright.
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I went off Rosie when she listed many of the True Crime podcasts when asked (about 8 in all) but failed to acknowledge RedHanded. They came SECOND in the British podcast awards where Rosie and Chris came first. Guess she is too scared to give them a plug in case they take over the winners spot next year. Dunno why, but it irked me.
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I think there’s a rave thread on her somewhere.

I like the podcast, I’m about 8 weeks behind as I’ve not been driving to work but I listen to it regularly - I like them as a couple. I just wish she was a little more self aware... hate the beefs and Chris’ laugh goes through me.

Her behaviour irritates and frustrates me and I like to think I understand her humour. She does have a tendency to come across as entitled, occasionally beggy and very moany.
Im glad someone has mentioned chris’ laugh! It seems so forced sometimes and he over does it sometimes when she’s said something that’s not even mildly funny.

Personally I agree as well that she comes across entitled. She tries to be relatable to her following, whilst sat in her “orangery” on one of her many designer sofas. Whilst wearing high end makeup and often branded clothing which isn’t cheap. So relatable Rosie. Without Chris she’d still be working on holiday park entertainment teams earning a small wage and would be much more relatable. She knows she’s got wealth and is actually quite full of her self about it.

I used to really love her instagram but over the last year it has changed a lot and I just find her quite hard to watch
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She has a lovely family, plenty of money, a large house and garden, motorhome, longed for baby on the way, successful podcast and book....but sure....keep moaning Rosie no-one has got it harder than you eh?!
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She’s become the exact thing she used to take the piss out of. Rosie Mamsey on steroids but also the only woman on the planet to ever be pregnant. 🙄
Exactly this! I think most people liked Rosie in the beginning myself included but like you said she’s literally become everything she used to hate.
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Rosie’s definitely sold her soul to the Devil, but I don’t think she’s ever had a real job.
In my opinion she doesn’t have enough talent to have made it in show business, her singing is bog standard & she’s someone who you’d watch in a working men’s club or a holiday park. I really used to like her & thought she was funny,down to earth & so relatable. Now she comes across as fake & only doing it for the money,which I understand especially in this current climate but howay Rosie at least be sincere.
Anyway that last gifted stay has sent me over the edge 😂
She is definitely a cruise ship singer (no offence to cruise ship singers or anything). You wouldn't see her on the charts or on the west end. I also feel like she thinks she's a lot better than she actually is? She's very OTT like a kiddie disco performer would be
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