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First time posting on this thread, I used to love her but honestly I can’t take any more humble brags. Does a story about pregnancy making her dizzy but has to throw in that they’re getting a new bathroom. It is absolutely none of my business how much money people have but I think the absolute least she could do at the moment is calm the fuck down bragging about how rich she is. She comes from a very similar background to me so she’s well aware of how hard people have it, and seeing her showing off on insta every single day is driving me mad. Add on top of that how many of her followers may still be furloughed/lost their jobs, it’s just tacky.
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Don’t know if I’m just naive but I didn’t feel like the stories about the caravan was her begging. A lot of her stories are but this time it seemed but like she was genuinely just asking but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also robin with his glasses 😫 such a funny little guy
Have to say I thought the same, sometimes first hand recommendations are better to go with. But then again maybe I'm clouded here cos I do really like her & Chris. Their SMA podcast has kept me so amused whilst I work from home myself in the flat, feels I've office company haha. Robin is the cutest wee boy too.
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I am someone who was pregnant during covid- I left work on a Tuesday in March and haven’t returned since- as a pregnant woman why would you risk the health of your unborn child? For me there simply isn’t enough knowledge, research or continuity in advice for anyone, let alone those who are pregnant.
In the 5 month between me leaving work and having my baby I saw no one- and I mean no one outside of my house except for medical professionals!
I just think influencers like Rosie have some level of responsibility to at least look as though they are trying to follow guidance. Especially as we are looking likely to have local lockdowns in parts of the north east!
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I totally see your point, but I think it must be a bit draining to have constant negativity. I could never be remotely famous because I’m so anxious about what people think of me I’d end up reading all the bad stuff and it would drive me mad - I don’t think that makes me a narcissist just massively insecure. I can see both sides 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yes but you don’t make a living by filming your day to day life.

some celebs are actors etc and don’t want all their personal life everywhere. These influencers film every aspect of their lives and expect people to fawn over them for doing normal stuff.
Take the family bloggers for example. It’s not because they have a talent it’s because they are selling themselves out

from what I see here is rosie used to take the piss out of these influencers,now she is one doesn’t like people doing it to her
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They just bought a brand new camper, a tesla, god knows what else, and she was banging on about moving house. They have a canny nest egg there. They don't need to be doing ads.
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just catching up on her stories, she's got a real chip on her shoulder about the north hasn't she - like she isn't on restrictions because they are in the north and therefore London in the south hate the's because the infection rate is higher, and i doubt her flaunting of the rules earlier on really helped her area with keeping it under control, and she's had her mum to stay with her, she's seen her mum more than i've seen any of my family this year, yet she's still wanging on about it, she needs to learn to read the room and share she's down but acknowledge that she's luckier than most
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£600 on wine from fortnum. and mason at start of lockdown apparently ... these microwave curry / bread ads must pay well 🤔
She has hit the jackpot with him and I think she knows it. She'd never be able to sustain the lifestyle they lead off her own back!
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I can imagine him being the type to not have sex for a month because of something he deems gross happening. Eg not having sex for a month if his wife fanny farts during sex.
Tbf she is pretty gross. did you hear on the podcast about how she will leave used tampons on top of the toilet cistern? it's kinda hard to stay attracted to someone who does stuff like that.
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I think it’s ok & perfectly normal for a pregnant woman to miss something they used to enjoy doing/consuming, I used to twine all the time about not having wine while pregnant 😂
I craved pornstar martini's throughout my last pregnancy, the urge was overwhelming! I tried everything to curb the craving but it wasn't satisfactory, so yes I moaned like hell 😆😆

Doesn't mean for a moment I didn't appreciate how lucky I was to be pregnant...I'd had a loss at 19 weeks the year before, a healthy pregnancy was never taken for granted. But my discomfort and irritation was valid, pregnancy, no matter how yearned for is pretty tough.

I digress...i came on to say she proper loves herself in that new photo within the car with her sunglasses on lol
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I was on in the middle of the night as struggling to sleep, and reported the posts so mods may have deleted them.
Definitely Rosie herself or a family member ... lovely video of you drinking juice last week Rosie . Seriously when people actually support you , buy your book , subscribe to the podcast , buy tickets to shows and watch the inane shite you now post ( used to be relatable but not anymore ) maybe be a bit more gracious and stop to think that there is a reason why they are asking for captions 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Next they’ll be reading out the story of the woman who masturbated with a lobster and it got her pregnant 😂 that old classic

Anyone see her grid post today? More self indulgent nonsense. Most people’s families and friends celebrate pregnancy Rosie. You’re not unique. I feel like all I ever comment on is her talking about her pregnancy but that makes up 90% of what she does.
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As someone else has said the hello fresh ads kill me. There are literally families starving, and you just know Rosies response to this (in her head, as she definitely reads here) will be “oh fuck off” because let’s face it, she isn’t the funny down to earth Rosie any of us thought she was, she’s a chav who got lucky. It blows my mind how rude she is, final straw for me was blocking someone for asking for subtitles but seeing this increasingly rich couple constantly given free stuff during a time of mass unemployment is more than I can take. She’s a bellend, Chris is a bellend, but I think more importantly the whole “influencer” industry is one big raging bellend.
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Im starting to feel their popularity will start to dip soon , as they are not just as ‘down to earth ‘ as they portrayed themselves to be at the start of all this podcasting / instagramming etc 🤔
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As someone else has said the hello fresh ads kill me. There are literally families starving, and you just know Rosies response to this (in her head, as she definitely reads here) will be “oh fuck off” because let’s face it, she isn’t the funny down to earth Rosie any of us thought she was, she’s a chav who got lucky. It blows my mind how rude she is, final straw for me was blocking someone for asking for subtitles but seeing this increasingly rich couple constantly given free stuff during a time of mass unemployment is more than I can take. She’s a bellend, Chris is a bellend, but I think more importantly the whole “influencer” industry is one big raging bellend.
This 👏👏👏

Also, I never understand all the Chris love on here. Personally, I think he's a bit of an arrogant prick.
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It is not a competition at all no you are right. And that is not the point I am making. You can discuss struggling and the lockdown part not seeing friends etc I can completely relate to. But moaning about material things, I am sorry it’s not for social media right now. She’s a grown woman. Act like it.

Honestly god knows. If you moan of a rave thread you will immediately be shot down with a thousand daggers.. I like a debate and a balanced opinion. And I also like being free to discuss someone in a less friendly manner
Absolutely agree, if she was voicing her worry about not being able to pay the gas bill, or put food on the table I’d want to listen and help...but no she’s mosning about not being able to move from her huge house to an even bigger’s pathetic, entitled and obnoxious!
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This is such a pathetic thing to be annoyed by but I’m gonna say it anyway 🤣🤣🤣.
has anyone else noticed how she says “you know what I mean?” ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Even when she’s just made a really obvious and clear statement. “The sun is shining, you know what I mean?”

god it annoys me 🤣🤣

Ok, rant over. as you were.
I’m northern & feel personally attacked because I say this a lot 😂😂😂
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