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I didn't think her hair could look any more dated, but then she got the awful "bangs" cut in and I was proven wrong.
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Chatty Member
Yes she did! And she’s been at her parents house throughout lockdown 🙄

she’s said “our education system” in her latest story, but I don’t recall learning about Christopher Columbus in great detail at school (UK) Does anyone else? Another example of pandering to her US audience if so
Came here to say the exact same- pretty sure UK schools only briefly teach Christopher Columbus sailing to America and ‘discovering’ it. But I don’t know if I’m mixing that up with stuff my parents taught me about the mayflower and pilgrims at New Plymouth on a family holiday to New England.

She’s definitely trying to appropriate American history and culture as her own: Rose/ please decide whether you want to be a prim and proper English woman selling shoes for tiny feet or want to be an American displaying your bangs and having more to say on US politics than UK politics (although I guess she certainly used to describe herself as a die hard Tory girl). I find the inconsistency tiring.
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Yes constant; ‘Did I tell you my husband is a producer?’ I don’t think we’d know her husband existed if there wasn’t for a fact that he is a producer you know.
And also she puts on a super posh accent only to tell us that if our lips have ‘gotten’ a little dry blah blah 🙄
Stipe up!
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What’s with the affected and dodgy English accent?! It’s as if she’s pretending to be English! Utterly bizarre. I think she’s pretending to be far more posh than she really is.

I find her so cringe! The fact that she never shows her husband but goes on about exes is just so awkward.
I still do not believe that is her real voice. It sounds so fake and forced that it’s ridiculous.
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Oh my god yes have you read the anti diet post on her blog? She first posted it in 2012 so she could be forgiven if she had left it in 2012, nutrition and diet ideas were a bit different then. But she STILL crows on about it. She posts a ‘hunger chart’ with the levels of hunger from 1-10 (1 is starvation, etc) and says if you’re trying to lose weight stop eating when you’re a 5. Basically, eat less. She says if you follow this you can run around GIGGLING instead of JIGGLING. She says put down the chocolate and eat some leafy greens. She says stay away from junk food and soon you won’t want it anymore. It is absolutely disordered eating in its finest form.
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Ooh interesting! She fancies herself as a bargain basement Kate Middleton so I’m not surprised. Was she in economy?
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No way!! I’m cringing.
omg yes, it was before they changed rules I think and so she posted often from anonymous accounts. It was usually things about either dieting/weight loss or relationships. I vividly remember one question something about "should I lose my virginity to my bf, I am 16 and not sure" her reply was something along the lines of, "If you don't want to don't, I know lots of girls who were sluts at school and now regret it". I dunno if the comments are still up on old posts though
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I get that but it seems like she made a conscious decision not to show her too much, and now she's going back to what she used to do.
It's not as bad as what her bestie Julia does (exploiting her daughter to grow her audience).

I wonder what happens when she comes to school age (which is fairly early in the UK) and won't be able to join her husband on these extended trips, and will be stuck at home with a child.
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sorry to go back to this - I’m late to this thread! This really looks like Rick Snowdon, he was on the voice a while ago?! He lives round the corner from my mam 🙃

edited -his Instagram has confirmed that it is indeed him, you matched with a (very) minor celeb 😁
I wonder if it was actually him or just someone who stole his photos off Instagram and made a fake profile 😂😂
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I think she idolises her mum and it’s turning into her with her haircut and style. I think it’s great she embracing ageing but I agree it’s unnecessary yet, she has plenty of time in the future. She is still only in her thirties.
Sorry who is Val? Is that Valentina?
It’s kind of bizarre, it’s like she’s desperate to be middle age already
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Now What

Chatty Member
Yes I do. She said it in almost those words, that she supported her partner financially while he was trying to establish himself in the industry.
Which paints a really strange picture. She is portraying this affluent lifestyle living in a very expensive area of London, while relying purely on her income from sponsored posts. And getting a replacement car on a whim when hers was stolen. Not to mention the over the top wedding. So where is the money coming from?

I just can't get my head around this whole PJ arrangement - she won't say anything about him, show his face (even though she did this before) or give him credit when its due, but she's happy to share details of him 'giving her an orgasm' before she gave birth. Is he worried about ruining his public image? If he is concerned about his privacy, he is working in the wrong industry.
The image of her demanding he give her an orgasm while in the midst of childbirth is the most jaw-dropping TMI thing I've read. :sick:
It is a mystery re the money spent on the wedding, maybe a lot gifted for PR.
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I really like that dress actually! I love this designer. and she tags the designer (a Ghanaian company) which she never usually does (always makes money by making you click through to ad links to find out who makes what she’s wearing) so I think it’s a conscious effort to support a black woman owned business, which is nice!
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She’s humble bragging about her husband PJ the film producer who was mentioned in an article with Tom Cruise.

I’m curious as to how someone goes from a photographer to a film producer in a few years? It stinks of the same kind of scenario as that episode of Dirty Money on Netflix. There was a mysteriously wealthy man called Jhow Low and him and another guy helped ‘produce’ Inception. It turned out they were using money embezzled from the Malaysian government and money laundering. Jhow Low is on the run and the other guy is in jail. The ex Malaysian PM was just sentenced to 12 years in jail for his part in it.

Rosie has dropped hints before about PJ’s links with rich Russians #justsaying
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I think it’s awful how she never shows her husband. She says he doesn’t want to be shown because he‘s a stickler for privacy, but yet there’s plenty of photos of him on her blog before they were together? And what about all the pimping out of their baby since she was born? I think that’s HER excuse for not showing him, not his, he’s unbefitting for her image. I don’t think an affluent Dutch man needs any pity from me, but I can’t help but feel bad for him
He’s not conventionally handsome. She def wishes she’d married Miles Bugby who is her ex and someone she happily posts photos of. Miles is 🔥🔥🔥
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I think if I were in her shoes, I would have blocked out the names. I appreciate and agree that racists should be called out but there’s a huge power imbalance there in terms of platform size.

I think posting their comments is enough to call them out. Maybe that’s just me though. Agree, it’s a tricky one.
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There are loads of before and after pictures out there too. If I can find them I’ll post them here

ETA where the f**k is Custard? Fallen off the face of the planet once Lily came along. Is this a Jim and Tanya situation where Martha the dog just disappeared and they never speak of her.
Doesn't the dog belong to her parents and she just borrows it for photos etc? I swear on old sites I read that's what they said. It probably is with her parents full time now!
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I am really worry about this post about masturbation and kids :(
Her post says that not all masturbation is a sign of child abuse but some of them means they are ! I feel like we need to protect children from being expose to certain things
It totally isn't always a sign of abuse and I understand children aren't sexualised and just do things because it feels nice. However it very much CAN be a sign of abuse. Therefore, as someone who works in safeguarding, I'd rather people thought that it could be a sign of abuse and raise it than think 'oh rosie said it's all fine!' and ignore it.
(Hopefully no one is that stupid)
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who's the woman in her latest instagram post?

her latest blog :rolleyes: as usual not enough to just describe what she did (almost nothing) but she has to ramble on about "other people" being there, who were, of course nowhere to be seen..
The woman is Alexandra Bayley, I don't know much about her except that she married a much older, filthily rich man and is now pregnant. Interestingly, Alex's poses in Rose's blog conceal her pregnancy (you can tell they've deliberately posed that way to conceal it) but Alex has just recently made a pregnancy announcement; guess it makes sense she didn't want RoBlow's blog to the first place it's announced!

Definitely pregnant
I thought this too because she has filled out a bit but now I'm starting to think it's just her finally practising what she preaches and embracing what her natural body looks like instead of shopping herself into oblivion.
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I used to hate-follow but had to stop when she started getting all sanctimonious about breastfeeding and it bothered me.
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