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Murphy Brown

VIP Member
Those weird pyjamas, I don't get it, they are not even cute. So odd. Everything, the decor, the clothes, the hair style, suggests >50. Even the lighting depresses me a bit 🙁
I agree - the pyjamas would be cool/cute/comfy if you were in your 60s or 70s. She's still only mid 30s - why can't she just enjoy it and dress youthfully? Even Gwyneth wears revealing clothing and she's 50.
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Really don’t know what’ll happen with Rose, she certainly doesn’t come across as happy anymore and sometimes I think she’ll go awol for half a year then pop up in Somerset and say she’s split. On the other hand, she seems to get such glee from sitting opposite a celebrity at a dinner party which she simply wouldn’t experience without PJ. It’s semi intriguing - she’s certainly living an abnormal life style. I’m sure if she reads tattle she would think it’s full of trolls and jealous people but I honestly couldn’t live how she does, I love having my own thing and making my own decisions… could never just follow my husband around for years on end. After the initial hype you’re suddenly in another rental, in a new town longing for your fam and friends…
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Now What

Chatty Member
The divorce esque poem.. do.we think it will actually happen?
Rose loves attention and is incredibly manipulative (see beach belly photo holding mango), and loves doing or saying something to sit back and watch the reactions. Classic narcissist.

The poems and quotes on her stories have been suggesting she wants a divorce, would rather be with a woman, particularly a super-close female relationship. Has she lost her muchness again thanks to her husband? I don't think she was much to begin with, but she is fun to laugh at.

Wait... what if she's not on an anniversary tour and is actually only with her parents? Her father could have taken the topless family photo. She could be setting the stage for a break that's been happening for awhile. But how will Peej get his Hollywood oiled tomatoes without her? I vote she stays with him.
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Since we have to create a new thread soon, I will vote for “autistic goddess” as the new thread name. I also like “PJ’s hand”
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I don’t think she owes anyone anything. I actually can’t stand it when people announce their hiatus or departures as it comes across very attention seeking. Just go quietly. Don’t come back. No one really cares (even those posting “hope you’re ok”).
I mean technically no she doesn't, but this is her job. It's like you or me just going on holiday and not telling any of out colleagues or manager. Sharing your personal life for years and then disappearing it is usual people will ask
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The year (aaaages ago) when she posted extensively about the ‘Celine’ (I think) bag she got for Christmas that had all the tell-tale cheapo packaging and plastic wrapping of a total fake was too funny though.

That’s why she was always worth a read, just the sheer amount of bullshit and lies she could cram in to a quite innocuous post was really something.
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I totally forgot about this. Rose is so stupid with her blog thievery. Like a schoolgirl she thinks if she tweaks a few words no one will know that she's nicked someone else's work. Even the abusive relationship storyline was copied from another blogger that she knows. I remember she mentioned that she watched a documentary on Dr Ruth sex therapist, within a few days she was giving sex advice on her Q&A's.

I never thought the toxic couple was Julia, but that's interesting. I thought that Rose was entranced by and wanted what to be Julia had. She literally latched onto her and wanted to continue holidays where their stomachs were laughed off, unfortunately for Rose Julia matured into a Slim Aarons socialite attending charity balls. Rose is even promoting brands that Julia has (Pottery Barn, Boll & Branch)

Hopefully Julia finally realised that Rose was a little much and backed away. Rose probably doesn't understand, so she's blaming the unfriendliness on toxic snobbery.
That whole friendship was insane, remember when Rose would post millions of photos/blogs of them together and Julia would barely even mention her. I can't belive her husband was the best man at their wedding
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Whenever she dated other guys she plastered them all over her blog- including that blonde bloke she went to Cornwall with. But PJ was always mysteriously kept secret. If he looked like Damien or Tom she’d have been showing him off at every opportunity.

there is nothing wrong with how PJ looks.
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I feel very often due to her posts she hates men ??? She think she is very independent but in reality the only reason she has this life style is because of her husband...I feel like she is a bully .
"Look out London!" haha. How many times has she posted that after arriving back home, summoning her handmaid Val, taken dozens of creepy selfies wearing designer goods, before heading out to OMG Chiltern?

Next will be the sad letdown that she's a mum with a family that doesn't understand what she went through in Hollywood. Time to set up the garden tepee.
Lol :) I love it ..”what she went through in Hollywood :) the best post ever
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Rosie the recovering shopaholic publishes stories from shop asking if she should buy or not the dress. Make it make sense.

(She would argue she didn’t ask a question, just put a “yes/no” button, but it doesn’t really make a difference)
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Some were guessing that she was splitting from her husband, due to her not wearing her wedding band or engagement ring before she disappeared…Maybe they were right🤔😱 or maybe she just figured out that being an influencer actually takes some kind of work lol
I think if she hasn't come back for her usual Xmas cash grab she either won't and will just do what taza did, or she'll come back as some kind of new age influencer like from one of those weird female retreats she went on (probably also divorced)
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She is obsessed with that Langdon guy, who is he? I assume someone famous/important which is why she always tags him. Is he one of the "hot young men" we were supposed to think she was dating 🤣
He was in the band spacehog with his brother Royston Langdon who is Liv Tyler’s first husband. OGs will remember Rosie’s blog post where she went to brunch with Liv, Royston and PJ, I think one of two times she’s ever shown his face.
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But how much longer can they continue this? Lily will eventually need to go to school and rhey will need somewhere to live
How old is she now? Turning 5 non? Depending on where they “officially” live she needs to go to school pretty soon. I do wonder where they have their main address. Like where are they tax residents, in the States or in England? I think it is a little sad that Lily isn’t settled somewhere by now. I am sure she is surrounded by love and is a happy kid, but I think it is healthy for a child with stability in terms of home and little friends
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Chatty Member
I too miss the good old Gomi days. The Londoner thread kept me going through many a long and lonely night feed.
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Chatty Member
Blogging about being at brunch with a celeb and using just their first name as if you hang out all the time is just ultimate cringe. That was so hilarious at the time.
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She looks like Diane Keaton in the cream suit in her latest post. Why is she so determined to age prematurely?!
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