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Well-known member
She's just said she knows where Larkin lives, knows full names and addresses. She knows who spanner is and she just said some absolutely vile things about tired granny that I don't feel needs repeated unless she sees t

I'm not cutting their faces out because they've laughed about sexual assaulting kids.
She would shit her self if any tattle seen her in the street , sexual explotation of children ain't a joke
It really winds me up when she's trying to say a proper rant about something and people in her box talk over her and try to stop her, yet when shes saying vile sexual "jokes" about her kids they do nothing but laugh.. what is the logic
There is no logic behind they clearly get a thrill out of it you can not joke about sexually assaulting children that is not a joke at all it's not funny wasn't funny yesterday wasn't funny today won't be funny tomorrow. Vile creatures

Rosie has a petition to take tattle down in reality she needs a petition to get on the register beast.
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I know I wouldn’t part with my money unless it was for a good cause , and a good cause would be treating h me and the man to a meal from Marks and Sparks and a cheeky bottle of vino you know what am saying girls 😂😂😂
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See for someone thats reallllly no bothered, shes sure no stopped going on about us. I fell asleep ffs, would hate to see her bothered reaction 🥴🥴🥴

Think we have touched some nerves ladies and gents 🌚

Rosie remember we only go by what we seee on YOUR videos! Get off tiktok if your so bothered about your life being spoke about, its really no hard.

Pls dont though, cos then we will have nothing to talk about 🤥🤥🤥
Exactly. See for someone so anti racist and advocate for the trans community she really does like to surround herself with racists and transbophic people.
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Well-known member
On begging for gifts baffling ha ha. More baffling that people send it ha ha then moaning that they are not the "right" gifts😂. I'm missing a trick here heres me on tattle genuinely concerned for children's safety and then you got the likes of Rosie begging for gifts but she's a top maw remember ha . And before she attempts to come for me I'm up as my child won't sleep. And I don't yell at him to sleep I comfort him make sure he's okay sit at the bottom of his bed so he feels comfort and love it's no hard really it's not.
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Well-known member
Glad to hear they’re back together. I know Blair lying was wrong but in my opinion it was all rosies fault that it did get out and she was loving it. No wonder he didn’t wanna admit it, a bad mistake and he’s having to not only tell his new burd but 100s a randoms on the internet
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Chatty Member
Well I mean I'm not exactly anonymous on here and tiktok I'm surprised she hasn't posted my profile yet 😂
I couldn’t give a flying fandango either I’d love her to come see me however I find it hilarious that it annoys her so much that she doesn’t know who any of us are
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She's dropping names of who she thinks started the rumour Z was in care but nobody needed to start a Rumour she told us plenty times that she's at a sisters. People on here just assumed it's not a sister and it's social work. Not that deep
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VIP Member
Poor Rosie. Not the brightest, is she? If she is rolling in the money like she says, why is Jon Mitchell giving her £50 for those ratty extensions?

It's baffling how incapable she is of self-reflection or growth. The truth hurts, but her and her unfounded ego have brought this all on herself.

She's a toxic swamp of a woman. So it's not surprising that she has mushrooms growing out of her face.
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Did Rosie say last night she had people on here commenting? She must have got advice from Shielsy on how to plant double agents. Thing is though, they must be awfy comfy tearing her down so she might need to reconsider their motives.
Her video about the private account sounded like she ended with “lots of love dot to dot”.
so sounds like she’s got an account on here and been commenting too
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VIP Member
See, if we were proper scumbags we'd be asking for her address and outing it online so we can go to her door, but we obviously care more about the fact her Weans need to stay there than she does.

She's pure pond life.

I seen someone on her videos claiming she commented on here and got banned. Did ye aye? 🤦‍♀️🤣 Back to the cabbage patch ye go.

Also, her claim about she doesn't care if we sl@g her, just when we drag innocent people into it

What, like the way poor Chantelle got caught in your vindictive crosshairs? Very good.

The Venn diagram for the things Rosie moans about tattle doing, and the things Rosie does is a fucking circle.
She puts her own address out there once a week inviting people to fight her whiles the wains are at school at 10pm
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VIP Member
She was begging for gifts on live for the past two days she was at it constantly so she probably made a small fortune people were sending her expensive gifts apparently ,then don't forget her daughter's DLA that Rosie treats like an award for her, she's so scummy !
It’s a pure shame for they weans , they could be having days out etc with all THIER money , see when she was shouting the other night about Z “making” more money than all of us it just proves how she Sees her weans money as hers! I don’t begrudge anyone anything but ffs spend the money on your kids n no trying to beautify that rotten mush n heed 😷
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Well-known member
Okay well lets steer away from that topic then 😊 Tonight she was on live with a guy pure flirting with him and then someone asked him if he was seeing a girl called courtney and he was like "no ones buisness" and rosie was like "aw ill not bother phoning you after this then since youve got a bird" lololol what happened to being a lesbian eh? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
The whole suspicious of everyone’s account on here is silly Ofcourse there going to new people! And I don’t think treating them like the enemy is right your just shooting yourself in the foot!!
No ones saying to treat anyone badly, we've been welcoming to new people. It's the he said she said my hamsters cousins guinea pig has tonsillitis in 2007 and my sisters cousin had it too...its getting ridiculous we just need to stay on the one topic. Anyone new is welcome to read the threads to catch up ❤
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Chatty Member
Read through some of the pages in this thread today. Where are these new accounts coming from? All in one day? What is going on?
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Chatty Member
Tried to have a look through her fb likes and comments weird to see their are no comments from her sister? Maybe their are and she has a different name and looks nothing like her. Either way it’s strange.
I’ve waited since 2020 on tattle for people to see how vile she is , then my lovely @weegin12 tagged me so I saw the tide had finally turned , I can wait until 2024 for the imaginary sister to come out 🤣🤣
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See, if we were proper scumbags we'd be asking for her address and outing it online so we can go to her door, but we obviously care more about the fact her Weans need to stay there than she does.

She's pure pond life.

I seen someone on her videos claiming she commented on here and got banned. Did ye aye? 🤦‍♀️🤣 Back to the cabbage patch ye go.

Also, her claim about she doesn't care if we sl@g her, just when we drag innocent people into it

What, like the way poor Chantelle got caught in your vindictive crosshairs? Very good.

The Venn diagram for the things Rosie moans about tattle doing, and the things Rosie does is a fucking circle.
See even if a wis a scumbag at least am no Rosie bush 😂
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