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New member
Where did I say crack I said I was told it looked like a crackpipe did anyone catch the tail end of live? Personally like wee prim and said are u sure it was that and person said it definitely did look like that? If weed that's fair play but again I'm not attacking anyone I was asking a question in concern for t prob shouldn't have voiced my question here u guys are right but again I've searched high and low to see if it was caught on Sr on usual tiktok pages and also here so asked a question prob should of asked if anyone caught the type of pipe at the end of the live Google images show a diff type of pipe to a normal hash pipe too so would be easy if I had a ss or recording to check but I don't hence why I asked 😳
Most likely wasn’t crack ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️ Primm has said before she smokes a bit of weed, people coming in her with lies and wee rumours just makes it look like it’s all lies, be sure before you come on with an accusation like that 🤷🏻‍♀️

Replied to the wrong person sorry haha
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I disagree. As someone who was in care and had siblings in care we where given a way better chance at life then if we’d stayed with our mother. T would be way better off in care in my opinion. The foster care system is a lot better then what it used to be and I think the wee boy would be better if he was looked after by one.
I’m glad you had a good experience ♥ but that doesn’t negate the fact that there is still huge problems in the care system and that T and Z would be so lucky x
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Rosie isn't "lucky" for them either, she talks about wanting to sexually assault and batter them as well.
I know, I’m not saying she is, just pointing out that the situation is a bit more complex than report her and the kids lives will become magically wonderful.
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VIP Member
Hahaha ive no idea who she even is. I thought it was an emo Rosie for a split second, they've got matching warts. 😂
She got to the shite bag if you dinny with Rosie the final challenge was wacky hair styles and she dyed all her hair and cried about it only for Rosie to have shaved a line right down the middle of her head and win 😂

Its actually a bit of a disgrace they're all trying to 1 up each other regarding her children.. On lives.
None of that isn't anything we've all speculated though. It's been posted all over tiktok for months. I'm confused how they are just finding out about it or think they are exposing something new?
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New member
As much as that's unfortunate t is where I'm worried most about its bad enough he's vulnerable not to mention kids can be cruel he's first year and his mum behaves like that online if there is drugs like that involved I'd rather services relivint to t care and safety were at least given a heads up if anything given that boy prob has a list of worries as long as his arm the last thing he would need is this if true Rosie prim any of them aren't my concern and if either are that bothered they can download live edit cut the bit and prove it wrong can't they honestly there is no malice to any of them but t is the only concern I have sorry if that upsets anyone but its true he's the minor there the adults making a mockery of themselves used to be back in the day hell back even a few year ago adults wouldn't dream of acting the way they all do hell the carry on on that app make me embarrassed to be scottish ? Hell the response to child welfare on this thread has me cringing too what has happened to grown adults its actually a disgrace like is this world more for drama than child wellbeing just because it seems to be new norm doesn't mean there's anything normal about it 🙈🙈
That'll be it now though she'll make several videos and fake cry about being accused of being a crack head 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well-known member
Sorry it's triggering you but this isn't a new discussion going on here. It's a big part of our problem with Rosie is there hyper sexualising everything and threatening to assault her kids. Not sure if you've missed that but maybe this just isn't the place for you because it's mentioned often.
Nah I know it’s the topic of discussion but this time it’s actually been said that she’s done something to Z so it’s different? How is speaking about it going to change anything? If it’s an open investigation you wouldn’t be allowed to discuss it anyways. I just think it’s not something anyone should be speaking about now. But that’s your opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have mine


New member
Because a child was in that house I like wee prim I was actually hoping someone would have screenrecordings to prove otherwise tbh cos let's face it T was upstairs and drink and coke is one low but this is another and if crack is been taking with a vulnerable minor present then herpes face has reached a low low with her life cos let's face it if there doing it the likelihood is she is too 🤢 it's more about concern for minor not about primm if I'm wrong I'm wrong and will state it but personally just more concerned about t and what he's being exposed to cos while she's not winning mother of the year there was once upon a time Rosie was a half decent mum and would have never in my life thought she'd say the things she did about her own kids sexually 🤢 never mind what the past few years of drama from one extreme to another she's going to end up dead or with blood on her hands and how will that impact them children of hers tbh concern for the kids is the only reason I check here or tiktok now x
aye because she looks like a crack addict 🥴🤦🏻‍♀️ If people you know have said it then why would u need people u don’t know on tattle to confirm it 😂

i can’t stand wee primm but wouldn’t go out my way to make up daft rumours about the lassie 😬


New member
I personally wasn't attacking Rosie I asked if anyone caught the end of live on screenrecording as ect then got practically accused of xyz
Personally wish Rosie would get her shit together for sake of her children the only concern I have was if t is exposed to more shit than he already is I don't know why my profile says new member probably cos I've been inactive for a while I'm all for Rosie turning her life round but not at the expense of t or z safety and welfare I asked if any screen recordings as I didn't see for myself if I had I wouldn't even be posting for screen recording or even mentioning it as I would be passing on without the need for posting in here I'm not interested in the drama causers or even Rosie it's t I'm concerned about infact I hope Rosie gets all the help she clearly needs 🙈

There are 13 previous threads full of people showing concern regarding the welfare of T and Z.

These also contain documented evidence of Rosie's misdeeds as they occurred. Having a friend's cousin's sister say she saw a crack pipe doesn't quite cut the mustard. We like solid proof. And there is enough of it documented in those threads that Social Work would have a field day.

We don't have to attack or criticise Rosie based on rumours. She does enough shit on Live with the world watching that there's just no need to.


VIP Member
Anyone seen this 😂😂😂

What? If it's a tiktok link you can't post them