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All joking aside though, he posts this and expects us all to be quaking in our boots?
Some of the chat on the SCG thread questioning the validity of the threats against Holly Willougby threw up some awful real life stories of Tattlers or their nearest and dearest having no police action taken against threats of the same sort HW experienced when it happened to them.
The reality is the police don’t have time for a lot of real and valid terrible situations and now only act after the event, even if the victim has been flagging that risk for months.
So Myler screaming and crying about a bunch of people slagging him off on a gossip site and saying he’s informed the police is chicken feed (granted if there’s been direct threats to his well being as a result of this site that’s a different matter).
In conclusion, perhaps if he had acted with decorum, kept his head down, not splattered his new squeeze and new life all over Insta/the DM etc he wouldn’t have come in for half the heat he has.
Just a thought.
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I honestly think she was just an adulterous shag to him and they are only together because Helen found out and chucked him out.
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All I have to say is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 and see you in prison people.

If you get time for calling someone out for being a shit father and a shit human - then come get me officer!
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Listening to Helen's book is a masterclass in living your life with a positive mindset, a force of nature who doesn't take herself too seriously. She discusses her ex with warmth and respect and no hint of bitterness. Sad to think of the 'anonymous' comments written by Cardenal Mendoza which were sneery and dismissive of her. The 'anonymous' comments written by Asgoodasitgets, Pineapple62 and various sidekicks in the DM comments section and elsewhere were absolutely shameful as they tried to tear her down every step of the way as she tried to pick herself up off the floor. Kicking a woman with a young baby when she's down - yep, the stuff of heroes.
They’ll come unstuck. They already are I think. I don’t think they’re as happy as they try to portray. Stephanie will never measure up to Helen. She’ll never be as successful, no matter how many soiled rags she tries to shift. She’ll never be as well liked (which probably kills her) or classy… Dickie will fade into obscurity as well, like everyone else has said, most people only know him as Helen’s ex
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He doesn’t see those kids if he did Helen wouldn’t have had to give up her radio job to make sure she’s at the sidelines for her boys every weekend, and she shows she has them every weekend on her stories. He’s a pathetic excuse of a man and zippy must have some pretty low standards to think he’s some sort of a prize.
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Another new tread title ......thanks to whatisthisigworld
If this one is used please give credit to the member who came up with it not me.ty

Richie wants a wife, you can’t have a mistress without one!
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It feels like he’s threatening us actually. He might have been to the police, they are unlikely to do anything as no one has said anything that could be deemed as ‘inciting hate’. Ive never seen anyone make threats or send abusive messages directly, and if they did the mods would come down on us like a tone of bricks. I’d have no part in that. All I’ve seen here is general piss taking more than anything, which is part and parcel of living in the public eye.
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The Daily Star and Birmingham Live stories have also been removed. Daddy's lawyers have been busy.
Zipwits: You cheat on your pregnant wife behind her back/willingly embark on a relationship with a married man. You flaunt your brand new relationship disrespecting your wife, sons and tiny newborn that you have just left. You and others mercilessly troll your wife during Strictly, mocking her when she is emotionally fragile and rail thin. You disappear on lavish holidays while you drop out of your children's lives no doubt leaving them bewildered and quite possibly damaged by the experience. Your new baby arrives just over a year after your third child. Selfish through and through.
But omg, someone in the press suggested you might be engaged. Quelle horreur!
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Ally Pally

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Surely if the police have all the information he says they do , he wouldn’t need other people to come forward 🤔
Talk about priorities eh? Not his kids just his hurt feelings at being called out for being a shit Father!!
Someone doesn't like being called to account I guess! 🙄
What an embarrassment!!
We have freedom of speech in this country and no laws have been broken as far as I'm aware.
My opinion is mine to have it's not against the law!
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She’s more to be pitied at this stage she’s absolutely pathetic that level of neediness would send many a man running, also very pathetic that she was probably under the same roof when she wrote that and why thank him for a wild week so so sad you’d have to thank your partner for spending a week with you. And if he was one of the best why would you first not tell him that to his actual face and not on Instagram and why is he leaving if he’s the so called best. He must know he can walk all over her at this stage, reminds me of that movie coming to America and Eddie Murphy telling his new bride to bark, Zippy would do the same if Rich asked.
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I know I keep going on about her book but Helen talks about how her kids are ’feral’ and also how they are all poor sleepers who end up in her bed. I don’t think they are ‘feral’ in the literal sense. I think they’re just rough and tumble outdoorsy kids who like to be outside playing in the mud, climbing and playing sport etc. I got the impression that Dimwit and Zippy probably find them quite hard work. Zippy in particular strikes me as the sort who‘d have a meltdown if mud was traipsed in through her house by one of the kids , and he’s one of those Dad’s who even when with his children’s mother, sees the child rearing side of it all as the woman’s job. It goes quite a long way to explaining why they never see them.
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Yes, but I think the legal argument is that Tattle and the people who post negative comments 'incite' all the other negative comments on other platforms. I also think the 'warning' of legal action is the first 'shot across the bows' and is the first course of action from a solicitor. If it continues names will be taken.
So basically everything is tattles fault :LOL: .

Interesting abstract post, but has no correlation with reality. Let's not entertain idle threats otherwise you're falling for a silly trap.

Influencers for years have been saying the exact same, but people are allowed a negative opinion of public figures. Several have sent themselves hate mail and similar to pretend it came from tattlers. 🤯 .

Whou'd of thought when people make their life public they can no longer control the narrative 🤦‍♀️
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He's absolutely loving this. It makes him look relevant :LOL:

But seriously, I'm shocked someone can lack so much awareness. He's treated his family shamefully and rightfully should be completely mortified but is acting like the victim because of a few comments on a website. Own your behaviour Ritchie, feeling sorry for yourself in light of what you have done is pathetic and you have far bigger concerns than what some strangers have to say. I can assure you most people with an ounce of humanity would agree that you are one utter joke of a man for the way you have treated your ex and your children. And bringing another child into this mess is just pure selfish.
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I honestly LOVE that they will forever be referred to as Helen Skeltons ex & Helen Skeltons exes girlfriend / wife. Literal nobodies which would be absolutely fine, if they didn’t act like & want to be a massive somebody.
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Listening to her book, Helen comes as such a warm, compassionate force of nature. She has done so many interesting things and met so many interesting people through her work. A genuine question in my mind - how the hell did she end up marrying him?
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