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For any newbies reading here please go read the very first Helen Skelton thread of when he walked out on her and their cold behaviour in those weeks/months afterward, with no consideration for Helen whatsoever.
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Why are they reading here anyway??? They’re sooo happy aren’t they. Sooo in love. Off on holiday every other week. They know what they have done, they know the public opinion on it. Why trawl through the comments then have a public meltdown 😂 just drawing more negative attention to themselves & proving everyone right 😂🙈
I doubt they’re as happy as they make out. People who continually spout off on social media about their perfect, happy lives and relationships are usually the ones who are the most unhappy when you scratch just underneath the surface.
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Morning all, can tattlers send bail money, oh and Dev thanks. Maybe just send Dev, they have handcuffs where I'm currently staying and want to try something new thanks.

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He’s never spoken about it because he hasn’t got the balls to let the words “I cheated on my wife & left my kids” come out of his mouth !!
I’d have a tiny smidge of respect for him if he had admitted to & owned his actions, instead of making out its this great romantic love story.
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If he is getting nasty letters sent to his home, I don’t condone that and to me that is a police matter, if that is the case why oh why did Zippy stick up the name of their new home on her bio, if I was getting such letters I wouldn’t be sticking that on my bio.
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Have a look at Myler's stories if you're in need of a laugh. The bros are discussing whatever life throws at you good or bad, you take it in your stride. (Others have said it far better)
Then they get onto 'small minds v good minds v great minds'. Small minds gossip, care about people they don't even know. Myler seems to categorise himself as a good or even great mind. Glad I'm sitting down when I wrote that 🤣 whereas Tatlers apparently are 'small minds'.
I don't agree with everything I read on Tattle but it's a discussion thread.
Why do we care? Let me spell it out:
  • Many of us have liked/loved and respected Helen for years before she even set eyes on you.
  • We did not appreciate you suddenly popping up with your not so new girlfriend and spinning a web of lies about no overlap.
  • You publicly humiliated Helen.
  • You left small children, including a newborn to embrace your new lifestyle.
  • You started one season with one family then were pictured at the end of the season with another, just to coincide with Helen starting Strictly - (twisting the knife)
  • You and others wrote really horrible comments about her in the comments section of newspaper stories.
  • You now seem to have thrown out your first family like old newspapers, flaunting your holidays with your new family.
  • We care because Tattlers have families that we care about and can't believe your breathtaking callouseness.
  • Women, on the whole, stick together and support one another and show empathy.
  • Despite all your self-deluded bullshit, women are not easily conned.
  • If there was a handbook on how to totally mishandle a relationship in the public eye, you two should write it.
  • Your relationship is built upon lies, selfishness and deceit but to quote the bros ' This too shall pass'.
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Sounds like he’s using Tattle as a scapegoat. He never mentioned receiving letters in his rant and solely laid the blame here. We are an easy target for these whinging celebs. If he’s had nasty letters then that’s unacceptable but they didn’t come from us.
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Of course he’s up to his old tricks. If he’s not yet shagging someone else I bet he’s messaging and exchanging pics. He didn’t sign up for any of this. His smile doesn’t meet his eyes and he’s absolutely not happy despite the protests otherwise. He’s now stuck with a clingy, obsessive bunny boiler with another child he probably didn’t want if truth be told, and can’t do anything or go anywhere without her wanting to know what’s up to. I bet he has to text her constantly and if he doesn’t respond straight away she has a tantrum.
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I find Zippy attention seeking why did she stick the house Instagram account on her bio knowing full well it would be seen only then to remove it, maybe he should have a word with her over that one letting the world and their Granny know where you live, why not just keep it private between family and friends. Why the need to stick in on your bio theirs no need at all, same with the bump photo knowing full well it would be discussed here and the constant profile changes, she goes on like a teenager.
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The way she commented and the wording she was like she was marking her territory.
All this just shows is how Very insecure zippy is in their relationship.
When she says one of the best does she mean leeds rhino player?
Fucksake just piss on him. It’d be less obvious
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No coincidence that he’s posted this the week of Helen’s book launch. They just can’t let her enjoy anything can they? Why don’t they let her move on with her life? 🙄
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I honestly think she was just an adulterous shag to him and they are only together because Helen found out and chucked him out.
Ive said this all along. She was just an easy and willing side shag to him that’s just got massively out of hand.
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You don’t really have a moral leg to stand on when you get with a guy who left his wife 4 months after giving birth.. what a deluded twit 😂
No you don’t and you don’t get to take the moral high ground when you leave your wife and young children for your bit on the side. Everything that has been posted here has been the truth no lies have been told about either of them.
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Look at the Yorkshire Rimmer he ended up with the other woman he cheated with but no one is talking about him because he kept a low profile for a while and sees and spends time with his children going by his Instagram. The way the other two acted shortly after leaving Helen who had a four month old at the time was cold, cruel and callous, if the gruesome twosome had have kept a low profile for a while no one would be taking about them now and they would have long been forgotten about.
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I finished Helen's book and sense that she has turned a corner in her life, her priority being raising her children to be happy and fulfilled without the weight of expectation to succeed in any particular direction. A really sensible mum. She comes from a supportive family, lives in a close community with access to so many aspects of a sporty, outdoorsy life - ideal for kids in many ways. What comes across is a warm and resilient woman though one thing that stood out is her comment about having to have several ' difficult conversations' with her young boys about their personal situation. I guess that centred around why their father had dropped out of their lives. How do you pitch that to kids so young? How could that possibly make any sense to them? Kids don't process information like that in the same way as adults and can end up feeling that they're somehow to blame. She was left incredibly hurt and bewildered by what happened to her but does what she has always done whether it's canoeing down the Amazon or cycling to the South Pole; she just keeps going. Strictly was an important lifeline for her though it wasn't all smooth sailing, but helped her regain her sense of self. I've always admired Helen but I now respect her even more. She betrays no trace of bitterness after what happened to her, a testament to her character. A remarkable lady.
I didn't mention the Dynamic Duo in the same post as Helen because they don't deserve to be. I experienced a stalker when I was single; it was a guy down the road who had lost his job and proceeded to lose the plot. He knew my routine and always appeared in the car park at the same time as me and used to intercept parcels so he could deliver them to my door. It was all very alarming and I think individuals like this lose touch with reality. No one supports the idea of the DD being sent threatening letters but perhaps if they had grasped the concept early on of being quietly happy (if they are) instead of rubbing Helen's face in it, a lot of the adverse reaction from the public would have been avoided.
I didn't mention the Dynamic Duo in the same post as Helen because they don't deserve to be. I experienced a stalker when I was single; it was a guy down the road who had lost his job and proceeded to lose the plot. He knew my routine and always appeared in the car park at the same time as me and used to intercept parcels so he could deliver them to my door. It was all very alarming and I think individuals like this lose touch with reality. No one supports the idea of the DD being sent threatening letters but perhaps if they had grasped the concept early on of being quietly happy (if they are) instead of rubbing Helen's face in it, a lot of the adverse reaction from the public would have been avoided.
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Ally Pally

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Yes he did. He went to the Daily Mail and claimed that she was stalling from signing the papers on purpose because she didn’t want him ‘to move on with his life’. She only got the papers are fortnight ago.
Can't get more moving on than getting another woman pregnant and abandoning your three kids, one only four months old!
He moved on and didn't look back at the carnage he's left in his wake.
And what kind of woman can take up with a man who's left his wife with a newborn??
I'd be absolutely devastated if that was my daughter taking up with a feckless and selfish excuse of a man.
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