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Keith shouldn't of commented on that post...if that's richies mate it's says a lot don't it 👀
Keith Mason; "We are exposed in front of millions, unlike you common plebs that nobody knows :cry:"

Tattlers and full time gossip mongers; "WTF is Keith Mason?"
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See I find that interesting too, wouldn't you start with the comment sections of newspapers like the Daily Mail, facebook or twitter? My thinking is that they believe Tattle is an easier target with less chance of a budget for a legal department to defend itself, combined with the fact that these celebs like to feed positive stories about themselves to the mainstream media like the DM, so won't bite the hand that will publish nonsense pr spin for them.
He isn't a celeb though, he plays sport and isn't known widely outside of that sphere. The only time his name comes up in the national press is in relation to Helen.
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The comments on this story are quite revealing. I think grown ups, particularly those with families, are capable of making up their own minds.

Oh dear better jot this username down Richie for the old bill ✍🏻


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Will he be going after the daily mail and comment sections on Facebook that actually have peoples names. The daily mail article has it a nerve as he’s realised that it’s not trolls tattlers, better get all their usernames while he’s at it.
He also needs get all the usenames zippy & her pals have made to bad mouth the mother of his 3 kids on the DM too.
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Absolutely sick of the Zipwits and their ‘family of three’ bullshit….. Since they obviously read here, obliterating three innocent children from the world is disgusting and I hope karma bites them hard. FYI my profile pic is my dog and I walk him round Cawthorne park every afternoon if the Feds are interested in doing a sting 🙄.
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I keep saying this but why do they change their profile photos so often? I’ve never encountered anyone else who does this. I’ve had the same profile photo across my social media for over a year. The one I had before that stayed up for about two years! With Zippy I think it’s down to insecurity, with him I think he’s just an arsehole trying to justify his shitty behaviour. His mum and sister stopped with their fawning comments a while back, wonder what’s happened there? Maybe they’d like to see the three older kids and he’s being a dick about it? I’ve seen this before in someone I know. The wider family were accused of picking the child and his ex over him just for wanting a relationship with their grandchild. Pathetic.
I agree I think they’ve realised that Dickie rarely sees those 3 kids and if they want any relationship with them they will need a good relationship with Helen. The zipwits behaviour has completely torn that family apart. They clearly don’t care. I’ve said it before I feel ultimately those 3 will be ok it will be Olivia who goes off the rails
What really annoys me is the press. They publish an article stating Helen’s earnings. No mention of his earnings. Comments skating her saying she should be at home looking after her kids. Why don’t the papers run a story in his lifestyle how he goes on holiday doesn’t take all the kids in the middle of the 6 week school holiday. Helen’s book comes out sge’s networking promoting then she’s working the rugby yesterday plus trying to run a house and bring up 3 children. Now that’s a story I’d like to see
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I don't post on this thread often, although I do read it. But Myler is a real dickhead if he thinks that crying about online abuse on here is going to garner much sympathy for him and his thicko girlfriend. I'd never heard of him, but everyone knows Helen and although I'm well aware that there are two sides to every story, there's no doubting that Myler and his side piece have behaved very badly, especially with regard to his children with Helen.'s good news for Tattle, I've never seen this thread so busy! 🤭🤣
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Something has obviously gone over the last week for him to have gone to the press about Helen not signing the divorce and then making a fuss about Tattle.
Hell will freeze over before I feel any sympathy for him. Meanwhile, Helen is successfully promoting her book, getting on with her life in her usual positive manner. I definitely recommend reading it.
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Inspired by @kingseven

Richie aka Dickie , dim-wit , Myler
Steph aka zippy , white single female, bunny boiler .

Helen quit the Sunday morning radio show so she can watch one of the boys play football as Richie was not matching her co-parenting .
But he found time while Injured to go on "prefect holiday " Steph's words & to Cornwall followed by a photo of family of 3 with Steph's dog Ralph from her previous marriage to the other Richard "dickie " .
The constant flip-flopping of Instagram profile photo's to show Oliva's face screamed out insecure vibes & needing to prove they were happy but it all coincided when Helen was either on one of her many Tv shows , on holiday with the kids or promoting her new book .
Richie did a rugby shirt sale from various clubs he played for so clearly needs the money more then gifting them to his children when they are older.
Steph a multi -millionaires daughter & director in one of the businesses her father owns runs a pre-loved page sell mostly Myler's old tops & shoes plus designer stuff belonging to her ,However she put limited comments on the page to prevent " few home truth " comments.
She also has delated the pre-love kids account.
Steph commented on a post of Richie training at Leeds Rhinos saying not bad for 33 Dickie which was the name Helen called him.
In Sept they attended end of season event at LR where Steph wore a dress cost over £900 & still looked a mess.
Days later LR put on their Instagram page photos of the players with their GF / wives that a few are pregnant when someone commenting "something in the water @ Headingley " followed by "Myler has been dripping about" clearly knowing his track record with other players wives / gf followed by wives/gf from LR & other clubs pointing out none of them would touch him & it was insulting to think they would.
Next outing was a wedding where Steph wore a black dress & awful shoes with loads of ❤ gushing comments how good they looked together, Friend / bride of Steph's who clearly reads tattle commented #teamrichie which he replied with 😂😂😂😂 .
The day before Helens book came out a new Instagram page Wildfell_house appeared on Steph's private page that turn out to be the new house the the pair have been doing up for the last 62 weeks to the day which Zippy said was build in 1901 & was own by Queen Victoria but after some digging by tattle detective's turns out this house was know by another name & they re-named it.
More puzzling a planning application done last August had a playroom above the garage when Steph was in single figure weeks of Pregnancy but the house soon disappeared from her bio telling us she does read tattle & her lies have caught up with her.
Finally Friday the 13th of October when it was reported Helen wrote in the book of her shock & hurt he left the family home to basically set up home with Steph who's father is Leeds rhinos president & got pregnant a few months after the split announcing it just as Helen started in Strictly come dancing .
Richie then got a friend to tell Daily mail online that Helen was dragging her heels signing the divorce papers as she can't cope him wanting to marry Steph .
By the comments this has backfired big time as the comments were all supporting Helen & her 3 kids.
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Listening to Helen's book is a masterclass in living your life with a positive mindset, a force of nature who doesn't take herself too seriously. She discusses her ex with warmth and respect and no hint of bitterness. Sad to think of the 'anonymous' comments written by Cardenal Mendoza which were sneery and dismissive of her. The 'anonymous' comments written by Asgoodasitgets, Pineapple62 and various sidekicks in the DM comments section and elsewhere were absolutely shameful as they tried to tear her down every step of the way as she tried to pick herself up off the floor. Kicking a woman with a young baby when she's down - yep, the stuff of heroes.
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Chatty Member
I find Zippy attention seeking why did she stick the house Instagram account on her bio knowing full well it would be seen only then to remove it, maybe he should have a word with her over that one letting the world and their Granny know where you live, why not just keep it private between family and friends. Why the need to stick in on your bio theirs no need at all, same with the bump photo knowing full well it would be discussed here and the constant profile changes, she goes on like a teenager.
She’s trying to compete/out do Helen all the time. She’s jealous of her, obsessed with her, I think. I really think all this is because Helen gets raved about on here while zippy & Dickie get called out & she absolutely cannot bare it 😂🙈
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Surely if the police have all the information he says they do , he wouldn’t need other people to come forward 🤔
People on the internet said accurate things about a public figure on an internet forum, they didn't DM him or direct abuse or threats on his life to him, he presumably came to the forum seeking the public opinion about him and his infidelity and he called the police? Did a wahmbulance also show up?
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I love that both the Daily Mail article & now this have both backfired spectacularly on them. And he can’t blame Helen for either, this is just what the general public think of their shitty behaviours.

Love that for him.
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Not posted on here before. But this guy makes my skin crawl. A walking ick. And before you try to call the police on me Richie my husband is police and you should be done for wasting police time.
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