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I don’t understand why everyone on Instagram needs people to come and tidy up for them! It doesn’t take a genius to clear out a cupboard and put things into jars (although why everything needs to be put into jars and baskets is beyond me!)
Alice Liveing also uses this crowd to hang up her clothes, and put stuff in jars.
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Oh here we go with her entering the baby feeding arena. What pearls of wisdom is she going to give us I wonder.
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He was eating a packet of mashed potato that was enough for 4 people apparentl and two breaded chicken steaks and “you wouldn’t believe he was married to a registered nutritionist” with a tut and an eye roll.
Her behaviour disgusts me. Urgh! If that’s her thoughts on her husband and she does that publicly, can you imagine the judgement when she speaks to clients of which most will be vulnerable? 🚩Red flag.
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It must be an exhausting life when all you can think of when you look at someone else's plate is 'imagine the calories' or 'those portions look too big'. She can't help but pass judgement, makes you wonder what she's like in her clinic.

Didn't see her comments about screen time but I'm sick of it being demonised. My son gets screen time when we need 10 minutes to do something, and he's also starting to sit down and watch things with us. He's been watching the Olympics with us this week, shouting GO GO GO! when the athletes set off. It's not all passive zombies zoning out in front of a cartoon, I'll always maintain there's a lot to be gained by watching TV if you're sensible about it with kids.
My kids loved watching discovery channel when they were little- especially ' crocodile Hunter' Steve Irwin and Shark Week as well as good old David Attenborough documentaries
Som went off to study Geography and Environmental Science at Uni so something must have sparked his interest!
..I also loved watching MTV with them as well 🤣 least it got them up and dancing so that's got to be good - right? ( none of this performative music class that she go to with Z and spends the time filming him with false laughter)
As an aside, eldest daughter has 2 very good friends from school ( very normal kids from local comprehensive in rural part of Wales) who are training to be an opera singers
1 is a mezzo soprano and has already appeared at Glyndebourne and has one prizes at the Eisteddfod ( Welsh cultural festival) and the other is a Baritone who is currently touring in Europe ....wonder why Rhi couldn't make it after such a glittering start to her career?
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Also she’s advertising the coconut water because it has vitamin C in it but at the same time she’s saying you don’t really need it! Great advertising there Rhi! I would be annoyed if I’d paid her for that!
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Instead of scheduling her day she should just have the mindset of I’d like to do this today and I’ll do it when/if my baby sleeps. She would feel much better for it rather than setting herself up for failure when her baby doesn’t sleep at exactly the right time she wanted him to!
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I can't remember how accurate it was, my eldest is 10 and was an awful sleeper so when she was sleeping for 40mins max it gave me hope it would be poss be over soon 😅
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Yes,where are the influencers whipping out the iPhone to video themselves bottle feeding? The smugness with these people is unreal. Breastfeeding your baby does not make you a better parent. I’m also an advocate for fed is best and don’t understand why if you need to feed your child that the Instagram story can’t wait until you are finished? What point are they trying to prove with breastfeeding while recording? It’s pathetic.
There was utter uproar on The Positive Birth Company’s post about fed is best, I honestly can’t understand why some people get their knickers in a twist!

I think Rhi is trying to project an earth mother image with the breastfeeding, especially as her birth didn’t go to plan. I was honestly expecting her to be bragging about having a 10 minute Labour with zero pain relief, probably in the middle of a forest or something 😂 so maybe that’s why she is overcompensating?

I also find her admission about baking odd (thouhh maybe I’m jealous, as the mother of a newborn Ibadekt have time to take a shower let alone bake 😂🙀)
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