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I really like her podcast as she always has interesting guests on it. Can’t stand her though as she’s the most smug instagrammer I’ve ever come across!
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Chatty Member
She really really needs to stop giving baby nutritional advice when she’s obviously just relaying what she’s read about herself rather than being qualified.

You can give babies under 1 cows’ milk or milk alternatives, just not as a substitute for formula or breast milk. The way she answered the question didn’t make it clear that you can use it in cooking eg you can make a baby under 1 porridge using whole cows’ milk. The fact her answer isn’t specific enough could be very misleading
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Has she made a conscious decision to stop wearing makeup at some point along the way? No judgement as I can rarely be arsed myself but before she had the baby she seemed to be always quite dolled up? Is this her trying to be relatable or has she just decided she doesn’t want to wear it anymore(not that it matters either way). She does not look good at the moment at all,possibly combination of gauntness and lack of makeup,but how she looks does not really inspire me to want to use her services as she does not seem healthy.
tbh the no makeup thing doesn’t bother me, it’s quite refreshing to see someone without makeup caked on. What concerns me more is as you say how gaunt she is - she almost looks grey. Definitely not well nourished or healthy at all.
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I don’t believe she had psychosis either. She’s a drama queen. Everyone feels like their going mad a few weeks after having a baby. I kept diagnosing myself with horrific diseases and crying to the midwife - it turned out to be mastitis and a pile (😂), it’s just emotions and hormones. If she genuinely had psychosis she wouldn’t be able to balance work, socialising, exercise, looking groomed all the time, the way she does.

I still think she’s just bitter she didn’t get her idyllic birth experience. The perfectionist in her can’t stand it. She’s a total control freak - I think that’s where all the anxiety stems from, because you can’t control your baby’s behaviour and have to be adaptable/flexible. The ridiculous lists re weaning were a case in point.
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It is what it is

Active member
And if the warm up to a work out is exhausting you, maybe that’s a sign you’ve done too much. I know she was probably exaggerating but she doesn’t look like she’s taking care of herself

I’m still breastfeeding too like her and while an 11 month old needs nowhere near as much milk as a little baby I still notice I have to eat more than ‘normal’ as it’s physically draining some days, particularly if you exercise on top of that. After all you are burning your own calories to make the milk. She maybe needs to eat more, and exercise less, or just take a couple of days where she’s not constantly projecting this perfect view of herself online
Agree.... however it’s not perfect. I wouldn’t want a life like hers at all
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I just cannot understand why supposedly intelligent people are so happy to plaster their young babies all over Instagram. This stuff doesn’t disappear and anyone with a bit of know how can retrieve stuff even if it’s deleted. I work in child protection and people like Rhiannon are literally feeding the paedophiles. Disgusting.
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What is with this pregnant insta clique, and the constant cradling of their baby bumps in every single post!
There’s a post of her cradling her bump whilst wearing work out clothes and as her bump is so small it actually looks difficult to cradle but she still has to do it anyway. Between her and Lucy ‘longest pregnancy in the world’ Meck,I don’t know who is worse. I never once felt the need to cradle my bump in public or photos,it’s not like your baby is gonna fall out ffs
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Absolutely ludicrous. That baby seems to have a phone in his face 24/7.
im Not sure she truly understood what being a mum is. It’s a huge life commitment, you will be sleep deprived, you will have to keep going when you feel ill from exhaustion you have to deal with parents judging your way of parenting.BUT JUST GROW UP AND GET ON WITH IT! You had 9 months to prepare for his arrival. The psychosis thing I’m not down with. Drama queen indeed. There is a difference between being paranoid or hearing voices or whatever she experienced and having post partum psycosis.
I feel sorry for Her little one, that he has to grow up with a phone or camera lense in his face and the worlds most anxious mum. He’s going to be absorbing all that anxious negative energy and it will come out when he is older!
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Chatty Member
Maybe if you have to give people guidance on the basics of applying for a job you probably shouldn’t be attempting to recruit directly from
your Instagram followers? If you are getting CVs that are so badly formatted you can’t read them it doesn’t really fill me with confidence that her clinic is going to be filled with the best people?
At this point I think I’m more likely to use a business with a reduced social media present as it tells me they are focussing on the important stuff, not audience engagement
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Omg, I’ve just seen her for the first time in ages. She’s painfully thin. You can see the bones in her shoulders. I’m not her biggest fan, but this woman can’t be in a good place. Someone needs to actually care for her. I think she has struggled majorly since the birth of her baby.
I’ve muted her for now as being a new Mum myself I find a lot of her content recently quite triggering. Just had a quick look and she definitely needs serious help. How on earth does she think she’s a good advert? And what are her husband and friends doing to help her?
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Chatty Member
She’s just posted that Zachary was up at 3am last night which proves the point about baby sleep consultants being a bit of a waste of time?
It’s so risky giving this advice in real time, she needs to try it for a few weeks and then look back and share what worked and what didn’t
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She’s infuriating! Blatantly advertising a coconut drink brand today & yet again not marking it an ad 🤯 She’s such a sneaky cow, how does she continue to get away with it?!
What do you mean, this is great disclosure and really obvious? It was the first thing I saw in the massive wall of text!

(In case the sarcasm wasn’t obvious, I totally agree that she’s a sneaky cow - she shouldn’t be allowed to do this)

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Her recent posts about pregnancy etc are just insufferable. Her comment about people who have had c sections having a massage and how that doesn’t apply to her, as if everything is going to be picture perfect for her. Obviously I hope she has an easy birth and wouldn’t wish a c section on anyone, but she really needs to have a word with herself about how cocky she comes across.
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Rhi needs to remember what she’s posted! In her last story she says she didn’t announce she had given birth for 2 weeks because she wasn’t ready to share it. Zachary was born on the 19th of April, she announced it on the 24th. I know she’s a nutritionist not a mathematician but that’s 5 days Rhi! She also did a post about being 10 days post partum! If I remember correctly, she also did a few stories whilst she was still in hospital. What’s the point of lying about this?
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I have just seen Rhi’s Instagram for the first time in ages and my goodness I cannot believe how unwell she is looking. It is clear she is really struggling and I wish she would seek help, rather than spending every waking hour on social media and promoting an incredibly dangerous lifestyle to impressionable girls.
It all seems incredibly fake and disingenuous. I think she is trying to cover up some huge sadness and is performing for the camera all the time. It never comes across as natural or organic. I think she is clearly eating disordered too.
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Farmer Sam

VIP Member
I haven’t watched it either but I bet at no point does she acknowledge that she has a nanny. She is always going on about how hard she has it and never acknowledges her privilege. I’m not saying she can’t find it tough but she is lucky she can do her work from home, can afford a nanny and can be flexible with her schedule.
Spot on. I’m sure she has tough days - babies are damned hard work sometimes. But like you say she has a LOT of privilege. I didn’t know she had a nanny- missed that one somewhere along the way. 😳
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