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Oh gosh the baby shower looked tacky as anticipated. Baby charades? What are they, like 12 years old!? 😂 I find it incredibly ostentatious and money grabbing to have basically demanded people attend a hen do, wedding, gender reveal and baby shower in a little over 6 months. Does she think her friends have nothing better to do than pander to her? She’s going to be in for a big shock after the first few weeks post partum when everyone moves on with their lives and she is left with a crying, pooping newborn!
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I've managed to breastfeed for 8 months with my little boy but it started out very tough and we gave him a lot of formula in the early days. I found formula so much more stressful! All the sterilising, wondering if you have enough with you when you're out, all the calculations about how long milk has been out of the fridge and whether it's still fine to drink. There were so many times we were caught out, didn't have a sterilised bottle and he was hungry and upset, I found it a real challenge.

I feel really lucky to be able to breastfeed him, and I'm proud that I was able to persevere with something I really struggled with at first. But I always feel wary of bringing it up because I worry I sound like one of these preachy influencers who become breastfeeding evangelists as soon as their baby latches on. And anyway, surely all mums are proud of how they've overcome challenges to care for their babies? It's not just breastfeeding mums that need a medal, it's all mums.
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‘I’ve been a little quiet on here recently’ is the new ‘Loads of you have been asking about’ 😅 most used when they’ve been anything but quiet and no one has asked them about anything
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She’s a narcissist. Genuinely seems to think she is some kind of A-lister. Did anyone see her bizarre baby gender reveal? Her reaction was literally deranged. She seems incredibly highly strung and a bit of a control freak. Also can’t understand why she’s doing so much exercise if she’s allegedly so unwell and on antibiotics. Not exactly a healthy message.
Just had a look and can’t believe how ridiculous it is! As if a gender reveal requires a 3 tier cake...completely unnecessary. And she’s dressed as if she is going to a ball 🤪 defo agree...very highly strung.
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Motherhood and Adversity???? Really?
Come on then RhiRhi do tell me your tales of coping with adversity. Did Ocado screw up one of your deliveries?
Does she have any idea how unrelatable she is? Try having a baby when you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. Or when you don’t have a job any longer and can’t pay the rent. Or you’re in a violent relationship and scared to speak. Or your child is diagnosed with a serious health condition. What’s she banging on about - I had to stop watching about 4 minutes as I just couldn’t deal with the patronising tone.
Oh and stop sad fishing. Have a takeaway and watch some trash on Netflix. 😳🙄
My face has actually dropped in shock and anger. She disgusts me. How to survive pregnancy?! That wording is bad form. Is she even AWARE of some of the inequalities that some people face to actually survive pregnancy?! She really has some nerve. Given she has a nanny, I’d expect her not to look so haggard and washed out then.
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What is with this pregnant insta clique, and the constant cradling of their baby bumps in every single post!
Absolutely insufferable. As if they’re the only ones who’ve ever been up the duff. Just imagine the impending self-righteous Mummy posts coming our way...
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The irony of her doing a ‘carbs are not the enemy post’ when you can see every rib on her chest. She looks thinner than ever!
Omg, I’ve just seen her for the first time in ages. She’s painfully thin. You can see the bones in her shoulders. I’m not her biggest fan, but this woman can’t be in a good place. Someone needs to actually care for her. I think she has struggled majorly since the birth of her baby.
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Just listened to her lasted podcast with Joshua wolrich and most of it was around disordered eating. I find it ironic that she runs an eating disorder clinic but so clearly struggles with nourishing herself properly. I really hope her husband and family give her the support she needs
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Banging on about how much work she has to do ...and does she lie down for a sleep because Z didn't sleep well last night 🙄
whereas the reality for many working mums is that they have no choice but to go to work , sleep deprived, whilst juggling everything else , without the help of a Nanny 2 days a week
try working fulltime on a busy dialysis unit , whilst combining breastfeeding and commuting 50 miles daily, along with all the household chores , with a Dr for a husband who works over 80 hrs / week and no nanny or family nearby to help


Says she , through gritted teeth
hi Rhi 👋🏻
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She obviously wants to be super healthy pregnant woman who can handle anything. Obviously she had the worst morning sickness ever but didn’t let it slow her down and put it down to how passionate she is about her career. No, you’re sickness just wasn’t that bad. It doesn’t matter how much you love your job if you’ve got really severe pregnancy sickness.
A healthy pregnancy is down to luck more than anything, (I’ve had one good and one not with no change in lifestyle) especially in the UK where most people have adequate nourishment. I think all these health accounts giving the impression that you should be in the gym everyday and eating insta worthy food at every meal are not massively helpful.
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It is what it is

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So busy, yet she has the time to film herself “being busy” just so we can all see it. Because guys, I’m pretty sure none of you know what it’s like to be as busy as Rhiannon! She is the First Lady to give birth, be self employed, write a book and have a podcast.
I’m not really sure how she’s managing it all….AND she has time to complain. She is LITERALLY a supermum. If you are a mum, feel bad for what an underachiever you are! Look up to her and follow in her footsteps.
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Such a narcissist 😂 could go on any of those mummy podcasts and chat about it instead but Shes choosing to do it on her own podcast which is meant to be about nutrition?!
Lol sorry what Is she thinking.
Perhaps she likes her banana bread and blueberry muffins with a side of placenta
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Another free pram 🙄 and can’t just put ad on there clearly, has to hide it amongst loads of other dialogue
She always does that! I swear she only writes these long rambling captions and puts ad either at the beginning so that people have forgotten about it by the time they have read it all, or right at the end because she knows most people won’t bother to read the whole thing! She never puts #ad either it’s always just ad because the # draws attention to it!
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Chatty Member
For some reason, she now thinks she's going to talk about what we can eat to improve our skin, despite looking haggard because she looks like she starves herself. Her constant paranoid exercising during, and just after, pregnancy, alongside her obviously controlling beahviour around food is not something I want to aspire to, (well I certainly don't want to look haggard like her that's for sure).
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Why has she used a picture of herself and her son 1st in a post about food poverty? How narcissistic! “I feel so spoiled, so helpless” probably because you are and you don’t seem to realise it! But we do!!!
You are in a better place of power to raise awareness of what to do or write to people, sign a petition to go to government and then ask all your followers to sign. That would be enough signatures to have it discussed in parliament.
But no you just do a post on it that’s mainly centred around you and then you’ll probably forget about it tomorrow. That’s heartbreaking and shows influencers seemingly pick up issues in the world and then either can’t be bothered or don’t ACTUALLY care enough to do something.
Sorry rant over
Agree completely. She jumps on every bandwagon going! Actions speak louder than words! Wonder how much of her profits she’s donated to those in need? I don’t remember her doing anything charitable or making any kind of donations?
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They suggest an extra 500 calories a day, roughly. Obviously it will vary between individuals. Considering the type of meals she makes, that's probably a whole extra meal she should be including in her day.

I've been breastfeeding for 5 months and it makes me ravenous! In the early days I would wake up in the night, eat a Kit Kat Chunky and then go back to sleep! Makes me cringe thinking back 🤣
100% the best thing about breastfeeding is the licence for Kit Kat Chunkys 😅

It doesn’t come as any surprise that she is adopting such awful practices. Even during pregnancy she pretty much starved herself. The only reason she doesn’t come out and film a ‘what I eat in a day’ is because she know she will get flack.

She is obsessed with being thin. Obsessed. That’s why when she was pregnant she made sure that every single photo was of her cradling her bump in case she was mistaken for being fat!

I cannot imagine the damage she is doing to other new mothers who may feel inadequate for not snapping back into shape as she has.
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ugh yes I agree! When you pull back and examine the reality of these photo she’s taken just for the purposeof her channel it’s just sick! The tit out when lying in bed would have had her husband standing over her trying to take the perfect angle, and the boomerang.. waiting for people to walk past, get the baby at the right angle, make sure I look cute. It’s just messed up. Feed your baby however you want, get your husband to document the success of managing to get out of the house and enjoy a smoothie, and capture those quiet moments between mother and son as you get to know each other. But for gods sake stop selling your soul (and your sons privacy) for likes when this has nothing to do with your nutrition business.
Oh god when you lay it out like that and consider the effort going into taking the pictures it’s just cringe! I’m not a big one for posing for photos so that’s maybe why I find it so uncomfortable but the thought of planning out contrived poses etc while someone else takes a picture to try and make it look natural is just ridiculous to me.
Maybe I’m just bitter because I have about a million photos of my husband and daughter and about ten of me and her because he doesn’t think to take them 😂
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