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VIP Member
I haven’t watched her in a while and just started watching the vlogmas and omg, how boring is her life? HOW much crap does she buy everyday and who the hell orders Pret as a take away when they’re just chilling at home!? 🤣
She’s always done that, I mean she’s shops at M&S, buy some bloody rolls 😂
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She needs to get rid of those 3 pics in the hallway. They've been bugging me for so long now 😅 the space needs something more interesting - and colourful!
It’s so easy to find lovely art/frames in charity shops. Why does she always have to go for the most basic style possible bought from fast fashion/home decor places? Trends change so often that if you go for the trendy stuff the next year it just looks ridiculous, as exhibited by this awful hallway ‘art’
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Well well well …. The first vlogmas video is finally up on December 6th. She will blame it on the sponsor taking too long to approve the video when she literally filmed it on November 28th so once again she’s not even starting the content in December!

The lazy bitch then says she’s doing “vlogmas” different this year and she plans to post once or twice a week. We normally get about 13 vlogs and now we will get about 5 - 7 I reckon if that !

The first Vlog back after a month break and it’s a boring decorating one ! I’m only a few mins in and I’m already bored. Why does she always have to film her decorating at the start of every vlogmas. It’s always her painting the walls white or beige. She’s had all year to paint why do it as part of vlogmas.

Also I hate the colour scheme for vlogmas … it’s not festive at all !

She also looks dull and sick Ive also notice just how weird looking she is. I stopped watching her content for a while because she never post so I’ve been binge watching someone else. She just looks like worse than normal …

The sponsor is once again … skin and me ! I knew it

I just skipped through the Vlog and it’s honestly just shit and boring. It’s just her painting & the room looks horrible and dark she’s even painting the ceiling.

Obviously she had to get Delilah in the video when she still talks like a bloody robot.

I wonder when the next Vlog will be up. Hopefully it’s better than the shit she just gave us


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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
will her benefits be a lot though?,

poor Doug having to work all hours to make ends meet because his wife's to lazy
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
I think deep down she would prefer to be a single lady, but she was to lazy to put out content and grow her following, to be able to be financially independent, so she trapped Doug with D, so she could get the easy life as she knew Doug was training for a decent career and be the main breadwinner.
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Meldrums shared a vlog saying she hasn't quit because she's not uploaded for only a month (she does post all day and night on IG) with THREE kids.

my point is, how wally appears back after repeatedly disappearing and soaks up all the sympathy as if she's been in hospital or in a War zone.
I find it so funny that in almost every vlog it’s like she’s back after a break 😂 she’s been battling all theses things in her head but she manages to make 1 sponsored vlog a month then disappears for more time off because it took so much effort and courage to get that content out.

Rhiannon thinks she’s special so she needs special treatment.
She couldnt even hold a casual job at Lush - a company that she LIKES and uses their product. No way in hell she would get a real job elsewhere lol.

she is lazy, snobby and entitled full stop. She thinks shes way too above a normal 9-5 where ppl would tell her how it is. Shes so used to her stupid subscribers kissing her ass and feeding her giant ego
I think she said she’s worked at LUSH and was it Morrison’s. Didn’t sound like she was working at either place too long.

I don’t even know how she became popular when she did she wasn’t anything like the popular British YouTubers back then. She’s always been the odd one out and still is. I’m honestly surprised she was even likeable enough to make YouTube a full time job.

Rhiannon was genuinely a lot more fun and laid back before having a child. Her and Doug used to travel and go on road trips. It would have been so nice to continue seeing that. She had a child out of the blue Delilah was conceived while they were staying at Doug’s parents house temporarily till they found a new flat.

Then every year since then Rhiannon has become more of a shell of her former self. look how fun and bubbly she was back when she was pregnant and when Delilah was a baby. When she was in her flat she lived a much more simple relatable life. This nonsense with her only buying expensive stuff properly started when she moved into the house.

I wonder what Delilah thinks of her mum because she sees her dad going to work she hardly sees him because he’s out the house before she even wakes up and gets home in the evening. Her mum just does nothing at home the woman can’t even learn to drive so it gives her more independence instead of having to rely on Doug to take them food shopping etc. All the stuff they do on the weekend Rhiannon should be doing during the week so they can have family time while Doug is off.

We also know that Delilah watches her mums YouTube videos now. So Delilah will see how pathetic her mum is 🫣 she might not fully understand now but wait a few more years till she’s in secondary school.
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Chatty Member
I'd like to know why the doors on the expensive cabinet are never closed. They are always wide open.

I really do think that she needs to bow out from online activities. Her daughter is getting older and she won't want the embarrassment of having a YouTuber (if you can call it that) for a mother. I mean can you imagine what life will be like for her once she starts secondary school?!
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
Possibly got some money from the sale of her dad's house ( if he owned ?) when he moved to Brighton.

I don't know how's she's not embarrassed with doing so little, if I was her I would be filming everything ( not my child) and getting as much cash as I can for a better home and holidays. Is she genuinely happy in that area she lives, I don't think she is as it's always posh areas she films, capturing their nice roofs, doors, pavements.

she's never been right since moving to that a house, I wonder if she was railroaded by Doug and his family, or that's all they could afford at the time.
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I wonder when she’s going to get her jaw surgery done ? She could have had it done ages ago now it’s not like she’s regularly posting atm. Years ago she said that she was conscious of how she would look because of her job as being a “influencer” at this point it’s a hobby so she might as well get on with fixing her jaw. She said she can’t even bite things properly 😕


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The fact that she keeps saying she’s ‘feeling unwell’ is giving year 5 trying to pull a sickie off school 😭 What other person could say ‘well actually I have stuff going on in my life and I’m a bit poorly so I could have easily not come into work this month’?! EVERYONE has stuff going on in their life but they get up and do it anyway, because it’s just what you do - for your family and, in her case, for her fans who have somehow stuck by her throughout this mess of a year. You do NOT throw a public pity party. It is honestly so embarrassing

Also, she’s probably getting upset over people saying she’s setting a bad example for her daughter because she knows it’s true - she’s teaching her that it’s ok to be weak and not give things your all. Get yourself together love
PS - just been chuckling at some of the comments on her latest vlog

Annie Smith is in for the shock of her life when she sees the price of that cabinet 😂


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Well-known member
I don’t know why it’s so hard for her to post anything on her Instagram. Posting a photo of your morning cuppa in a pretty mug or some flowers in a vase or the knitting on your lap does not take time nor effort.

Rhiannon, if you’re reading this and struggling for ideas please consider the following: look through your many cookbooks and plan decent meals for your family - go out and get the ingredients and spend the day meal prepping, read some books and maybe even start a book club, go for long walks and find new places to walk to (and use this time to brainstorm content ideas), step out of your comfort zone with your fashion and consider shopping in charity shops/vintage shops for more relatable content (none of us out here can afford Arket etc.), write a blog, start a shop for your knitwear, finally learn to drive, but most importantly do things that scare you as that’s the best way to improve your mental health

All of the above could be a great source of content for her Instagram/tiktok and YouTube. She really need to be pushed to do something with her life and Doug is clearly choosing the easy route by not helping her. Her mental health is obviously suffering and she absolutely needs some sort of guidance stat

The thing is she has all this opportunity to do so many things but she just chooses not to and it’s so incredibly frustrating. Most of us our out the house 5 days a week working so many hours on minimum wage and Rhiannon is just sat at home doing fuck all making enough to live a comfortable life. Shes in such a privileged position yet doesn’t appreciate any of it at all.

I don’t think she’s going to get a video up this month. I’m guessing she might get something up next month knowing our luck they shitty wedding video and it will be sponsored.

I just don’t understand why she can’t even get 2 vlogs up a month of her going about her day to day life. She’s got all the time in the world
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VIP Member
Nobody could have as much time off as she does with her pathetic excuses. You’d be fired or your company would go bust. Sadly she has never had to be accountable because she has a job that has enabled her and lots like her to be lazy and self absorbed. She’s sold her child’s privacy.
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yip her house and address is on show to see..

she's got worse since moving there, like she's made a mistake? Used to vlog the garden a lot doesn't now and I remember she was moaning about a neighbour having music on while vlogging. How does she expect others to stop what they're doing for her. I personally wouldn't be happy if she was filming the back - side of our house and taking in sound.
I was intrigued and genuinely surprised with the area she lives in, no wonder she doesn’t show it to her audience. As they have done nothing to the house for 5 years makes me think they are possibly going to move - or out right can’t afford it, I can’t afford to do everything I want to my house - but then again I’m not spending stupid money on art and furniture that’s clearly beyond her means.
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Active member
2 mins into the vlog and I’m already getting riled up - why has she got this defeatist mindset ALL THE TIME?? This mindset is exactly why she ‘can’t function like everyone else’ - NOT her anxiety, depression etc. So many people (including myself) struggle with these things and have to get up and do life anyway ESPECIALLY when you have a child. This vlog is already an absolute pity party.

Also, being a YouTuber (not that she could call herself that) does mean spending a lot of time editing, being at home and having to motivate yourself because you don’t have a boss, so if she can’t handle it she should just get a regular job. Being forced to get out of bed every morning (for more than just the school run, which enables her to just get back into bed when she gets home) would truly turn her life around.

P.S - it’s 2 mins in and she’s already got about 12 packages she’s about to open - stop shopping for shite and sort your life out

P.P.S - whoever left this comment has just summed it up perfectly


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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
wonder how Rhiannon explained where D's robe came from🤔

did she say I get free stuff from companies?

terrible example if she did as could make D think well if my mum gets money and gifts for doing nothing apart from filming her life once a blue moon,

D could want to do the same when old enough
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