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What an embarassment, just give it up already rhi. Of course shes pulling the mental health card too
Yep, this really rubbed me the wrong way. People with mental health issues have to get up and go to work every day, they can’t just flake out and say life is tricky. I understand it’s maybe more strenuous for your mh having to edit yourself talking or whatever but other vloggers with anxiety etc like Zoella do it, so why not Rhiannon? Oh yeah, because she can’t be bothered
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Have you noticed how dead this thread is? Because Rhiannon has abandoned all of her platforms and channels.
We may as well just change this thread into a completely new and different subject, rather than Rhiannon lol :rolleyes:
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
I find it funny she said she put the dough mix on the heater as it's warm.

Look Rhiannon we know you put it there as it's below your silly "reach for the stars" picture, why not put it on the kitchen or hall radiator.

What stars is Wally reaching for? the lazy ones haha
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I used to think when Rhiannon was slacking a few years ago that it was just a temporary thing. It’s actually gotten progressively worse over the last 3 years. Don’t think she would ever get back to making regular content?

I have a feeling she doesn’t really know what to post because she can’t film Delilah as much now. She doesn’t work or go anywhere. She doesn’t even seem to do any gardening anymore. She just sits at home reading and knitting which doesn’t make for good content!

I don’t mind the at home vlogs but I guess she can’t just post that and only that. She’s so used to filming Delilah for content that because she’s at school 5 days a week she doesn’t have anything to really show us … her channel only started to take off properly when she was pregnant & it was also around the time when her vlogs improved.
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What I don’t understand is that even with a young baby (and they’re bloody hard work so fair enough) she was still posting a decent amount of vlogs. Now Delilah is at school for 6 hours a day 5 days a week she struggles to even get one vlog up every couple of months.
Using neurodivergent as an excuse for doing fuck all like she’s suddenly just become neurodivergent. She was still neurodivergent with apparent mental health issues her whole life yet was never this lazy with content.

I’d be so embarrassed and ashamed to be her.
We can all see straight through her and I’m glad more people are beginning to notice this ! She doesn’t deserve the constant influx of people calling her brave and all of this nonsense. How is she brave … what the fuck does she want for being neurodivergent a gold star ? Rhiannon is full of excuses time after time after time.
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Telly Fanatic

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Im in threads where the mum cleans caravan's (seasonally), another thread the mum works full-time in a care home..

both channels upload at least five vlogs a week and have more than one child.

I think we're all in agreement Rhiannon is just lazy (work wise) there's no denying it.

I think she's got worse since she got married. Not even a grid post this year and only 2 vlogs. Why's Doug not questioning why she's doing this as a "job" yet still sharing next to nothing, can't he see she will be getting laughed at in close circles, his sister's pregnant and probably still doing 40 hours.
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Awh man, I just stumbled across one of her old vlogs when Delilah was tiny... The amount of drive and commitment she had.. with a newborn... Such a shame. What happened? We need baking videos, arts and crafts, we need more LIFE in these vlogs.

Come on, Rhiannon. Give yourself a shake. What about a vlog honouring your inner child? What did you like/love? What did you enjoy at Delilah's age? It's warming up now, so it's time to make some daisy chains rather than continuous, monotonous knitting of jumpers.
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Telly Fanatic

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2 vlogs in 90 days.

need to get lazy in the next thread title too, as she's sure proving these threads to be 100% accurate
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Yep me and others have said this so many times. Being a content creator is not for her. You can see she just doesn’t enjoy it anymore and it’s a huge chore for her. The only reason why she hasn’t gotten a job is because why would she if she could continue doing the bare minimum and get paid more than she would if she had to go out to work for 5 days a week. She would rather continue to suffer than do what her mind and body needs.

I also rewatched part of her vlog today and I realised she said she found out she was neurodivergent a few years ago I originally thought it was a recent diagnosis. If she found out years ago then why the fuck hasn’t she can’t anything about it !

She not changed her life and routine to accommodate her diagnosis. stead of improving she just decided to go into a slump for 3 years and tell herself it’s because she’s neurodivergent.

The fact she calls herself a content creator is actually comical! I hope more of her viewers wake up and realise how pathetic Rhiannon really is. She’s posted minimal content for the last 3 years now. We already know this is going to be year 4. I can’t see her ever coming back from this and her channel will begin to slowly decline. I can’t wait to see where Rhiannon is in 5 or 10 years time. How much longer is Doug going to allow this woman to just lounge around at home and call it a job.

Omg imagine when it’s 10 years from now & Delilah gets a job. I can picture Rhiannon is sat at home knitting her 10th jumper talking about how anxious she is and how this and that hurts blah blah blah 😂 she’s like a broken fucking record
She couldnt even hold a casual job at Lush - a company that she LIKES and uses their product. No way in hell she would get a real job elsewhere lol.

she is lazy, snobby and entitled full stop. She thinks shes way too above a normal 9-5 where ppl would tell her how it is. Shes so used to her stupid subscribers kissing her ass and feeding her giant ego
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
she's followed a ADHD therapist...

I think she's using the "ADHD" as a get out clause to get off with stuff, working, driving
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Doug's two pair of jeans, few t-shirts and a jumper, are in the horrendous cupboard next to their bed hahah
And the non clothing items I assume are in the outbuilding which is why he seems to spend most of his time in there when he’s home 🤣
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Nothing new to add, except to say I watched her latest vlog that came out last month(?) and it was so incredibly boring I asked myself why she even bothered to do it. I haven't felt like her vlogs are boring (I like her content, just wish there was more of it) but this one blew my mind in how utterly boring it was. The closest one I could think of being just a boring was her recent family camping vlog. I appreciate not having her child in the vlogs as much but as one of the posters here said, its like if she can't film D all the time she has no idea what to do, and its obvious she doesn't want to film herself either. Which is a shame bc in a couple of vlogs last year she posted some content that showed a glimpse of her personal (private?) personality and I thought "wow, how refreshing, I wish she showed more of this side of her".
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She’s probably claiming disability benefits or something. I’m struggling to understand how else she affords all the expensive overpriced things she buys. Hardly posts so even the ads she does get are few and far between so can’t be earning much from those. And her old videos won’t be making her hundreds. I don’t understand how she affords all this.
I don’t think she claims any benefits. She probably just has ADHD like I do.

I’ve explained before but YouTubers make money on all videos that are monetised. So even if Rhiannon decides to not post for a whole year she will probably still get a few hundred to a few thousand a month from Adsense alone. On top of that Rhiannon links alot of stuff most of which is affiliate so she’s earning a commission whenever anyone uses a link or code.

She probably gets paid a few hundred or thousand for sponsorships which help massively but as I said even if she’s not posting anything she still gets a nice check every month.

Rhiannon has two channels with a decent amount of views and people are still watching her content. If they have no new content to watch people go back and watch the old stuff. New viewers are finding her channel every single day and alot of them probably go back and watch her old videos.

I would love to know how much she’s earning a month lol
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I’ve given up with her honestly she’s just becoming a distant memory. 2 videos in 4 months 🥹😂
I think she's given up on Youtube herself as well!

She may as well just call it quits now!

It's disgusting, she's only keeping her channel open so that she can post when she gets a sponsorship.
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
she disappears every year though, and her "MT" doesn't affect other areas of her life, she's just lazy with vlogging-editing,

she only wants to do ads, and that's fair enough, but please admit it Rhiannon, she has no interaction on IG unless a Ad due or a gift, yet she's still active liking and following.

how many times can I say she lol
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Telly Fanatic

VIP Member
Very glad to see Mellisa is hiding her daughter's face on IG, this shows Rhiannon and Doug up for being neglectful parents monetising D.
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