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I didn’t listen to the stories but I read it and she then mentioned her pill and abdominal pain. I reckon she’s trying to insinuate she’s feeling rough because she’s like 4 weeks preggo 😵💫
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She’s really does have a high opinion of herself doesn’t she, thank you for all your messages, I hope me being real makes you feel like it’s normal to have a bad day, just who the fuck do you honestly think you are? In addition, you’ve had all day to have a pamper you twat, you’ve done fuck all with your day and choose now when the kids are home to have a bath and leave Steve to it. Fucking disgrace, honestly.
How are you letting a child who cba to brush his teeth impact your day 8 hours later still, grow up and join the real world, if that’s your only issues in life you need to be fucking thankful.
I've noticed a lot of the crappy vloggers tend to say this, just to maintain the image that they are popular. Reality is why would anyone care so much about complete strangers who like to tell the world they have EVERYTHING, the perfect life, perfect family, perfect relationships. I prefer to show support for people that are real and honest. She really is a mess, sat crying in the bathroom because the boys are arguing, I don't for one minute believe that's what happened. Steve probably told her to get off her arse and actually parent the boys rather than pretending to be a parent. He appears to see to the boys breakfasts, bath times bed times, maybe he's fed up of carrying her
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It’s very unlikely that she spoke to a GP. Most telephone calls are now dealt with by Nurse Practitioners or trainee GP’s. They are much more likely to refer people for scans because they are scared of missing something.
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I bet it’s gall stones as well. I had them years ago and it was painful but seriously she is so fucking dramatic she needs to get a grip! Baffled as to how she managed to speak to a GP straight away as well. I currently have a lump in my neck. After 2 weeks I called the doctors. They said a nurse could call me and the earliest time for that was in 10 days time. She called me back and suggested I go in so she could have a look. The following day. Said it’s probably nothing and sent me away. It’s still here now another 4 weeks later but I really can’t be arsed with the whole rigmarole of it all again for them to say it’s nothing. HOW did she speak to a GP? Oh that’s right. She didn’t. Lying cow.
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The stories this morning with Woody saying he cleaned his teeth. Jesus Christ Beggy, get a life! Obviously bothered about what she read on here so now shoving a camera in her kids face just to try & prove a point. Why can’t she just leave him to it & then later when she’s doing her daily ‘morning everyone, happy Thursday’ she could just address it then, say they had a better morning & Woody is now using an app to encourage him. Why does she have to get the kids to say it all the time, poor kids probably just want their mum to talk to them face to face, not with a bloody camera in between them 😡
If she had any common sense, she would use a car themed reward sticker chart with Woody, to encourage him and reward him for brushing his teeth etc. Just little things but that would take some thought and that would interrupt her self care time. For someone who has 2 children, she seems so awkward when she communicates with the boys, probably because she treats both boys as if they are the same age, instead of being age appropriate.
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Chatty Member
I assumed Steve had taken her and was bitching on about the badly parked car at hospital, and she just whinging about being alone as he has to wait outside. Surely if you are enough pain to warrant a visit to A and E it’s not safe to drive yourself!
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She does not look good in this video! I mean, kudos to anybody working out, my PT really put me through my paces this week but I would not be sharing a video like that on my Instagram 🤣

Also, I watched the video & she’s breathing all wrong. My PT was teaching me how to breathe through the exercises, I know it sounds silly but it really does make a difference, and watching her in that video she isn’t breathing like I was told to. You could even see her holding her breath at times which is a big no no.


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Ah she’s just a fucking disaster. Surely steve will be picking the boys up from school? I think she’s went on her own.
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I absolutely do not think a holiday is for the kids where Rebecca is concerned I'm afraid 😄😄😭🤦🏻‍♀️ it's so she can get her big derriere out in her eBay thong bikini and have all her sheep tell her how emerrrrzzziinngg she looks.

If it was about the boys Lego lands 3 hours away in Windsor 🤷🏻‍♀️

My point was more she's saying she can't go on holiday, which is factually not true. She absolutely can she just needs to pay for either tests upon return if she goes to an amber country or the quarantine hotel at the airport if she goes to a red country...

The lumis making her thousands a month aparrently, so if you're that desperate for a holiday just shut up whingeing and go on one 😆🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
We all know, anything she does is for her own benefit. She's probably wanting a luxury gifted. I really can't stand her behaviour and arrogance, or should I say ignorance. She doesn't have the intelligence when it comes to anything of importance. Covid has just been an inconvenience to her and her grotty lifestyle. The traffic light system is something she probably hasn't grasped, that it's not just about Britain, it also depends on the circumstances of the other countries. She actually exhausts me with some of the crap she says and does
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I don’t know how she’s supposedly got anti biotics? I have hyperemesis and the first time I was admitted for dehydration and the doctor at the hospital changed my anti sickness meds it had to be done at the hospital pharmacy in house I couldn’t take it to boots or whatever and my tablets weren’t ready and it got to around 6pm and the hospital doctor said to me you can either go home and tell your GP what i was going to give you or you can stay in for the night and get your meds in the morning and go and I obviously didn’t need to just stay in to wait for meds so I left and put an online request in for my GP and it was done and ready for me in around 2 hours the next morn (amazing) what I’m trying to say is no way has she got her medication now???? Does anyone know if that’s right!
I went to airedale with a uti as I was weeing blood and rang 111 who got me an emergency gp appointment there, they diagnosed me and got me a prescription I took to asda, all within 1 hour

Could someone please confirm has she walked from the hospital to this area or has she got out the car to film those stories near her old house… because for somebody who has been in such pain to re visit the hospital again to be able to walk that quick and feel so much better after a diagnosis is unreal the antibiotics wouldn’t have even kicked in yet surely.
That video was outside the hospital and their old house is a 5 min drive from there. Miraculous recovery though, probably more mind over matter than anything. Definitely didn't warrant a 2nd trip to a+e
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Sticky One

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If she is pregnant (and Beaver's not happy), I hope she doesn't record his reaction and put it out for the world to see a la Kerry Conway.
I don’t know who she is but fucking hell just watched the video, who in their right mind would film that 😩😩😩😩😩😩
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Oh the irony of her posting this is completely lost on her. She's such a thick bitch.
It’ll be more a case of finding any pics with her kids in them.shes all me me me
Skanky Tramp!
Gutted I'm blocked, tried loads of different ways/accounts to watch her IG but can't see her anymore!
Classic gold entertainment on hold for me!
I'll just have to rely on my Tattler family to keep the posts flowing!
Thanks guys x
You need to make up a new account using a new email address I think x
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The new car would kinda fit too. She let him get a new car because she knows she’s pregnant and it will keep him sweet
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