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VIP Member
It would scare the shit out of me living somewhere like that. I feel for the boys too, what happens when they are in secondary school and what to play out and meet up with their mates?

I worked full time until I was 37 weeks! Like many people do, she is bone idol.
I can't see lazy selfish Dingle being taxi for them
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VIP Member
She said they have been fined, probably takes the fine money from their clothing budget, that's why the poor sods have about 3 outfits each. She's going to be such an unbearable twat when she has this baby, and it'll be new clothes every week for her, meanwhile those boys will remain bottom of her priority list. I hope when she's making such an obvious difference between the kids that anyone who still thinks the sun shines out of her fat arse will wise up and see her for the cunt that she is.
Just shows how much she cares about there education !!
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Dont swipe up!

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I’m honestly not a jealous troll although it seems a lot of people think if you read or post on tattle then that’s exactly what you are. For me, tattle was a relief when I came across the site thanks to brummy mummy! I’d been following all these influencers, seeing all the arse licking comments from followers and I just saw through all the bullshit but then thought maybe it was just me, maybe it’s me with the problem, maybe I am jealous? Until I came here and it was actually nice to see that other people could also see through the bullshit. I do think some things written on here are horrible and they aren’t the sort of things I would say about a person but for the most part it’s just people seeing through the fakeness and speaking the truth. Years ago when i genuinely liked Rebecca she put a post up asking for questions as she was doing a Q&A. She was a stay at home mum, wasn’t working and neither was I but I was contemplating what I would do when my little girl started school and I was curious what Rebecca’s plans were. So i left a comment saying will you go back to work when Alfie starts school? I wasn’t being rude I was genuinely interested to see what others who were in the same situation as me were planning on doing with their lives once their children were no longer at home everyday…just like I’d ask a friend! A follower of hers rudely replied saying, why does she need to go back to work? She has a child that’s a job in itself. And Rebecca liked their comment and I won’t lie it made me feel shitty. I was a genuine follower who liked her content, liked her as a person and actually thought if I knew her in person we would probably be friends. The Rebecca now is so different and it’s such a shame. But I’m not jealous, I come here for peace of mind that the things im seeing on social media, the fakeness, toxic positivity etc, is all bullshit. Social media can be really damaging especially to young mums to will compare themselves to these influencers so tattle for me is a reality check and reminder that peoples lives on social media are mainly just smoke & mirrors. Wow sorry for the random long rant 😂 it’s just annoying when people say we are jealous…I’m not? I own my home with NO mortgage. We are planning to extend, I have my dream car. I’m happy & healthy and so are my family. Everything I’ve wanted from life I’ve pretty much got so far and this isn’t to brag at all. It’s just to say Rebecca people will talk about you and it doesn’t mean we are horrible and jealous. We are just sharing mutual opinions in a place where it isn’t directly being sent to you 🤷🏻‍♀️ what was the difference when she slagged Molly mae off on love Island on her stories??? and now she buys & has promoted her products 🫠🫠🫠🫠I know we could just not watch her but i watch Corrie and characters on there piss me off but I still watch it 😂
Literally said what everyone thinks ❤
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Everyone go troll” her 😂😂😂she is on 8 hour flight she can’t delete comments 😂😂😂😂😂I am bitch I know
I had this exact thought! The length of time stuff would stay up before being deleted and people would be awake to see it 😂
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Well-known member
She doesn’t post pictures of the front of the house because Beaver doesn’t want her to and she also doesn’t want it to look like she’s showing off.

No seriously that’s what she said!


She said in a video that he didn’t want it online (despite it being online) and she didn’t want it to look like she was bragging because she knows she’s lucky. **

** ‘Lucky’: It’s dingy, the tiles are the sort you’d find in old toilet blocks, they have mice, a door off a bedroom that leads directly outside with a huge gap underneath, woodworm in the beams, and their oldest sleeps literally in the same room as his parents 🤢 in a bed left by previous owners and which has probably seen a few final breaths I’d imagine.

Jellussssss? I bet you are! 😂
I'm just so nosy I want to see it!!! She's not that worried about showing off all her holidays and pregnancy's and Range Rover etc etc.. sounds suspicious lol
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Chatty Member
I went to Dubai back in 2011 and our friends who live there gave us vouchers for restaurants. It was like a book they'd bought and inside was loads of vouchers for different places. They had to pay up front for the book but it worked out as a saving if you used all the vouchers inside.

Even with the discount it was expensive back then but so worth it. We ate in some amazing places, brunches etc. We only went to Nando's once because it was literally on the same street as our apartment.
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She’s not even answering the questions 🤬😡🤯

if “someone” asked about the pool day wouldn’t you say where you went when you were JUST there?! Book stuff in advance so you don’t have to pay more on the day.. is she trying to have people believe she’s funded this out with the flights and legoland hotel? Has she fuck.

she absolutely enrages me.
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Has anyone had a reply from Kayak? If not, I’m guessing their silence is them answering ‘yes’, otherwise surely, if they are not involved they would be quick to answer.
Nope I haven't heard back, and someone on the inghams thread said they contacted them about gifting them a trip and were blocked within 5 minutes
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