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I honestly think the scale of low level neglect, errors and mistreatment that happens in nurseries is bigger than we could ever know. But as with care homes, it’s about vulnerable people who can’t speak up for themselves. And we only hear about it when children are injured or die.
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What was thought provoking about it?
That the courts are, it appears, taking into account that domestic violence isn't a issue of sex/gender.

And that what Victoria Derbyshire (for her own reasons) was choosing to highlight in the judge remarks, was seemingly the elements of coercive control, which the judge was obliged to consider when passing sentence, which meant the person in this case was sentenced for manslaughter rather than murder.

But instead we veered off into women get it far worse, and there is no justice etc.

So yes, some things are beyond the grasp of some people.
You talk like we have no issue with misogyny in the justice system and that women and men are treated equally and fairly.


Just a few resources for anyone who wants to engage with the topic:

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That is really shocking. All I can think of is a woman must trapped in a horrendous situation.
Agreed - initially I thought trafficking or similar but the fact the children all have the same father makes me think either an abusive relationship where her partner is making her abandon these babies, or worse still abuse by a family member which is why she can't keep the children.
Either way it is awful and I hope she finds some way to escape, especially as this has been going on now for over 7 years (first baby found in 2017).
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Be More Pacific

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I agree with what you said but I also understand people wanting to know more and discussing this, especially on a site like Tattle.
I would say that speculating on an anonymous site like Tattle is part of why we are here. What I don't agree with is criticism of the police for not providing rolling twenty four hour coverage of their investigation. And that's how it has felt to me.

Also, I can't see anything outwardly that the police have done wrong here. Originally arrested either (and this is me speculating) probably a known local troublemaker and/or someone found close to the scene acting suspiciously, then viewed CCTV in the area, realised they were barking up the wrong tree (it happens) released a photograph of the suspect, whilst finishing their questioning of the first person, and then arrested what is hopefully the correct person, all within a few days. That's pretty good going in my opinion. And just because they didn't tell you all of this doesn't mean they have been hiding anything or are useless. Like I said, it's this weird sense of entitlement that doesn't sit right with me.

As for it not being a headline story for day one, it's been big national news since it happened and has stayed there all week. That takes a lot for a murder these days. I can think of many, many families who would kill (no pun intended) for the kind of coverage and traction this one has got.
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1 hour 37 minutes....
It's just heartbreaking - to think how distressed and frightened and desperate that poor little baby was, and everybody ignored her.

I want t rip the limbs off that woman myself - but I don't think the rest of the staff come out of sit well, either. There's no way I could have ignored an infant like that - I don't care what anyone else told me to do. Fucking unbelievable!
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It would seem her defence is - when they have stopped running the short skirt defence of the boys loving it - is that she didn't start the affair with the boy, which got her pregnant, until he was 16.

Yet it is reported today, that one of bail conditions was not to have contact with any child under 18.
She deserves prison, she's groomed them, abused her power, tried to wipe messages, gave him a love bite which his mum noticed and she was already on bail when she started a "relationship" with the other boy. She was ordered not to contact anyone under 18 but she has. If this was a man everyone would be up in arms but it's the men who claim "he would've loved it, she's fit so it's ok" 🙄
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I had dreadful anxiety when my daughter was born. I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving her. I couldn’t bring myself to send her to nursery so I gave up quite a lucrative career and cared for her at home. She was such a timid little dot and I’d torture myself at the thought that someone wouldnt be kind or comfort her when she cried. But never, not in my worst nightmares did I imagine a scenario as hideous as the one that unfolded for Genevieve.
That poor dear little baby, crying for her mummy. And her poor mother, i can’t imagine how she can even breath - the trauma shes been through,
I hope the judge throws the book at her.
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He still got a better deal out of it all. He’s not going to face any prison time, he’ll get certain privileges because he’s in a prison hospital and because it’s ‘indefinite’ there is a possibility that he could be released, something which wouldn’t have happened if he got a whole life tariff for murder. So his victims families are going to spend the rest of their lives or Calocane’s life having to work to make sure he’s behind bars.
Yet he’s the criminal?
Well done English justice, carry on failing the victims of crime!
They don’t have to spend their lives doing that though. They can accept that he’s deeply unwell and in the best place for everyone involved. Having a severely mentally ill man thrown into prison on a whole life term isn’t going to bring their loved ones back and I’d wager they wouldn’t actually feel any better if it happened. I’d also bet if the roles were reversed and they were related to the murderer, they’d want him in hospital not prison.

He’d only have actually got a better deal if he wasn’t ill and was faking to get off lightly but it seems pretty clear that he’s not, having that level of mental illness must be sheer hell and I can’t imagine how he’ll feel if he’s ever well enough to actually comprehend what he’s done. That’s a life sentence harsher than any court could ever deliver.
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Has anyone seen anything recent about the ice hockey player arrested over the death during the game. I can’t find anything online other than to say he was on bail until may 14th?
His fellow pros are very insistant it was just a tragic accident. I know zero about ice hockey but it's so dangerous by nature isn't it? It was an awful thing, the poor spectators who witnessed it.
The case I'm following that has been so quiet it's downright suspicious is the Wimbledon range rover driver who killed two little girls when she smashed into their school.

Has never been named, almost no details, been rebailed at least two or three times.

Not seen that level of hushed up before. I can only assume it is someone "important" and their money is protecting them? The poor parents of one girl shared their despair earlier this year over the lack of communication and justice.
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👋 my first post in this thread!

I've been following the trial of nursery worker Kate Roughley. Can't wait until she is found guilty, as surely she will be. What a despicable woman. I mean, who takes against a 9 month old child? I honestly think she has some nerve pleading not guilty when there is CCTV evidence of what she did. My heart breaks for the family of that poor baby.
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The jury went out on the Kate Roughley trial today. I’m absolutely disgusted at the details that have emerged during the trial. To die in such a way is unimaginably cruel, positional asphyxia and physiological stress- basically tortured to death. I can’t stop thinking about her and her poor parents. When my daughter was tiny she had kicked her blanket loose and up onto her face while I was in the shower. The absolute state of her by the time I got back (after about 10 minutes) was horrible, I felt so guilty. She’s a schoolgirl now but I still remember it vividly. This poor baby was left for over an hour and a half. The attitude of the “woman” supposed to be caring for her is sickening. She treated that baby as less than human, just an object that was annoying to her. I can picture how she was as well as I have come across her type in my years as a nurse. Thinking she’s the big fish in a small pond, wielding power over vulnerable people, treating her work environment like her own kingdom. If she doesn’t like the child they are treated with contempt. How can you take a dislike to a 9 month old baby girl? Deliberately ignoring her cries of distress because you see her as an annoyance. Only caring about completing tasks, with little regard for the effects it’s having on the little ones totally dependent on you to keep them safe. Losing your humanity by ignoring that of others. The people working alongside her and in charge also should be punished. It seems as though working conditions were difficult due to understaffing and poor skill mix. It’s no excuse though for what happened. I hope she gets found guilty of manslaughter and is given the maximum sentence at the judge’s disposal. I hope she never knows a moment’s peace from what she has done, heaven knows the poor parents never will.
I honestly can’t begin to imagine what went on behind closed doors at that nursery, if a baby could be treated like that under the noses of all the staff and not ONE of them intervened in that 90 minute period. It’s absolutely chilling.
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I don’t understand how none of the other staff present that day aren’t facing criminal charges too? It happens when one parent harms a child the other is charged with allowing it so what’s different here
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Maybe but if she's able to go out dumping babies across East London I'd have thought she could find her way to a police station at the same time?
What makes you think it’s the mother who has left the babies?

Given that when she was found baby Elsa was only
an hour old then it is reasonable to think that the mother wouldn’t be a in a fit state to be going out immediately after giving birth and leaving the baby somewhere. She would be bleeding heavily, still in pain, possibly have tears, find walking uncomfortable, in that hour she would also have had to have found time to deliver the placenta. It’s much more likely to be someone else, be it the father or someone else leaving the baby imo.
If it was is mother then I can only imagine she is in some serious kind of crisis to put her body through that within an hour of giving birth.
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Kate Roughley found guilty

I hope she gets a very long sentence.

And has seven shades kicked out of her in jail.
Evil cow. Also wasted everyone’s time pleading not guilty in my opinion (which I can now say since she’s been convicted).

Didn't just waste time, but put that poor baby's parents through the hell of hearing the horrible details over again - even if they didn't, they know their terrible loss is being discussed everywhere.

She should get a longer sentence for not accepting responsibility for her cruelty.
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Child porn is a term I hate. I also hate the word "nonce" and the term "kiddy fiddler". They are crass and so reductive.
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