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Regarding poor Bronson, I have seen comments saying the mother wasn’t allowed near the house or to contact the father. Any contact was through a visitation clinic but I’m sure more information will come out. I’m a single mum and used to get so scared of something happening to me and my boy not knowing what to do. I made sure to tell him what my phone passcode was (I tried to always turn passcode off when in house though) and before he could read I had the important people (grandparents, aunt, etc) with an emoji next to name that he could relate to them if he needed to phone them. Very heartbreaking for the family.
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Chatty Member

They are going to make him appear in court by force if necessary
Sorry to go back to the death row conversation. I have a friend on death row. He had been in Chilicothe, Ohio for 25 years. He is very much a human. I have visited him twice. I am certainly not in love with him. I have children and a husband. He is just a friend. A very dear, sweet human. A side of which society never got to see as he was sentenced agreed 20.

We have never talked about his crime.
Can I ask what was his crime ? If you don’t want to say thats fine.
I just can’t see how he could be a sweet human if he’s on death row, he must have killed or harmed someone.
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I’ve been reading about Alfie Steele today and it’s honestly so shocking that so many people raised concerns over a long period of time but he still remained in the home until he was murdered. Even when teachers, neighbours etc are raising concerns and telling the authorities what they have seen he wasn’t protected. I can’t imagine what he went through.

This quote from the report the makes me think wtf "were often hampered by two adults who sought to deliberately lie, mislead and cover up what was happening to this little boy" were they expecting his mum and her piece of shit boyfriend to be honest and say they were abusing Alfie? They had reliable people giving them information about what was going on in that house.

Social services needs a huge shake up, I did my degree 20 years ago now and there was talk of lessons being learned (in the wake Victoria Climbe and Baby P ) and better practice and interagency working then but still the same things happen again and again and the same trite lines are being trotted out two decades on.
Over 60 separate calls and nothing done. My blood runs cold hearing the 999 call saying they’re doing something bad to him in the bath. That woman who reported it must be distraught
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Perinatal mental health care is ever evolving and extremely underfunded. Imagine how unwell you have to be to think that the way to treat a newborn is to leave them in a shopping bag in freezing temperatures. No matter what we think we would do in any circumstances- sometimes we end up powerless against horrific compulsions.
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The families were treated appallingly and the CPS forced them to accept the decision and somehow this was reported to the press as the families had accepted the decision, not that they were railroaded.
They’ve treated the murderer better than the families of the ones killed. Other agencies didn’t do their jobs. And once again innocent people suffer. Great!
The decision is the decision, the families acceptance is irrelevant. The entire point of the criminal system is that the people most affected by the crime don’t get to decide what happens to the criminal either a jury do or in this case the psychiatric experts who have agreed he wasn’t of sound mind at the time.
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We don’t even know if it was psychosis, that’s pure speculation and annoys me as plenty of people have murdered their own children for various reasons. So the whole ‘poor mother’ angle irks me when we have zero context.

Reasons the psychosis theory seems off to me:

- The baby was 10 months old. NHS website states “Symptoms usually start suddenly within the first 2 weeks after giving birth - often within hours or days of giving birth. More rarely, they can develop several weeks after the baby is born.”

- Witnesses said she presented as normal. I don’t think anyone with that severity of psychosis would be able to hide it. Depression is different but with psychosis there are more likely to be signs such as delusional thinking or just seeming a bit ‘off’ to other people. This lady was able to go about her life but suddenly is so unwell she kills her kids? Until we hear the full story I’m treating it as any other murder.
I very much know that PPP is a real condition but don’t believe it should be a get out clause for murdering your kids. I think it takes a certain type of person to murder regardless of what mental illness they have. Plenty of people suffering with psychosis who don’t kill. If murder was a side effect of psychosis it would be a much more common occurrence.

I don’t sympathise with anyone who murders a child. I can acknowledge that there are serious mental health failings in this country without feeling sad for the mother who killed her children. She’s still a murderer and deserves punishment.

She should be sent to a mental health hospital for treatment and then transferred back to a prison. I’d have more sympathy if she’d killed herself too/instead. It just pisses me off to see people victimising the mother when she’s caused so much devastation. Poor kids.
Granted, we have no real information on this particular mother. However, there is a lot of information available on women who suffered postpartum psychosis.

I would assume that the most well known is Andrea Yates and off the top of my head, I remember Felicia Boots.

I mean, this is only my opinion but you seem steadfast to disregard PPP only because the NHS has a blurb dismissing it after two weeks when posters on this very thread have shared their experiences and numerous cases in the public domain prove otherwise.

Presenting yourself as normal to your neighbours or parents on the school run isn’t exactly evidence that the mother wasn’t suffering. No one sympathises with anyone who has committed murder but the purpose of this thread goes beyond simply blaming the criminals and their crimes, sometimes we want to know why. And a mother who seemingly was devoted, had raised a four and seven year old without attracting the attention of school, social services or police until this very month, basically implies this isn’t your run of the mill child murder case.
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Interesting article. She isn't affording the mother any sympathy. Particularly like this quote:

"His mother, Sarah Piesse, who had separated from his father and not visited her “gorgeous” and “cheeky” son since November, following an argument, has demanded answers."
There’s always a lot of focus on feckless fathers but less so feckless mothers.

Sadly my partner is a result of a mother who did not give a single fuck and prioritised drink and drugs over her kids.
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The brass neck of this neighbour, do people have no shame?!

Why not just stay quiet or pay respect to the victims instead of bad mouthing them? I feel sorry for the social worker, she did everything she could I think. She entered the property illegally and what she must've seen.
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Sorry to go back to the death row conversation. I have a friend on death row. He had been in Chilicothe, Ohio for 25 years. He is very much a human. I have visited him twice. I am certainly not in love with him. I have children and a husband. He is just a friend. A very dear, sweet human. A side of which society never got to see as he was sentenced agreed 20.

We have never talked about his crime.
What did the dear sweet human do to end up on death row?

The only person I can find who has been on Ohio death row fir 25 years is.

Prolific paedophile rapist, killer of two young girls, and a third person for good measure.

Chuck in cruelty to animals and you have an almost textbook definition of pure psychopath.
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This is the current article about it

Commander Jon Savell said: 'Based on the distinctive clothing he was wearing at the time of the attack and property found on his body, we strongly believe we have recovered the body of Ezedi.

I hope it is him so at least his victims can know that he will never come after them again

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I'm sorry if this upsets people but I don't feel sorry for the mother who dumped the poor little baby. She basically left her to die in the freezing temperatures. Thankfully she survived.

I realise there may have been exceptional circumstances (e.g. if mother was a victim of abuse and forced to dump the baby). If the mother actually made the choice to leave a baby out like that it's awful. Leave it in a hospital or something, don't sacrifice a child's life.
I always read these cases as the police are looking for the mum as they know that there must be something really wrong for a mum to abandon a baby like this. I always read it as they are looking to support her rather than punish.
I might be wrong but that's always been my assumption with how the police appeal for the mum.
It goes against nature and initial maternal instinct, same with animals. Something must be really wrong for a mum to abandon a newborn like this.
I wonder did she try to meditate on behalf of the girl’s mother, tragic story 😢
It sounds like it doesn't it.
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Chatty Member
I didn't mean to spark a huge debate, though it is interesting to read everyone's opinion. I was simply answering a question(s) asked and trying to give a little insight into life on death row. To the person who picked apart my comment on baby blankets, the unit knit (James probably knits 12-16 blankets a year) and donate them to the local elderly/homeless shelter. While that doesn't excuse anyone's crime, far from it, they do do what they can.

I just don't think when you are convicted of a crime you stop being human. (if I had been matched with a child murderer/paedophile I wouldn't have written, and no I don't think an 88 year lady is worthless it is just different.)
I don’t think the poor woman’s relatives would think her life was different, her poor daughter discovered her mother battered and naked body, I am sure she will never get over that.
But each to their own but what I can’t understand is you are actually spending money on him.
Aside from writing and accepting gifts from him you are spending money on him, putting money on his card and actually physically flying to Ohio to visit him.
What happens when hes executed will you find someone else to visit And write too?
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Chatty Member
I just don't understand why you wouldn't want to see your baby over Christmas?! And why Kenny didn't get to see his other two children that live with her over Christmas?
Such chaotic lives they live/d :(
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i honestly don’t think anyone who hasn’t experienced PPP or been close to someone who has can determine how it effects or takes its toll. i was diagnosed after a difficult birth with my second child (despite having no mental health difficulties after my first) and it was the most horrendous experience. i was hearing voices, and paranoid and adamant i was being followed despite no evidence. it truly affects one’s ability to think rationally at all, and there will be many who have had worse experiences with it than me. i was lucky that i had a supportive husband, family and medical support to overcome it but despite it being 13 years ago now; i still remember it as the scariest experience ive ever had.

while i cannot defend anyone hurting their own child in any way, i do have sympathy for anyone experiencing such severe mental illness
I had a bad experience 13 years ago don't remember the first 2 years of my babys life, I think it triggered bipolar after I came out of ppp but wasn't diagnosed till 2017 I have never had mental health issues up until the birth of my daughter, I could never have another child after that, I still get told things I did back then I have no memory but what I do know is I had no thoughts of harming my child thankfully, even typing this has given me terrible flashbacks.
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I'm in contact with the outreach worker and there are things in the background happening so that I will be leaving when I can. There isn't any physical violence, all emotional and coercive control, but, it's not a huge leap for some 🥺
You’re doing a really brave, and wonderful, thing by getting things in place. It’s not easy, but it will be worth it ❤
Emotional abuse is still abuse. The fact it’s not physical doesn’t mean it’s less-than xx
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Me too. Can’t find anything that says it isn’t, but I think there’s one appeal outstanding.

They have 30 hours from 6pm (there), they’re 6 hours behind us.
They’re denying him food for 8 hours prior, and then clear fluids only until 2 hours before. I guess because of the risk of vomiting.
That’s if they go ahead at 6pm - he could be without food and water for longer than that if not.
Happened at 2.30am our time. Sounds absolutely horrible, witnesses said it wasn't pleasant. The state will see it as a win for them though.


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I don't understand how she had unsafe stairs for a 2 year old but not a 3 year old? It seems like she lost another child a few years ago. There's no way you wouldn't try to contact your son in that time either.
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i really dont want to give details... but studies have shown the sex offenders will still offend even if they are castrated... they just use alternate means. Horrific, but apparently true.
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