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VIP Member
Sorry if this is an awful question but what kind of weapon are we thinking was used then and what would motive be to decapitate surely that would take time/risk being caught?
I've followed it on reddit so everything should be taken with a pinch of salt.

I guess a knife. The area they were found is a little bit away from the bridge in a forest so would be hidden from sight. It may be that the guy has had some kind of meltdown and didn't care at the time if he was caught or not but that is me guessing.

I think a lot of the theories have now gone out the window because it's an unknown name that has been arrested.
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Chatty Member
It’s just so appalling. He lived there with THEIR children. Those boys must have suspected something, that’s just horrid.
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Just watched new Tv series on crime and investigation,about the murder of Sharon Birchwood Ashtead Surrey
called Murder Detectives by CCTV.
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I have been neglecting these threads. Life got super busy again for me and it seemed like things just exploded crime wise. I went on holiday for two weeks and didn't even look at my trial list the whole time I was away - I'm so far behind with it anyway. And some of my favourite shows Cold Justice, Reasonable Doubt, On The Case with Paula Zahn, Disappeared, Dateline and 48 Hours are all back with new episodes in the USA as well so I've been trying to keep up with them as well. This crime lark is like a full time job I tell you!

I haven't got time to go back through every post but I have been following as best I can and made a few notes as I was going along 🙈 so I have a few things I want to talk about.

Accused: Guilt or Innocent? Really glad to read that people are enjoying this series. I've now finished season 2. Man, the way it twists and turns like a twisty turny thing! Anyway, Season 3 has finished in the USA now - it's ten episodes - so hopefully it will come to CI soon 🤞🏼

Freda Walker, Langwith Junction
Someone mentioned this on the last thread (apologies, I can't remember who) and wondered if the charges would be upgraded as her husband Ken, who was also attacked, has died. The answer is no - he died of natural causes. The trial for her murder starts tomorrow.

Mee Kuen Chong, Wembley
Remember this very odd one last year? Missing then turns up decapitated in Devon. Woman charged. The trial starts tomorrow at The Old Bailey

Jacqueline Kirk, Weston Super Mare
One of my mystery ones (the defendant's name appeared in the court listings earlier this year on his trial start date then nothing) has finally got underway.

Warning - graphic

Shakira Spencer, Ealing
Don't like the sound of this one at all. Words like vulnerable and torture are never going to have a happy ending. And she looks so very different, in a bad way, in the photographs released 😞

View attachment 1641720View attachment 1641721

Alistair Wilson, Nairn
Excited to see developments in this one. I'm old enough to remember this case on the original Crimewatch. It has fascinated me ever since. Reading between the lines, from what's been said, and as the police appear to have cleared the pub landlord, it sounds like maybe someone who drank in the pub got the arse about AW's letter and decided to take matters into his own hands. Really though, shot dead over a decking area?! What a terribly mundane and trivial reason to rob two children of their dad and a woman of her husband 😞

Barrister's strike
Again, someone asked me about this and I can't remember who, sorry. But yes, this is going to have and is already having a very bad effect on a justice system that is already hugely delayed because of the pandemic. The cases on my "passed their original trial date" list are definitely growing as a result. This backlog is going to take years to clear.

Billy McCullagh, Brent
I talked about this one briefly on the last thread. I said it sounded like "felony murder" that they have in the USA and said I didn't think we had that here? I believe the name varies from state to state but here's an example - myself and @MissTeddy decided to break into a house and rob the owners, which is a felony. The home owner shoots me dead. He is cleared on the grounds of self defence and faces no charges but, because @MissTeddy was with me and knew we were going there to commit a crime, then she would be charged with my murder. That's felony murder.

And that's basically what happened with Billy McCullagh. He went with his other gang members to a shoot out with another gang. BM gets shot dead and the gang members with him, from his own gang, who didn't fire the fatal shot, were convicted of his murder. Apparently, it's a legal first in the UK. Will be interesting to see how this plays out with other cases.

I do want to talk more about the Jordan Brophy case, the burglar stabbed to death in Liverpool, but it's really late so I'll save that for another time.

Obviously, Lucy Letby's trial has now finally started and I've already lost track 🤦🏻‍♀️ We're in for a long six months I think.
Wondered when Mee’s case was rescheduled for. Cheers.
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VIP Member
On a previous thread someone mentioned Police Camera Murder and it never actually aired due to the Queen’s passing. For those interested its on ITV tonight at 9pm. Looks right up my street 👍🏻

I was watching that but I bloodywell fell asleep,what happened to the bloke that killed that pensioner and the kid that stabbed the boy abd boy died?
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VIP Member
What was this attachment? Myself and a few other users couldn’t see it? 🙏
It was a screenshot of a post of someone called Tyler Street, i think Tattle has removed it, but it’s still on Facebook if you search the name and Delphi.
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I found this re David Jason. It says it's from the People in 1999 but SS from a random blog so can't verify
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kegan Kline, His dad and the shared social media
I’m out the loop, what did they do?

why did it take the officers how many years to look in to him further?
Could just be me but I feel like the authorities haven’t had a lot of concrete evidence over the years. Could be why they didn’t investigate because they didn’t have enough to charge him but they also didn’t want to scare him off
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Chatty Member

This sounds horrific. Local rumours are that both men who were murdered were savaged. Apparently both accused have attempted to take their own lives.
Have you seen the whatsapp of what supposedly happened? It’s really grim.
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Chatty Member
Has the Paige Doherty murder in Glasgow been discussed? It popped up on tik tok also! Also showed a James English podcast with Paige’s mum - Pamela Munro

Horrific death! And her only a child at 15
The comments on tik tok mention rumours of an affair with the murderer…
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Why would you keep her belongings though? 🤔 I know some killers keep trophies but they tend to be small keepsake type items. Sounds like the police have found a whole bunch of Leah's things in the house. Get rid of anything tying you to the crime is surely rule number one in the murder book?

However sad the outcome may be, hopefully her family will finally have some answers. It's been a real mystery for too long.
The Facebook squad have already turned into “her body has been found”
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Now they’re saying the girls repeatedly rang a number belonging to a ‘Jack’ 10 mins before and one of them had a stalker…
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Chatty Member
I’d like to read up on the Delphi case as it’s not one that I have heard or have any knowledge of but I see it mentioned a lot on here, if you have any good podcasts or sources that you would recommend, please let me know
The Murder Sheet is ok too, they seemed to have a bit of inside knowledge recently, or claimed they did !
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VIP Member
FFS why isn’t their SM banned,this is so vile,that murderer from Plymouth was one as well.

Absolute idiots - do they not realise their faces are still changing due to puberty? Probably their hormones changing their face shape not self harm with a hammer 🤦🏼‍♀️ Also wouldn’t a bit of filler be easier or is that too “feminine” 🙄
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