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VIP Member
I'm not involved in any "movement" or "family" but I've followed Hutch for a long time now. (Hi Hutch, big fan!)

The hate this man gets is just ludicrous.
If him and Gina are still together, what business is it of yours? Does it impact your daily life? If Gina is fiddling the system to get benefits, so fucking what? I bet half of you people bitching on here don't work, and if you do, how do you even find the time to come onto a platform and complain about something you're not going to change? If you have proof of whatever you're waffling about, then back it up. Come with receipts. Or just crawl back under that little rock you came from and shut the fuck up sweet cheeks. You watch a live for half hour then pick out all the shit bits (if there are any) and make it into whatever story you want, moulding people into the bad guy when they're not.

Sure, have an opinion, you're entitled to. But don't sit here and attempt to degrade someone over how you feel. If you don't like someone, then act like they don't exist. It's not that hard to do. I mean, you've all been dodging adulthood so far, still in that little bitchy playground you all love so much.
Are you lost? Seems you’re on the wrong website sweetie
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Awe congratulations to Mr Rantz and the lovely Sandra, couldn't have happened to a nicer couple and its lovely news at a time when we all could do with some!! 🥰🥰

I'm not on TT as much at the moment but that Sophie girl, I could never warm to her and she has shown her true colours like a lot of people in the app now!! Gina and Hutch are better off without her as a friend after everything that has been said and done!
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Just wanted to say it is lovely to see Hutch and Gina together....Gina is such a lovely and genuine girl, who can one day be in her dressing gown on TT and all dressed up the next, love that. What you see is what you get and that is a rare quality on TT these days.
Lovely that they had each other when they had covid as well.
Good to see them both back fighting fit and well, much love 🥰🥰
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VIP Member
I knownher son has hes own dad fair enough fair play but her daughter is the golden girl always about her Eddie never to be seen.

Gina is like a spoilt bratt if she doesn't go her own way she's kick off..

Wheres that girl she used to be friends with who was always in videos with never see her anym

The way she speaks to people is wring. She's sly dog. She's the type to cause drama slag everyone off in group chat.
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Pretty sure they have fallen out not sure what about though. I love both of them although I would choose hutch’s live over Ben’s but that’s just a personal choice.
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VIP Member
Disco lights you pretty much have it right. Jordan trolled hutch and Ben ages ago but sat in the boxes claiming how much he helped him but all along just been a dick.. as for David Gina was saying the other night how she felt he wasn’t there when she needed him, they all supported him over the cat fish thing but as soon as Gina needed him he was no where to be seen, something about him I’m not too sure on either just can’t put my finger on it.

As for soph I really liked her but after what I heard I can’t support someone like that I’ve followed SLSH a lot longer then i followed soph but what people needs to remember is hucth/slsh don’t do anything without proof so you’ll end up getting caught if you say or do anything.

Much love to rest of SLSH crew yous are all amazing xx
I genuinely felt gutted about the Soph thing because you could see that people like Lyndz, Vix, Sam, Paige had obviously been close friends with her and even putting aside the whole SLSH, it must be rubbish for them to lose a friend and a friendship that they’ve been a lot of time and effort into etc. It’s a shame.


VIP Member
Yeah that kate did wrong by gina. You was in the box with someone knowing full well what was said but you still sat in that box like nothing has happened. They've helped that Kate out a lot. And basically chucked it back in their faces.. wow Sophie is something else. She's jealous. She's jealous of Gina being with hutch you can tell that... saying you had a miscarriage but really got rid why the hell lie about it? Once you lie once no one's going to trust you again.

Why is thay Emily trying to get her 50p in? She course a hell lot of karma for hutch. She lives the drama.. she needs to stay out of it... none of her business..

Whats happened with kerri? And that Rosa?


VIP Member
Can we take a moment to appreciate the whole Jasper the cat saga. I don't know the whole story, but walked into "court is in session" with Hutch and Gina. I'm crying with laughter. This group always bring such entertainment to the app.
did you see the bit earlier this afternoon with lyndz and Peaky the fish? I was crying with laughter 😂


See, I think their still together.. not only me thinking this then..

Her working and relationship wouldn't matter though.. cause Lee wasn't living with gina anyways. He had hes own flat he was only saying at Gina's now and again / weekends.

But their still together it's so clear
he doesn't have a flat and thats why he said hes saying with his uncle, he said that on live the other day. its all too sus really, he was living with her when not at work. The excuse of going round to see the little girl is all a front for him to be back at Gina's house. Gina seems to have got over him very quickly to say they were so in love.
See, I think their still together.. not only me thinking this then..

Her working and relationship wouldn't matter though.. cause Lee wasn't living with gina anyways. He had hes own flat he was only saying at Gina's now and again / weekends.

But their still together it's so clear
I saw a TikTok last year where he was packing up his stuff and saying goodbye to his place so I assumed he was moving in with Gina, I could be wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️. I can’t see them pretending but I can see them getting back together.


Chatty Member
He loves putting females down and his precious gina does the same things, she had her boy very young and he basically calls the girls slappers that have done the same thing. He needs to leave single mums alone if he's not in it for the long term.