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Boogaloo Shrimp

Well-known member
Swimsuit rammed up the arse whilst referencing Daniel. 🙄🙄 Holiday is well and truly the Rachel show! Take pics by all means but stay off the social media and enjoy it with the kids ffs. Them kids are only gonna have memories of her with a phone in her hand and shoved in their face for all to see for content.
"Hey ladz, how ya all doin, here's ma arse for yeez to gawk ah".
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That’s kind of insensitive to Shannen what she has written about Aimee. Like she has only two sisters so it’s obvious she prefers Aimee and it can be inferred that she feels Shannen hasn’t been as available to her. If she feels that way about Aimee then tell her personally. No need to say it so publicly and then make her other sister likely feel like shit and left out.
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So Rachel has being on stories late enough at night when she’s in her own bed alone ( no Leah in sight) she’s also shown Leah in bed ( her own bed) many times on stories sometimes she’s still asleep in the morning time when Rachel thinks it’s appropriate to film her. She’s full of 💩💩 she obviously wants that room for some reason and has booted Leah out.
If Leah wanted to leave her room why didn’t she move ages ago to the spare bedroom downstairs or Rachel could’ve swapped with her and let Leah have the penthouse suite🙄

Haven’t seen the office since her brand flopped it’s probably full to the brim with leftover stock. Wonder will she use Leah’s room as the new try on room since she loves to film in her little girls bedrooms 🙄
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She’s a disgrace. Anytime I get my hair done when I’m near a costa, I bring my hairdresser a costa and I’m paying for my hair.
imagine the shame- rocking up the whole time for freebies with one hand longer than the other, not even a coffee and walking out without paying.
They’re no better than someone on the street with a cup shaking for change. Not saying they’re anything wrong with those people but they try to sell us a lifestyle- easy have it when you pay for nothing
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Hannah you forgot your trousers

*FACE PALM* Seriously
Thousands of strangers
Bought strangers on the internet

She currently doesn't even have a lane to stick in
She has nothing other than grief and over sharing those poor kids.
She has no category, no niche....
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I couldn’t walk around my friend’s fella in a bikini wedged up my hole asking him to take pics
100%!!!Shes so fuckin thirsty. She’s a great figure and the fake boobs and a pretty enough face. Hair is drab but like her accent and demeanour are atrocious so if I was a man they d put me off right away.
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She needs to delete that photo with the eldest daughter . Not fair for Rachel to put her almost teenage daughters developing body out for the world to see. ☹
If she can refer to her late husband all while she has her ass on view then she clearly dosent see an issue with that photo of her eldest girl.
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is Leah not 11
That’s the thing that confuses me. She dresses Leah like she would dress, minus the make up etc…. But for a kid it’s like a granny style. No kid wants a tea dance dress 😂😂 The other day when she showed a reel of Leah wearing the bright stuff from Penney’s, jeans & T-shirts etc., I was like finally she dressing her like her pals. And then Rachel goes and starts dressing the same etc…and making comments about robbing her clothes. It is like there is some deep rooted jealousy there or something.
Nobody wants their kids to grow up but you have to let them start to have their own style etc… this is the start of them becoming their own person.
I wonder is this all because she was so young being with Daniel, having a child young (I don’t even know how young she was having Leah) but maybe Leah growing up is her issue with getting older or something. But I think we can all see there is something there with her and Leah that will end up exploding.
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Just when you think she's sunk low💁 she then sinks lower with this birthday/funeral/send off party😳like most or all of us on here it's incomprehensible to us, but then we're not addicted to the fame of the gram and the adulation shes received since the poor lad passed away. She's more nuts than a squirrels shit🙄
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I just don’t believe a word that comes out of her mouth
Same! Makes no sense that Leah would want to sleep in the playroom over her own room with a walk in wardrobe and en-suite. Even if there was a reason she didn’t want sleep in her own room, if she was ok sleeping upstairs with Rachel all this time, then why not give her that room?? The fact that she says she’s not going into the details says it all.. she has no problem sharing everything else.
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There’s no recession on in her house then.

Yes I know not everyone is feeling the punch but a lot of parents have back to school costs etc this month. Obviously not even pinching Rachel.

We’ve two incomes and honestly we are just getting by having worked hard all our adult lives. This kinda craic would sicken ye. Never mind the tacky ness of it all. It’s just poor taste. Her poor girls will have a distorted memory of their childhoods.
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Even if you are not an ugly crier, I am for sure! I Look like I've done a few rounds with Tyson furey! And that's just when I well up😳
I totally agree with what's been said here, if you were that upset THE last thing you'd want to do is flog, it's polar opposites - one end,devo, crying, memories flooding, and the opposite end upbeat full of life and recording a fashion show💁 its too erratic.
And coming on in FULL makeup (in a heatwave 😳)saying you'd hope it would help your mood when it was clearly for the fashion show😖 just give it over rach and get on with your flogging and stop the bawling💁
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They really are rough as a badgers arse. I would have been furious to have been grabbed and carried to the pool like that.
Sometimes things like this just aren't funny
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I remember being at thar age where I was starting to develop, and boys started looking and wolf whistling etc
I wanted to curl up and die and hide. I remember trying to hide my body and it took maybe until I was 15/16 before I was happy to show it off/wear certain clothes.
why isn’t she protecting her daughter?

also, I’d imagine that the female friends have done thinga with and for her kids on this holiday, it’s just the way it is when you’re around kids, you catch their hand crossing the road, you help them with their food.
But she only highlights the men.
She’s pathetic- she just wants the narrative That men love her and flock to her.
I’d say she’s impossible to be around.
I’d imagine they put up with her foe the kids sake and also I’d say the lads did tell Daniel they’d mind her and the kids.

she needs to grow a back bone and start showing those girls that women can be strong and do things alone.

I raised a boy alone from the age of less than one year. I did what I could around the house, hired someone for what I couldn’t do. My son just doesn’t think there is anything women can’t do. He doesn’t see women as the weaker or fairer sex. He has seen a woman go into a mans world (I work in a male dominated area) and just get on with it.
I feel as a mother raising girls in particular. She has an obligation to show them some strength and show that women can do anything
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Rachel has 254k follows on Instagram (I'm sure a lot are bought) but at the same time she has no idea what kind of people are following her and anyone can screenshot it which even makes me sick thinking about 🤢 Imagine even people she goes to school with seeing it and potentially slagging her about it
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Boogaloo Shrimp

Well-known member
What a depressing room for a child
I don't believe for a second that a 12year old girl would choose a dull grey for a bedroom.
Grey in a living room 🤔,
in an entrance hall 🤔.
In a 12yr olds bedroom 🤣.
It's all about the bitches choices and not the kids. They don't have a choice in anything. I'm pretty sure if you asked them for a couple nights stay in a hotel in Ireland or a trip on a plane to London or Edinburgh, Legoland or Alton Towers, they would choose the latter, HOWEVER, the haemorrhoid Queen would NEVER get those for free so that would be out of the question.
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I got up at 5am

VIP Member
Also the child is 12 & is wearing a dress that would suit an older woman!! Maybe borrowed it off Rachel??
She isn’t even 11 yet. She is wearing a dress a 30 year old would wear. Rachel creeps me out when it comes to that girl. She hasn’t a clue, just because she is tall doesn’t mean she is an adult.
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