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Sorry to hear the ladies suffering so badly with anxiety.

If you're presently going through/had menopause, is there any advice you would give anyone who is just a couple or so years away from it themselves? Any tips at all?
Exercise, exercise and exercise.. only thing to keep the head right and to help with sleep.

Insomnia and anxiety was a big thing for me. Exercise and a good diet help me to keep on track
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I think I've just realised, this morning, that my emotional state has to be hormonal as well. I've been feeling super tearful recently, a friend asked if I was maybe stressed or low level depressed... and now I think it's actually all a menopause thing. Why else would I go from standing in the shower laughing to myself about the time my OH lost his flip flop in the sea, to minutes later crying about not being able to go on that holiday again? It's not PMS... do I have to try and talk to a doctor now, when it's been impossible to get an ordinary appointment for months?
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I’m on femostan. its a low dose. I’ve had no side effects apart from elevated blood pressure, not too mental but enough to worry my doctor for long term, so I’m probably going to have to take a low dose of blood pressure meds. my weight has always been difficult, i have always leaned towards plus sized unless I am super disciplined (and I’m not). It’s always been okay to shift but this phase in my life, it’s sticking. It is all around my belly too which is apparently normal. So now I look pregnant all the time. If someone dares ask me I will deck them, I tell you.
so to the poster asking about weight gain, the hrt hasnt made any difference in that, but mentally I feel so much better that I’m WANTING to shift it, rather than lay on the couch and cry and eat chocolate. Make sense?
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Growing up I tried the contraceptive pill none ever agreed with me, ended up with the coil, so I’m not sure if I would take HRT🥴 can anyone suggest any herbal remedies that would work ?
Black Cohosh is supposed to be good.

I also used to take Menopace, which I found good.

It’s looking like I’m going through the menopause right now 😢

Terrible night sweats, hot flushes throughout the day, erratic mood swings, weight gain... honestly, I’m a shadow of my former self.

I had bloods taken last week with a hormone screen done too. I do have other health issues which could cause some of these symptoms, but considering what my body has been through these last few years , my GP is pretty confident it’s the change.

We’ve already discussed HRT and I’m all for it. I just want to stop feeling this way. It’s so horrible 😢
I don’t blame anyone wanting HRT. I toyed with it myself.

Thankfully, I think I am now heading out of menopause. I blooming hope so, I don’t like the anxiety part of it either and the bloody weight gain. 😩
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Thank you for replying. Going through all these awful symptoms I would just love for the periods to stop now but as you say mine have also got heavier and lasting so much longer now.
Changes in periods are probably the top symptom, they become much more erratic both in time between, length and flow. Another reason it is wise to diarise your symptoms, atleast then you'll be expecting it when it arrives. You might find that your periods become more frequent initially and then further apart but heavier.
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The weight gain is horrible. I've managed to lose mostof it but had to accept that I'm never going to have my perfect figure back and eat cake like I used to be able to.
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Thank you so much for taking the time to message I shall definitely take the advice to keep a diary on my symptoms. I’m no stranger to having medical symptoms to keep an eye on so this will be no problem.
I think because I’ve had to be aware of what my body is doing I was able to pick up on it quite quickly .

Thank you for replying , I definitely need to look into what other symptoms can come with it too, I’m noticing a real dry mouth and Dry skin the last few days. The obvious signs of night sweats and flushes have only happened in the last 10 days 🙈
Dry mouth is definitely a symptom, you'll probably find it doesn't happen everyday but there will be a sequence of symptoms. Last Wednesday my feet really hurt in my shoes, water retention was making them swell, Thursday I must have peed 4 times in 5 hours, normally I pee once in a 7 hour shift. my sense of smell heightens and everything smells of dogshit. This might be TMI but I also get a really painful Vagina, the kind of feeling you get when you've been shagging all night (I wish)

One thing to be aware of is that diabetes can rear it's head even if you are not overweight and also thyroid function can be compromised, most GPs will actaully check for diabetes around this age but the thyroid tests are pretty crap. I think the parameters they use to diagnose Hashimotos are wrong personally.

Also my hands can look ancient sometimes, all dried out and wrinkly even when I make sure I drink plenty of water and moisturise then after a week they are fine again.
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I think this is the regime all the UK celebs get when they go private. I believe there's a Professor Studd in London who prescribes this regime. If you google him, he's written some articles on it.
This is why I get fucked off with the celebrity led programmes, they are using their treatment as the benchmark, it isn't
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Hi everyone. I'm 41 and started Peri menopause at 37. Periods stopped so did pregnancy tests, negative. Flushes started at night and felt lethargic. Year later my periods which had only gone for a few month became horrendous, really heavy, awful pains around my vagina then passing clots. Then anxiety hit me from nowhere, panic attacks everyday, with really bad hot flushes. Had to take time off work. I had bloods done and it was confirmed as early menopause. I also went psycho! Never had mood swings like it! Thought I would kill my partner a few times bless him. Now I'm few years in. I have the coil fitted and use an oestrogen gel twice a day, I also had to take a low dose of anti depression meds to help with the anxiety. I'm trying to get off these now by using Magnesium tablets. I have bigger boobs too, they just came from nowhere. I don't have flushes that bad now but I don't sleep very well. Some nights I'm wide awake till 3am. I find eating well and exercise helps my mood. Sorry for the long post! There first couple of years were definitely the worst!
It really is shit. My 1st symptom was anxiety/panic attacks at 46 which is pretty much bang on time wise. I'm socked at how many women are in denial about the menopause though. I had a successful business that I ended up selling as I thought that was the cause of my anxiety/depression, then i got a job on the railway paying decent money and left that as again I thought it was the job making me feel like shit, thn I tried to kick my Son out of the house.. Met a friend for coffee about 2 years after the 1st symptoms and told her about thinking i had early onset demetia and she told me I was probably in peri. I was so angry because I had had a new coil fitted and asked the GP then how I would recognise the onset of menopause as I didn't get periods and she just told me I probably wouldn't notice. Well I didn't notice cos no one bothered to tell me what other symptoms to look out for. I thought it was all hot flushes which I wasn't getting and I skipped out of the surgery, thinking I had dodged a bullet.
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It is called B6 toxicity and causes nerve damage amongst other things. I was *advised* by a (male) GP to take a daily supplement of 100mg which i did for about 16 months 😳
It is helpful to take to assist with balancing hormones but you only need 10mg a day and i would err on the side of caution to only take it for as long as you feel you need it
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How much suffering is enough, we shouldn't have to suffer at all
I think I’ve worded it wrong 🤦🏽‍♀️

I think my problem is, I never go to the doctors for anything. I got my call for my covid jab and had to phone back and ask where the surgery was now because they moved about 12 years ago😂

I’ve read in so many places/ articles that it’s the lack of estrogen that piles on the weight. I’m currently not on anything and have gained so much weight. I’ve tried HRT in the past and it didn’t suit me. I have an appointment with my doctor this week as I truly need something, I’m on the floor emotionally and physically but I can’t put on any more weight, that won’t help me at all.
The weight gain is the worst part for me. I know it sounds vain but I hate the way I look and always feel ugly, fat and frumpy and it really gets me down
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I’ve been buying lots of ice (we have no food just ice) for the freezer, I take them out and I lay in n the kitchen floor with ice bags on me. Or I put my feet in ice cold water. I look unhinged but happy
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If you have a nurse practitioner at your doctors aim to be seen by them. They normally get better menopause training and imo show more empathy.
See someone soon and let them know your symptoms.
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You may not but when she is a Director of 5 Companies and chooses not to list the profits, has financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies there are concerns for some at how non-bias her her advice is. I was in a Liz Earle menopause FB group year’s ago as a friend added me she thought it would be interesting and knew I liked Liz Earle’s books and products. We found out there was a sock puppet in that group pretending she was one of us, yet she had connections with Liz Earle to the point it could have been Liz Earle. The advice/information women were given was suspicious and at times concerning, she also had links to Dr Newson who joined the Group sporadically until someone questioned her financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies. In the end without going into detail because you’re not worth my time the group was shut down.
There is not one size fits all with the menopause and HRT doesn’t suit everyone, for some it’s wonderful, for others it doesn’t always work and for some it’s dangerous. One of my friends had a stroke and is no longer allowed to take it. It’s important women know what to look out for and arm themselves with as much reputable and scientific information as they can about it and making sure the nutrients that can be depleted by HRT and even the OC are replaced, as being low in nutrients can also cause problems/symptoms.
Also women should never assume all their symptoms are menopause related, I had hot flushes, palpitations and blood tests showed my thyroid levels were high.
I couldn't care less whether you go on HRT or not but what I don’t like is the fact some suggesting it’s the answer to all women’s menopause problems when it isn’t and one person belittling the FACT drinking alcohol when on HRT can increase your risk of BC when there is scientific/medical evidence to say otherwise! Also it mentions about reducing alcohol on the information leaflet given with HRT. Belittling the fact could put some women at risk of BC unnecessarily if they ignore the information and listen to a Tattler because she clearly thinks she knows better than medical world/scientists!

And now I will pop you on ignore RoseRazor as I have better things to do with my time than waste it on you 👋
It’s good to have another perspective. I used to be on Louise Newson’s menopause matters forum and there were a lot of posters pushing HRT but there was also a lot of others who it didn’t agree with and who struggled with it.

At the moment I’m doing OK without it but quite a few of my friends are on it but some of them are struggling to find the right combination.

I do get annoyed with all the celebs who are on it and talk about testosterone etc but it’s because they’ve gone private. It’s hard to get testosterone on the NHS.

I remember on the MM forum a lot of them tried to complain about a Professor Studd who they went to privately yet he would give all of them the exact same regime and of course every woman is different and it didn’t work for a lot of them but he was raking the money in.
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It really is shit. My 1st symptom was anxiety/panic attacks at 46 which is pretty much bang on time wise. I'm socked at how many women are in denial about the menopause though. I had a successful business that I ended up selling as I thought that was the cause of my anxiety/depression, then i got a job on the railway paying decent money and left that as again I thought it was the job making me feel like shit, thn I tried to kick my Son out of the house.. Met a friend for coffee about 2 years after the 1st symptoms and told her about thinking i had early onset demetia and she told me I was probably in peri. I was so angry because I had had a new coil fitted and asked the GP then how I would recognise the onset of menopause as I didn't get periods and she just told me I probably wouldn't notice. Well I didn't notice cos no one bothered to tell me what other symptoms to look out for. I thought it was all hot flushes which I wasn't getting and I skipped out of the surgery, thinking I had dodged a bullet.
It is a really misunderstood and women are not educated on recognising the symptoms so end up thinking they are going insane, relationships break down or in your case selling a business. There needs to be more information to women and workplaces which is starting to be seen in some which is positive. There are also some good websites like Megs Menopause. When I was younger I thought women cried, had hot flushes and periods stopped and that was it! There are over 30 symptoms and no woman is the same.
Funny you should mention your son. My partners mother kicked him out for being untidy when she was starting the menopause! Then rang him a month later crying saying sorry. It can make you very rash and nasty at times but I've found its like a switch that goes on and you can't do anything until it goes back off. I attacked my partner with a welly once! We laugh now but I went mental over nothing🤣.
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Yes, I try not to eat too much gluten and don't eat much bread. I managed to lose weight in 2021 and some of last year but it's going back on. I walk 10K most days but that's my only form of exercise. What vitamins/supplements do you take?
I take a few things, a multivitamin, omega 3, probiotic, an oral vitamin D spray and magnesium glycinate, as I was told to avoid HRT if I could and I was really struggling so I researched other ways that could help me.
I also have a Bodyblade (they‘re not cheap but you can buy them on EBay cheaper) it really helps to tone muscles, stomach, arms etc without the need for sit ups and it’s not weight bearing so nearly anyone can use one. It also helps maintain core strength and takes up very little room and can be used inside as long as no one is standing nearby. 😉

Edit. Just wanted to add I don’t have any connections with the company that make Bodyblade, it’s not an Ad, it’s just something that works for me. It’s something I bought when I slipped my disc and needed to regain core muscle strength and noticed it also gave me a toned stomach and arms.
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Yes the brain fog is scary and I’ve read a lot of women think they’re getting dementia. My short term memory is terrible.
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