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Kim Mild

VIP Member
I’m at the stage I’m going to kill my husband 🤬 he’s been pushing my buttons for a few weeks now, il be sitting watching the tv and he will come in and say you look in a mood, your face is tripping you, it’s your choice to stay in it or come out if it 🤬🤬🤬 I tried to explain to him that the more he comes at me with these comments the longer it will take but I feel he’s going out his way to get a reaction from me 🤬 he asked me when will the menopause stop I said this is it there is no end date NO CONSIDERATION FOR ME only him 🤬🤬🤬
Don't make excuses for someone being unkind to you because the perimenopause is making you irritable and short tempered.
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I haven’t, I had a phone call with my doctor on Tuesday and she has made an actual face to face appointment for tomorrow 🙏🏻
That‘s even better, hopefully she will give you advice and options that suit your medical history and any concerns.
Good luck for tomorrow x
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MP is defined as 12 months since your last period. Reality is peri menopause can start early -mid 40’s. As much as 10 y b4. I wish I knew then what I know now! Low mood .. mood swings .. brain fog .. unexplained anger over trivial things .. weight gain ..very difficult to lose even if ur doing all the “right” things. Basically it’s awful. Never got prof hdlp/hrt. Wish now I had .
I did not get much help either and at the time I had an older female doctor! She offered me HRT, but I wanted to weigh up the pros and cons before starting it.

I have four older sisters, so I thought I would ask them what their menopause was like. Didn’t get much joy out of them either! 😂

I am still in the dark about a lot of things relating to menopause, but fortunately, there is much more information out there now about it.

Symptoms will come back but not for long as the process of the hormones reducing is a lot quicker. I knew she would've gone private, exactly the same as Mariella Frostrups doc. Their experiences are nowhere close to what the rest of us get on the NHS and that should be made much clearer.
Yes, I remember the programme with Mariella Frostrup a few years ago about menopause. Apart from last nights programme, there has been nothing about menopause since.
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I do coach women a bit FOC obviously. My main thing is the diarising of symptoms which I think is something women should be encouraged to do from puberty. We really need to get more in tune with our bodies but hopefully all the work being done with female athletes will have a trickle down effect. So much more to our cycle and it's affects on our bodies than just pregnancy and bleeding
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member

What age to you believe your peri symptoms started? I know it can be hard to pinpoint exactly. But if you had to trace back, how old were you are what do you think were your first signs?

This is such a good question, because so many women (myself included), don’t know what to expect, and when. When I was at school we knew what to expect from periods (shout out to the special class from the Tampax Lady!). But we don’t get anything like that for peri and menopause.

I don’t want to say for sure until I see my GP but I really think I’m experiencing peri symptoms in my late 30s.
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About 8 weeks ago started suffering really bad aches & pains in legs ..getting up from sitting legs buckled .. struggled to walk up the stairs. Was recommended this.... 24 hours later 80% improvement ...1 week later 100% improvement.. on it for life .. should be available in local chemist (or ask pharmacist to recommend equivalent. )

Ps if anyone tries it I’d be really interested to hear if it helps.
OMG bought some yesterday and took it then, I woke up with virtually no pain!!! Bought some Spirulina today and have taken that, not sure what to expect from it, and think I may have taken too much, a teaspoon. Anyone know? Looking forward to tonight program!
Phoned my Dr to get a appointment, as I'd spoken to my Dr about HRT and said I'd research the info. Nearly 6 weeks to wait to speak to her again. :mad:
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Chatty Member
Any advice for 3am waking anyone? I’m 40 and pretty sure I’m peri (early menopause in family). My sleep is shocking and all the usual things people suggest don’t help. Generally wake needing a wee (tried cutting down on liquid before bed, but still need a wee in the night) and really struggle to get back to sleep, I can be awake for hours. I don’t talk to non-menopausal friends about it anymore because they don’t get it and seem to think it’s all psychological or that I’m doing something wrong to cause it. I get pissed off when they tell me basic things like not to use electronic devices before bed - don’t they think I’ve tried that and if only it were that easy!
I tried HRT, but my own hormone levels must still be too high (periods still regular) as I had unpleasant effects. Feel caught in this horrible no man’s land where I know my body is changing, but I can’t do much about it. I’ve also tried magnesium, which is recommended a lot, but it made no difference.
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Chatty Member
Thanks all❤ I have issues re food & eating so the increase in boob size & weight is frankly doubly torturous! I have thought about the mirena. I would question really the nurse giving me a copper coil at 47?
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Ruby’s mum

VIP Member
Wondered if I could get some advice.
I’m 51 and still get my period although it can be over in a day or be really heavy other months.

my main symptoms are brainfog, which is so bad at times I literally can’t remember basic things such as the name of my colleagues that I see daily, I’ve got little or no enthusiasm for things I used to love such as days out or even Christmas, my sex drive has disappeared completely, I get terrible mood swings to the point I want to divorce my husband and I’m getting lots of hair on my chin so I’m constantly plucking even though I’m fair haired, but the hair is thick and grows back in days.
Do I get a blood test or can you recommend herbal remedies as I feel like I’ve lost myself and it’s not fair on my family as I’m like Jekyll and Hyde x
See your doctor. You’re ticking all the boxes
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Afternoon, can anyone recommend any lotions, moisturisers for extremely dry skin especially on lower legs due to peri. Thank you 😊
I’ve always found e45 to work… (if you shave) make sure you moisturise straight after shaving legs , so the gel/foam doesn’t dry legs… worked for me x
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Random but has anyone ever experienced dizziness with menopause? I feel like I’m going crazy
Yes, I get it a lot.

Wondered if I could get some advice.
I’m 51 and still get my period although it can be over in a day or be really heavy other months.

my main symptoms are brainfog, which is so bad at times I literally can’t remember basic things such as the name of my colleagues that I see daily, I’ve got little or no enthusiasm for things I used to love such as days out or even Christmas, my sex drive has disappeared completely, I get terrible mood swings to the point I want to divorce my husband and I’m getting lots of hair on my chin so I’m constantly plucking even though I’m fair haired, but the hair is thick and grows back in days.
Do I get a blood test or can you recommend herbal remedies as I feel like I’ve lost myself and it’s not fair on my family as I’m like Jekyll and Hyde x
I could have written this!

They don’t go by blood tests now, just your symptoms. You might want to try HRT? I’ve read different things about herbal remedies and them not really working.
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Currently using dove roll on stick (not sure what it’s called) but as a fellow sweaty person that’s been my go-to for years but these past few months it’s just not been performing. It’s like my skin smells, not the sweat if that’s makes any sense? I’ll give the Sure a go. Thanks!
Be aware that it might just be your sense of smell that has changed. I went through a phase where I thought I smelled of fish, spoke to a friend and she had had the same thing but her hubby said she didn't, then it switched to dogshit and every time i rubbed my nose I could smell dogshit, it was like it was everywhere :ROFLMAO:
  • Haha
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Hi everyone. I'm 41 and started Peri menopause at 37. Periods stopped so did pregnancy tests, negative. Flushes started at night and felt lethargic. Year later my periods which had only gone for a few month became horrendous, really heavy, awful pains around my vagina then passing clots. Then anxiety hit me from nowhere, panic attacks everyday, with really bad hot flushes. Had to take time off work. I had bloods done and it was confirmed as early menopause. I also went psycho! Never had mood swings like it! Thought I would kill my partner a few times bless him. Now I'm few years in. I have the coil fitted and use an oestrogen gel twice a day, I also had to take a low dose of anti depression meds to help with the anxiety. I'm trying to get off these now by using Magnesium tablets. I have bigger boobs too, they just came from nowhere. I don't have flushes that bad now but I don't sleep very well. Some nights I'm wide awake till 3am. I find eating well and exercise helps my mood. Sorry for the long post! There first couple of years were definitely the worst!
Nobody really speaks about menopause, which is why many women do not know what to expect. I have 4 sisters and I asked them, but got varying answers and mostly, “well it didn’t affect me much” which is no help whatsoever. So it was a baptism of fire for me.

Didn‘t have a clue about peri-menopause either and at one point I thought I may have been pregnant because of missed periods. I kept a peri-menopause/period diary because my periods were becoming more and more infrequent and really heavy too.

I think I may be heading out of menopause now...although I will never be complacent about it because it can catch you unawares.
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Changes in periods are probably the top symptom, they become much more erratic both in time between, length and flow. Another reason it is wise to diarise your symptoms, atleast then you'll be expecting it when it arrives. You might find that your periods become more frequent initially and then further apart but heavier.
When I realised I was in peri-menopause and my periods were so infrequent, I kept a period diary. It was helpful to know the last time I came on and how heavy it was, etc. I would definitely recommend any woman in peri-menopause do this. It is confusing enough as it is, without trying to remember the last time you had a period!
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If i told you …

VIP Member
Is it much the same product?
Yes, it would have to be. All it means is that the drug company who manufactured it initially has lost their patent and therefore means that other drug companies can now manufacture it at a cheaper cost, allowing pharmacies to buy it and make a profit too. I would imagine that it’s governed by strict rules and procedures. Mine came from Lloyds pharmacy if that helps
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@Notworthy @Suzesnooze its a really horrible experience to go through 😢
I found myself thinking over things from years ago that I had successfully blocked out.

I did lose a lot of confidence.

I also found myself taking things too personally and going over and over in my head things people had said.

I have always suffered with anxiety so the anxiety side is not new to me but I have quite a few friends that are suffering with it for the first time in their lives due to peri and really struggling.

Us poor women and what we have to go through 😢
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Dry mouth is definitely a symptom, you'll probably find it doesn't happen everyday but there will be a sequence of symptoms. Last Wednesday my feet really hurt in my shoes, water retention was making them swell, Thursday I must have peed 4 times in 5 hours, normally I pee once in a 7 hour shift. my sense of smell heightens and everything smells of dogshit. This might be TMI but I also get a really painful Vagina, the kind of feeling you get when you've been shagging all night (I wish)

One thing to be aware of is that diabetes can rear it's head even if you are not overweight and also thyroid function can be compromised, most GPs will actaully check for diabetes around this age but the thyroid tests are pretty crap. I think the parameters they use to diagnose Hashimotos are wrong personally.

Also my hands can look ancient sometimes, all dried out and wrinkly even when I make sure I drink plenty of water and moisturise then after a week they are fine again.
Absolutely crying at the shagging all
Night 😂😂😂😂

Thanks so much for the advice, really felt quite lost last week when the penny dropped was was actually happening

edited for spelling !
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