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I know thanks but the vast majority of women just get shoved on it with no investigation as to what their levels are and what they need. I ended up suicidal because I was estrogen dominant and was then only prescribed Estrogen so went completely barmy. All the TV presenters doing menopause programmes see the same specialist privately, trust me, we don't get the same service on the NHS.
I had a great service with the NHS, they tested me, listened to me and put me on the lowest dose of both with a review every 4 weeks. If you go in armed and have a good GP it’s worth it.
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I've found whichever celeb/well known person who has spoken about it have all gone private. On Menopause Matters forum there are some women who went private and they are all offered the same regime! It's not one that you would get offered on the NHS!

Case in point...Davina saying 'I think you can get this if your libido is low' but then it states it's not widely available on the NHS!

Testosterone cream - daily
This is a cream that Davina rubs into her thigh. It's a less commonly prescribed hormone, which is not widely available on the NHS. "I think you can get this if your libido is on the floor," says Davina. "But this is more than just about sex drive," she says. "Did you know that testosterone is an enormously important women’s hormone as well? My testosterone was low and I take a pea-sized amount.”
Testosterone gives us the confidence and drive. When it tanks we seem to lose our drive and ambition so it is a really important hormone and should be recognised as such. I think you can insist on testosterone gel but its a battle. Also this assumption that female GPs are better at dealing with menopause is false, they can actually be a lot worse, a GP with a female partner is probably going to be far more inclined to understand and help. I'm very vocal about menopause and I've actually found Men far more receptive to hearing about my experience than women
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Wondered if I could get some advice.
I’m 51 and still get my period although it can be over in a day or be really heavy other months.

my main symptoms are brainfog, which is so bad at times I literally can’t remember basic things such as the name of my colleagues that I see daily, I’ve got little or no enthusiasm for things I used to love such as days out or even Christmas, my sex drive has disappeared completely, I get terrible mood swings to the point I want to divorce my husband and I’m getting lots of hair on my chin so I’m constantly plucking even though I’m fair haired, but the hair is thick and grows back in days.
Do I get a blood test or can you recommend herbal remedies as I feel like I’ve lost myself and it’s not fair on my family as I’m like Jekyll and Hyde x
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I saw my GP last week for an unrelated issue.

I just happen to mention that I thought I might be heading to peri-menopause. I said that I didn't seem to be ticking the boxes for physical symptoms but how my mood can be quite low, lack of motivation/interest in things, general can't be bothered attitude and my PMS irritability has got worse and includes quite morbid thoughts/hopeless feelings for the future and it really upsets me.

She responded with a courteous nod and said yes, this can happen a couple of years for periods are affected and that was that. Next!

OK, I was there with an unrelated issue but considering this was the first time I'd said out loud how I'd been feeling - it was just dismissed very quickly.
It’s been said that during training doctors only get half a day’s lectures on the menopause, this is why there’s very little understanding. I’d like to think that high profile people like Sophie Countess of Wessex taking Menopause as one of her causes will hopefully help.
Feeling like you do is miserable and peri can be brutal. There’s natural meds you can take and see how you go. Otherwise go back, insist before things slip further which is what happened to me
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Oh I feel for you. 4yrs post op and my recent bloods showed hormone levels at rock bottom, anaemia and low vitamin D 😢 also allergic to the patches, and the gel has randomly stopped absorbing so I'm back on tablet form estrogen, testosterone gel and vitamin B's and D with a gynae referral for possible progesterone add back
It's a never ending vicious mean cycle of crap
4/5 years in an it was the first time they’ve ever been balanced, still tackling the folate anemia and vitamin D. But the stupid patch reaction has triggered a rash everywhere now! Fun itchy weekend 😂 hope you get somewhere with the referral. The hysterectomy was meant to help, but while it massively did help one issue, it’s left me with a million I didn’t have before (including a couple of stone!)
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Hello 👋

Can I ask if anyone has had pain increase with their menopause symptoms.

I am mid 40s but have been having pain almost daily in the area of one of my ovaries almost daily. Coupled with massive breasts, bloating, headaches and being in the worst moods it feels like permanent pms for me.

Are these normal menopausal symptoms?
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I've had hot flushes now for 5 years - manageable during the day with layers - but hell at night. I sleep a max of 2 hours then wake up sweating.
Tried the doctor when it started but was just prescribed antidepressants which I won't take.
Kept thinking it would pass but if anything its getting worse. I can't go on like this. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I haven’t found anything that’s helped with hot flushes bar HRT. I know it’s not for everyone though
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House of Tea

VIP Member
How's everyone managing the hot weather? I feel like my body can't process the heat, I'm sweating 24/7. And can't sleep at night. I'm dreaming of Winter and being too cold atm. 😂
I am trying to flip the situation. In the winter we won’t be able to afford heating so I am making the most of it!
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ginger tea

Chatty Member
Afternoon, can anyone recommend any lotions, moisturisers for extremely dry skin especially on lower legs due to peri. Thank you 😊
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I just went to my GP yesterday after procrastinating and crying and being angry for months and months. I was nervous that she wouldn’t be receptive to HRT but she couldn’t be nicer, she is 2 weeks older than me and completely sympathised. I have a script for HRT which I will fill tomorrow. So I’ll let you know how I get on!

My symptoms are all over the place, I either feel top of the world with no symptoms at all or I get ALL of them on top of one another. Most worrying is the paranoia and anxiety that my family hate me, I really struggle with that one!
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I’ve added some of the nutrients depleted with some medications including HRT. Sometimes addressing the balance if you think you could be low in any of them can make a difference.
This is interesting, I currently as well as still being crazily oestrogen deficient (despite patches and top up gel), I’ve got folate anemia, a vitamin d deficiency and my testosterone is too low. So I’m taking them all to the max as well as general b vitamins. But I’ve not tried magnesium. I am desperately trying to balance it all as I’m constantly exhausted, in pain and the low oestrogen does seem to be triggering a pots like illness I could go without. Blood tests again this week to see if any of them need to be adjusted more.
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Not sure if the NICE guidelines were updated a couple of weeks ago. There were some changes but those changes were
i second the NICE guidelines and maybe have some of your own notes on how youve been feeling

write down what questions you have along with what information do you need from the call

eg night sweats lack of periods
i want to know about HRT and if im able to get some
what are my options and side effects

i always ask the doctor…if you were me what would you ask / want to know
I don't think we should be saying IF we can have it, just that we want to go on hrt to improve our quality of life
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I am a similar age - I am 43 ( 44 this December ) and I believe I am in the throes of perimenopause . I have contacted my GP on multiple occasions which was quite frankly a waste of time. They took my blood ( and I was under the impression it was to check my hormone levels) only to discover that they had in fact tested for sugar levels. ( sorry I am digressing ). I also made further calls only to be advised that the peri meno is not an official medical condition .. so basically I got nothing in the way of help or support .

Symptoms wise I experience the following ( in varying degrees each month).

Low mood / suicidal thoughts / loss of confidence / very poor decision making ability / need constant reassurance / stress levels are through the roof. Crying at every thing. Or I feel very angry and see red.

Physically - sore breasts / back / headaches/ sore muscles generally / Terrible memory ( I have lost 3 bank cards plus driving license in less than 3 months ). This is extremely unusual as I am quite careful with my purse / cards. I have major brain fog where I feel like I’m in actual fog.

I also bought supplements but haven’t taken them continuously - and I hadn’t considered magnesium as this seems to be included in the tablet.

In short I feel like I am going completely crazy ..
The following has been released today Menopause-practice-standards-14.6.2022.pdf (
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When I was first diagnosed as going through the menopause I was suffering from numerous symptoms, I felt so unwell I thought I had something seriously wrong with me medically, I had digestive problems to the point I had a colonoscopy. I had severe depression and had to go on AD, I was tearful, anxious about things that wouldn’t normally worry me, exhausted, hot flashes, palpitations, dizziness..... I asked my breast specialist (who is a top BC specialist, he‘s written many papers on it) who I was seeing for cysts at the time if I would be okay to take HRT, he advised me against it so I took his advice, as he‘s the specialist who had my best interests at heart. I read as much reputable information as I could on the menopause, I also asked my GP questions, he was wonderful and what he didn’t know he found out. I am now in a much better place, physically and mentally and the reason I posted is because HRT is not for everyone and I wanted to let women know not to give up if you can’t take it and also if you take it how to minimise risks but clearly that isn’t what some women want. An holistic approach isn’t for me but for some it might work and I‘m not knocking HRT but it doesn’t work for everyone, nor can all women take it.
Before I leave this group here is an article about some of the nutrients that are depleted by oral contraception and HRT which I briefly mentioned earlier. Sometimes we arrive at the menopause being depleted in vitamins/minerals and that in itself can cause symptoms/make them worse and can lead to other health issues, so I thought it worth posting for anyone interested.

I will now leave some of you to carry on your bitch fest about me 😉 ......and to the other women I truly wish you all the best in finding something that works for you. xx 👋

Shame you feel you should leave the thread but thank you for your input, it was informative.
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Hi all. Decided to find a thread with perimenopause discussion as I believe I'm fully in it now at the mid 40s mark. Reading about the symptoms others have experienced is reassuring although I wish we didn't have to go through this!

The worst thing, along with the awful loss of confidence and second guessing myself all the time, anxiety, weight gain, low mood and crying, is awful nausea. Does anyone else get this? If so what helps relieve it given it is hormonal? I haven't yet gone to see a GP; I've just started to take some supplements to see if they help. I am also so very tired! I already take magnesium which used to help with general tiredness but doesn't seem to be doing much now. 😕
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