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I know how you feel- I was 31 and I had a full hysterectomy.
I can’t have HRT either.
It’s been 12 years now and I’m still struggling with it!
I absolutely feel for you! it’s a solution for one health element, but I don’t think I was prepared for just how much it would effect me afterwards.
Not sure if you already know this so just ignore if you do. You need sufficient Magnesium levels to absorb Vit D and regulate it, taking vitamin D also depletes magnesium so it’s really important you get enough Magnesium. Unfortunately there aren’t reliable blood tests for Magnesium levels as it’s mostly stored in our bones and muscle. I’ve added a few links that give a little more info on the importance of Magnesium and a screenshot showing some Magnesium deficiency symptoms just in case low levels are a possibility for you.

If you do decide to take magnesium take it at least 2 hours before, or after folate as it may prevent the folate from being properly absorbed. I take magnesium glycinate as it’s kinder on the tummy but there are other magnesiums and also different forms. You can get it in a gel form which I’ve used rubbing a little on the soles of my feet before I go to sleep, or there’s magnesium salts to soak in but of course check it’s right for you.

View attachment 1963351
Tried to add this to my post above about magnesium but it had timed out.
This is all really helpful thank you!
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Hi I’m 48, iv had really heavy bleeding for a few years now. I need to wear a towel and tampons and changing every hour for the first two -three days, back and side pain, feeling I’m taking my periods every day, my womb is enlarged to 12cms iv got a large fibroid 8cm in top of my womb another large fibroid at the back and lots of smaller cluster fibroids scattered, the past six months iv really struggled mentally around the time of my periods iv been a nightmare to live with, iv lost total interest in everything that I loved, thinking my husband is having an affair with his work colleague, crying for no reason, I’m not sure if it’s all connected or not. Im scared if I get a hysterectomy I’ll become an even more crazy person or if I decline it will I stay this way 🥴
Oh bless you, that’s sounds terrible. Well I’m on HRT prematurely (perimenopause) because I was a homicidal maniac for over a year. My periods are fine, and I’m still ovulating normally but my mental health decline is very much hormonal. I had two weeks pre-bleeding where I was honestly dangerous to be around and was feeling very hopeless and suicidal. I know you said you don’t want to go down the chemical hormone route, but it’s been an absolute godsend for me. I’m totally calm now and feel so much more like me again after only two months. I’m not naive to the risks, but right now I need to be able to function as a normal human being so that outweighs the potential future side effects. Is it worth giving it a try yourself? It’s far less drastic than a hysterectomy.
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Yes, I'm going to start taking Magnesium soon. I sort of wanted to try the citrate as my bowel can be very sluggish and I get constipated despite a good diet. It's meant to be very good for that, but then have read glycinate is the better one for hormones. I believe you can take both but not the max dose of each. Maybe half and half? Is 300mg the upper amount for magnesium?

I may look at taking the VitB complex again at some point. I ended up just taking half a tab every other day but was concerned due to the neon pee, it was still too much for me. But I'll look at it again.

It would seem the B vitamins and magnesium are the most talked about ones for peri/meno?
Vitamin D, omega 3, probiotics….. are some other things mentioned in regards peri/meno, especially vitamin D.

Yes citrate is good for constipation but magnesium glycinate also helps keep you regular. I take chelated magnesium glycinate as it’s gentler on the tummy but I do take citrate sometimes as I feel it gives me energy, whereas glycinate can make you feel a little sleepy/relaxed, it can also help with sleep so best to take magnesium glycinate later in the day. You may be able to get the two combined. I don’t often take the full recommended daily dose, sometimes I take 50%/75% of amount they suggest. Personally I would start on a low dose as it can upset the tummy and work up, seeing what feels right for you within the RDA.

I’ve added a link that explains the different types of magnesium for anyone interested and some info on Vit D


I’ve also added a list of things I take (as someone asked on a different thread) but I’ve also added it on here it case it helps anyone.
Please just ignore if it’s not for you and of course only only take what’s right for you.
I added a couple of additional things on the bottom of my list that might be help to women who have those concerns. Xx


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Random question but are sore boobs a thing with menopause?
Can do yes. Our hormones fluctuate more widely during Peri so peaks can be higher than usual. Estrogen promotes breast tissue growth so if your Estrogen is peaking you may get sore boobs. Because research is still a bit thin on the ground there are still lots of theories but I have never had a hot flush and suspect that is because I am Estrogen dominant, I've not really had any vaginal dryness but my boobs seem to be a lot bigger than they used to be.
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Hi 👋 iv got a question 🥴 I was wondering if this is related to peri menopause,
The past few months iv woken up between 2:40-4:30 am, my body aches all over, bones, muscles and feels really heavy when I try to turn over. When I wake up at my normal time I seem to be ok, has anyone had anything similar??
Yep. my 1st symptoms were insomnia, aches and anxiety. I actually remember saying to a customer that I couldn't understand why I wasn't sleeping well as I didn't have any reason to be stressed. I used to go to bed at 10ish and wake up around 3 every night. I've actually had to develop a new technique to get out of bed.
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I’ve read in so many places/ articles that it’s the lack of estrogen that piles on the weight. I’m currently not on anything and have gained so much weight. I’ve tried HRT in the past and it didn’t suit me. I have an appointment with my doctor this week as I truly need something, I’m on the floor emotionally and physically but I can’t put on any more weight, that won’t help me at all.
I don't think they really know. I have never had hot flushes, some research articles put hot flushes down to Estrogen dominance, some to lack of Estrogen, all I know is that when I was put on Estrogel only, I became suicidal so I think I was Estrogen dominant and then added even more to the mix and flipped out. Proper research needs to be carried out so we can have an individualised treatment plan rather than th etrial and error we crrently have to put up with.
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I have mentioned on here before that i have been on hrt for roughly 24years so far as started at 19 due to early menopause at 17 so tried most things if i can help anyone? Personally i dont think they know what to do with me as no research on hrt for this long. Tried them all & always felt 💩 but i guess its different for me🥰
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Chatty Member
Worst nights sleep, skin was burning and itchy on my chest, neck and face. Think its menstral/menopause related. Only another 3 weeks (out of 7 week wait) to speak to my GP! This is a follow up phone call to as I said I'd go away and think/research stuff!
Go armed with lots of research ask ask for what you want.

I don't know if you have read the whole thread but I really advocate diarising anything out of the norm. Peeing, sense of smell, weight gain (I initially weighed myself everyday and found that my weight went up 5lb overnight around the same time my sense of smell went nuts, a day or 2 later I would be peeing like an elephant and then weight dropped down again) mood (normally dropped around the same time as weight gain) food cravings, itchy skin, insomnia. It won't solve the problem but might help you manage it and your home life, atleast if you know when you are going to be moody you can warn those around you and apologise in advance. Also a word of warning, if you have been happy in your life and suddenly you aren't, it is almost certainly the hormones behind it, not reality so no big decisions like quitting your job, moving away, dumping your partner. They don't call it the change for nothing. I literally ripped my life apart.
Really good advice
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Hey 👋 did anyone watch davina last night ??
I was a bit disappointed if I’m honest 😔 I felt it was all about HRT. I wanted to know about ALL the symptoms and feelings we get, not just vaginal dryness and hot flush’s
Not only that, she went private to get her HRT and Testosterone. It's very hard to get testosterone on the NHS. I feel like she seemed shocked she was perimenopausal at 44 but I was told at 45 that I was and the Dr said that's the standard age. But it can last 10 years, so I feel Davina rushed into HRT etc too quickly. I was told that the thing with HRT is it stops your symptoms but once you come off it they just come back again.

A good site to use to look up symptoms etc is menopause matters.
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Well this has taken a turn!

I like differing points of view. It’s good to have all angles.
I agree but those belittling medical advice can put women at risk unnecessarily and knocking people because they come with a different angle can put others off posting.
As for exercise and nutrition, whatever some might think it is important and can make a real difference to some.
Also making sure where possible your symptoms are because of the menopause and not something else.
Yes not all GP’s are great where the menopause is concerned but if women are knocking them purely because they won’t give you HRT, sometimes it’s because it’s not in your best interest health wise. HRT is a medication and the advice is if you go on it, go on the lowest dose you can, (patches seem safer than tablets at least where strokes/blood clots are concerned) and limit the amount of time you are on HRT as it does come with concerns.

You may not but when she is a Director of 5 Companies and chooses not to list the profits, has financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies there are concerns for some at how non-bias her her advice is. I was in a Liz Earle menopause FB group year’s ago as a friend added me she thought it would be interesting and knew I liked Liz Earle’s books and products. We found out there was a sock puppet in that group pretending she was one of us, yet she had connections with Liz Earle to the point it could have been Liz Earle. The advice/information women were given was suspicious and at times concerning, she also had links to Dr Newson who joined the Group sporadically until someone questioned her financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies. In the end without going into detail because you’re not worth my time the group was shut down.
There is not one size fits all with the menopause and HRT doesn’t suit everyone, for some it’s wonderful, for others it doesn’t always work and for some it’s dangerous. One of my friends had a stroke and is no longer allowed to take it. It’s important women know what to look out for and arm themselves with as much reputable and scientific information as they can about it and making sure the nutrients that can be depleted by HRT and even the OC are replaced, as being low in nutrients can also cause problems/symptoms.
Also women should never assume all their symptoms are menopause related, I had hot flushes, palpitations and blood tests showed my thyroid levels were high.
I couldn't care less whether you go on HRT or not but what I don’t like is the fact some suggesting it’s the answer to all women’s menopause problems when it isn’t and one person belittling the FACT drinking alcohol when on HRT can increase your risk of BC when there is scientific/medical evidence to say otherwise! Also it mentions about reducing alcohol on the information leaflet given with HRT. Belittling the fact could put some women at risk of BC unnecessarily if they ignore the information and listen to a Tattler because she clearly thinks she knows better than medical world/scientists!

And now I will pop you on ignore RoseRazor as I have better things to do with my time than waste it on you 👋
Really you put a laughy emoji on my post which included information about HRT and alcohol being linked to BC and my friend having a stroke whilst on HRT. Imagine if I’d done that on your response about feeling suicidal, which I wouldn’t dream of doing. It really says it all about you!
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House of Tea

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Be aware that it might just be your sense of smell that has changed. I went through a phase where I thought I smelled of fish, spoke to a friend and she had had the same thing but her hubby said she didn't, then it switched to dogshit and every time i rubbed my nose I could smell dogshit, it was like it was everywhere :ROFLMAO:
That’s true. It did for me too.
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I just went to my GP yesterday after procrastinating and crying and being angry for months and months. I was nervous that she wouldn’t be receptive to HRT but she couldn’t be nicer, she is 2 weeks older than me and completely sympathised. I have a script for HRT which I will fill tomorrow. So I’ll let you know how I get on!

My symptoms are all over the place, I either feel top of the world with no symptoms at all or I get ALL of them on top of one another. Most worrying is the paranoia and anxiety that my family hate me, I really struggle with that one!
This is where it's important to diarise your symptoms, there will be a pattern

I don't take HRT, unfortunately I had a really bad experience with it, primarily because I have a coil and so was only given Estrogen, I'm pretty sure that I was Estrogen dominant so giving me more of the stuff left me suicidal. I would recommend pushing to see a menopause spercialist, GPs don't know anything about menopause, I actually asked my GP how much she knew and she admitted that heer knowledge came from female patients going through it. Fucking joke, 50% of their patients are going to go through it and it's barely covered in training. One GP gave me anti depressants because in his words ' thats the recommended treatment for my symptoms' went home checked NICE guidelines and it very specifically says to not prescribe anti depressants if the patient has no previous mental health issues. He couldn't even be bothered to keep up with guidelines because middle aged women don't count.
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Magic I have been on HRT this time for around a year. It’s been absolutely the right thing for me personally, I understand everyone is different. I was always quite a hormonal person so peri hit me especially hard, except then I had no clue what was going on. In my mind menopause happened to someone in their 50’s after their periods. Thankfully there’s much more talk about the big M so we understand it better. I’ve tried various doses and types. I have to drop my progesterone to get rid of the sore boobs according to my doctor. I’ll try that and see how I get on. My mood, anxiety, brain fog, depression has gotten much better. I get the odd hot flush which I can cope with and even my skin is looking better. My weight is a different thing entirely no matter what I eat or how much I exercise. It’s all about trying what’s best for you and adjusting the dose. I also have osteoporosis so another reason for me to take HRT. Good luck, it’s such a crazy time trying to juggle everything and make sense of it xxx 🥰
It's a pain in the bumbuminnitt! I'm truly sick of all health matters, my medical record is quite an encyclopedia of crap.
I'm pleased things are working out for you on HRT. How long did yours take to start making a real difference?

The fact I have no bleeding at all now is such a relief as I've struggled since i was in my teens (with the exception of pregnancy obviously). The last year everything went batshit. Crying all the time and feeling like a deranged mad woman!
I genuinely feel many GPs just cba but hospital has been great. Surgery called me yesterday to ask me if I had a progesterone prescribed!!! I said - It's in the letter sent by Gynaecology to you, I have my copy here! Infuriating when you have to correct them and chase things up.

On the weight thing, I hear you! I've lost much of my mobility since 2018 (spinal stenosis) and piled on weight even though I watch what I eat and don't drink alcohol etc. I always get the "I hate myself" moments.
Good luck to you too, good to chat about this. Thank you xx
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I'm thinking of coming off HRT altogether. It only appears to work sporadically.
I've started to take Menopace Plus too.
I feel I'm constantly supplementing the HRT.
I'm on HRT pill topped up with oestrogel, CBD oil, citalpram (10mg) and magnesium spray and still have regular occurring insomnia!

How are you now?
Do you take any supplements?
I don’t think I’ll find a solution for myself tbh. I feel I go round in circles. Currently I’m taking magnesium, multivitamins for 50+, turmeric capsules. I’ve gained so much weight and am forever tired. No matter how much I exercise or how I watch my diet, the scale is still going up. Currently I feel so tired that I couldn’t care less about anything.
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I noticed, probably around 2018, that my PMS changed. I never really suffered badly with it - and still don't, to be fair. But I would usually get a bit irritable and short on patience but that seemed to get replaced with a lower mood and I would find, in bed at night, I would just get awful morbid thoughts and a very real hoplessness about the future - ending up in tears.

Haven't been too bad the past few months. But I do feel, though I could be totally wrong, that this was perhaps the start of my peri. I would have been 41/42 at the time.
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